Hi all, Avalon Keep a new and very big personal space coming soon from Heavy Water, but just how big is it? Well we have Exclusive video taken from the Dragonfly that you yourself can control from within the space, so sit back and watch the below video as we take you on an flying tour of the grounds.
The first thing I always think about when I see this space now, is Hogwarts. (that's not a bad thing though ) Its looking like a great space and seems quite large.
The dragonfly can be operated from the exterior courtyard leading to the tranquil pond. Once in Dragonfly mode you can traverse the entire exterior of the castle from almost any vantage point [without getting *too* far away]! Definitely a new way to explore your Castle. No fake backgrounds here! You can see everything !
the space is definitely ****in' huge, not only that but it's awesome can't wait to purchase it and decorate it(also love the different houses with their own color palette) Great job guys and can't wait to see when the wizard comes out(if that jerk ever comes out of his tower) :thumbsup: