PS Home will briefly be offline from 8.00am GMT on Wednesday 16th January for routine maintenance. And this weeks Home Content update for January 16th is as follows: 1) Lockwood introduces it's Horses of the Prairie including mustangs and ponies and an exclusive to the gift machine magical Unicorn. Also fans of Iron Fusion’s Envoy clothing released before Christmas will also find an alternate version of those outfits in the Gift Machine. 2) Heavy Water continues it's Emo Ray Saga with Volume Two which has more weapons, more baddies, more rewards, and more fun! Visit the Radd&Son Garage Rooftop to gain access to Emo Ray Vs. The Intergalactic Teddy Bears, or take the teleporter to the Garage Rooftop via Mr. Radd in the D2O District. 3) Granzella also introduces some cowboy and cowgirl themes outfits this week. Howdy partner! You won’t find a finer western costume this side of the Mississippi, or the other, for that matter! Also all aboard GZ's new Steam Locomotive that you can ride on top! With puffs of steam and the sound of the engine the Steam Locomotive speeds along. The steam whistle will blow as you speed up by pressing X. Granzella also brings us it's rocket skates and it's 3/4 sleeved jacket and cropped pants. Lots of nice things from Granzella this week. Full worldwide GZ update is here at the following link: Granzella 4) And nDreams brings us new content with it's Venice Beach line of swimwear and sports and broomstick locomotions items. 5) Juggernaut's Martial Arts emote are also here this week and which contain three unique martial arts poses for both male and female avatars. Don't forget to drop by the Cutteridge Estate, and see if you can find a new feathered friend! See details in our Juggernaut update - CLICK HERE . 6) And lastly Home Tycoon adds new Custom Cars with their Tribal GS 828 and Blue Stripes GS 828 sports cars, available now in the Vehicles store in Home Tycoon. That’s all for now. See you in PlayStation Home!