The problem with this grand edict was that it only took the best score of the day for each person, and not everyone is good in getting a good score with the bikes. Also the month of August had Obon and summer vacation where people weren't near their PS3s. Another factor is some people lost interest because of nothing new to it. And I think the previous time we had it, we were only a few % above the 100 compared to the other edicts, which means this was one of the hardest to achieve.
I do agree with Fa-ga, and I knew something like this was happening. I think monthly community rewards that doesn't show any bit of different items would be completely boring. Having statues with only different poses each month is not the way to go.
Any sense of what the fortune teller does, or what the cards you choose do? Do they have an effect on the space, or the tasks you are to accomplish?
It gives you titles and/or power-ups on different games or edicts quicker and easier. I have not know what object effects what. Last day I got Wheel of Fortune, but don't know what power-up/title I've gotten from it.
Ah, so I did see a blue light on Wednesday by the pool, I thought I was imagining thing. My card today increased the blessing score from 10 pts to 12 pts.
Yes, some are known as tarot cards, which are titles. Others are lucky spots or just luck cards that increase your points or abilities either in cop, robber, or bike game. Maybe for cop it increases points, and robber increases your reward availability. Bike game probably increases more power to you to get 100 points.
I asked Faga about the statue's running poses each month - whether that the statues will suddenly loop after its full run, meaning if we'll be able to pick up the last gold statue that the community failed to get before around August. Since each pose is slightly different by running, I was thinking that it would more than likely loop to its first statue by anyone who has come to Shoei, and not miss such a unique reward each month. I wouldn't mind the people trying again for that gold statue back in August while everyone in Japan was taking a long summer break and away from their PS3's when the community challenge came about and had their first failure from everybody. I'm hoping I'm right about the looping.
Can someone kindly clue me in to October's Grand Edict? I don't have the slightest idea what to do — the scoreboard "hint" riddle didn't help — and my score remains an incredibly impressive "0" for the month. Which is mildly irritating (as is the fact that I've still been unable to convince the Kingdom to hand over my September statue reward…) Many thanks in advance for any assistance provided!
That's actually from getting 40,000 white or yellow points. I can finally see the finish line for my levels just another 75 to go, although I'm still missing a couple of those thief rewards.
This month's edict is for helping the other people clear their edicts - that is when you get a "Thanks!" message above you, you just helped someone fulfill the king's edict from them. Since they wanted to celebrate Halloween on that month as well, they decided to put in pumpkins and more bat decorations as people progressed in becoming 100%. You also probably have missed September's statue from coming on the first day in September. Just a guess.
Thanks Recca… and Sam from waaay back… Actually, I already got it figured out back on the 20th from Sam's help, which thankfully gave me enough time to build up sufficient credits for October. Whew! I wasn't initially sure at firsst what you meant by "it has cycle[d] around", Sam — not a surprise, as I'd missed the first 2½ months of Shouei (I left Home for a while) and thus never did that Grand Edict before, nor knew they were repeating. Also, I also did eventually get my September statue #6 reward the following day… just took a couple additional re-entries into the space before the King grudgingly handed it over to me. (Seems quite a few other users in all regions have had issues this month with certain automatically-given space rewards only appearing following several re-entries into the space or several re-logs back into Home. For example, The Casino "Beaver Hat" items were really problematic…) Oh… just FYI, there is absolutely no requirement that states users must enter the Shouei space only during the first day of the month in order to obtain the previous-month's Grand Edict reward. Thanks again guys… .
New vote is up at the voting booth next to the theatre. Which do you want? King's special Chocolate Cake vs Prince's special Rare cheese cake
I would like to see the Kings special, already had 2 of the Princes things, would be nice to see one of his.