If you don't anything about this game click here Hello all and welcome to another of my personal reviews on a soon to be possible hit PS3 game. Today i'm reviewing the current status of DUST 514. DUST 514 is a "Free to Play" online shooter soon to be featured on PS3. At the moment is in a BETA testing stage. I myself being one of the lucky testers have noticed many good points and bad. So here we go! Pros (The Basics) Graphics: many have complained about the graphics comparing it to CoD and Halo. They say its sub par. But consider this. The more user on a server the more lag. Lowering the graphics a little give a good buffer to prevent things like this from happening. Also...ITS "FREE"! The maps are well planned out and have lots of potential for future ideas. Audio: Sound effect are very well done in my opinion giving you a very space marine feel with ambients, gunfire, and ships coming in and out constantly. Gameplay: Simple controls that are easy to learn. Very common layout for most FPS. Use of vehicles that include drop ships and tanks. All vehicles are able to be equipped with weapons and hold more than one player. Other: The storyline is very interesting. You are basically a "shell". Your mind is linked to a system that once your "shell" dies you're transported to another instantly. You're an immortal soldier. The game is still in BETA so gameplay is constantly evolving. Cons I would like to take a moment to prematurely say R.I.P. to low cost games....seriously. When the idea of playing a online game for free first hit my knowledge I thought it was an amazing idea. Then came the money grubbing. How does this apply to this game? Weapons, upgrades and items can be purchased with in game money or funds purchased with real cash. At first this system was very well made were certain low end weapons you could buy with end game money easy. Now imagine this, there are two types of items you can buy. Blueprints which can be purchase one time and constantly used. Then there are ones that you have to keep buying because they go away as you die. At first the low end blueprints were purchasable with in game money. But not any more. The old way would keep the field fair for players who couldn't afford high end weapons. But honestly if your spending actual money wouldn't go for the high end anyway? There goes fairness out the door and the game just turned free to pay to play. Sum it UP! In the end as of today the game is going downhill. Mainly because of the pay to play habits. Now considering this is still in BETA we can only hope that they the developers get there mind straight and realize that in most cases changing from a free game with perks for pay to a pay to play is a BAD IDEA. If not I think this game will go nowhere but down hill since the skill level of players will be vastly trumped by cash paid gear. I hope for the best since the game itself is very well thought out and fun. It would be a shame for DUST to fall to this fate. We will have to wait and see after the BETA Testing! Share your thoughts...
I thought the game was decent but I agree with most of everything you say. I hope after the BETA it will be better than it already is. But it isn't the WORST game i've played.