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Has Anyone Else Wondered What Happened To The Arg Concept In Home?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by HOPPER_34, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    For those who were around for the alternate reality game Xi, I'm sure many would agree that it still stands as one of the best, if not the best, game to ever come to Home. It required gathering info (from both the real world and Home), playing games that sometimes required the help of others, solving puzzles and sharing info. as a community. It was complicated and challenging at times, had many rooms, many rewards and was something to come back to every day to see what had developed or needed to be solved. I still have friends on my list that I met during that time.

    I'm wondering if anyone else has wondered why there has never been another effort that even compares or fits the alternate reality genre in Home? Not necessarily a sequel to Xi, but something along similar lines. I thought at the time that we would be seeing so much more of that type of thing, as it seemed like the perfect fit for a social gaming platform.

    My best guess is that it wasn't a moneymaker and things have obviously shifted towards making money with most everything that is done in Home now. Just seems peculiar to me that the whole concept was never followed by anything even similar. I've never even heard the term ARG used since then.

    XI HAS BEGUN! – PlayStation Blog

    Has Anyone Else Wondered What Happened To The Arg Concept In Home?, Sep 19, 2012, 5:22 AM,, 8150
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    • cheladapsn

      cheladapsn Member

      Sep 19, 2012
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      I was part of VLR during Xi and one of the member said that they believe Xi was to test how well Home can handle certain things. If you compare Home pre Xi to Home post Xi you will notice that almost everything that was in Xi that wasn't in Home before is now a regular part of Home, like arcade machines and teleporters. Truly Xi was testing for Home. NDreams has said they are working on Xi2. Did they call it Xi 2, no but if you look at everything they said, its Xi2. They have on their webpage that they are working on an ARG. When they advertised they were hiring, they put down they were working on an ARG and it was even mentioned in the newsletter they sent out. Will this one be for testing? Idk but I do know that Home desperately needs something to bring it back to life. It just doesn't week like it has the same life it did 2 or 3 years ago.
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      • C.Birch

        C.Birch Site Owner
        Staff Member Administrator

        Mar 21, 2012
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        From what i recall Xi was funded by mostly Sony and with a lot of funding also, why nDreams did make it, they did so for Sony.

        It's highly likely the funding is just not there to do a full out Xi2 in the same way Xi was done. Only time will tell, but all regions of home seem to me lacking an event where it makes the community as whole work as one big team.
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        • Joanna

          Joanna Well-Known Member
          Valued Member

          Dec 24, 2010
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          Sony has been losing money for too long which is probably the reason why they don't have emphasis on projects that won't make money.
        • faga4567

          faga4567 Well-Known Member

          Jan 29, 2011
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          Hopper, I think you got stuff mixed up. Revenue is money coming in before the cost.
          So pretty much means Sony used $42.2 billion to get $39.3 billion.
        • HOPPER_34

          HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

          Oct 24, 2010
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          ok let's nevermind all of that. lol Bottom line is that something is amiss if their costs exceed their revenue. That's just poor management at the least....and still isn't a reason to me that no one could make something for Home that would suit its original purpose. If anything, after making what they have on Home by now, I would think they should be able to make an ARG easier than they could back then. I know I'm simplifying things, but I just wish we had something like Xi again....and I was curious as to what others think about why we haven't seen it . Thx faga
        • Firefly

          Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

          Nov 5, 2010
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          It really is disappointing they can't do that again. But I think Home needs to grow its base more before that's possible.

          On the other hand, the Macross in Japan was just as elaborate. I wonder how that fared in terms of profit?
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