Latest News :: PlayStation®Home - Hong Kong 2012-06-27 Are you ready to party? Do you have any dance costume in your wardrobe for your big night? Why don’t you get one, just in case you are invited to a dance party! Or just to show off your gorgeous costume to your friends! Three kinds of dancer costumes which make you look a stunning dancer are now available! Also available are the ornaments “Retro Mic Stand” and “Drum Set and Stool,” which set the mood for music playing at a dance party. Please check out the item lineup and see how glamorous the items are! The day that you will be on the stage and grab the spotlight may come soon!? “Retro Mic Stand” and “Drum Set and Stool” make the party HOT!
Man those drums and mic look good, mix that with the guitars from Lockwood and you'd have a great looking practice room. Wonder if the make-your-own-apartment will have some of those functions. Get the “VEEMEE Arcade Cabinets” reasonably! 2012-07-04 You’ve got a huge chance to get three of “VEEMEE Arcade Cabinet” at an amazingly cheaper price! VEEMEE offers you the “VEEMEE Collector's Edition Arcade Game Bundle,” which has all the “Arcade Cabinets” released from VEEMEE so far as “Savage Cosmos”, “Electrokid,” and “Superhero Madhouse”! <“VEEMEE Collector's Edition Arcade Game Bundle” Price Information> Price differs depending on if you have already owned some of the arcades. If you have… ・none of the “Arcade Cabinet”, you are able to get all the three cabinets for HKD56 ・one of the “Arcade Cabinet”, you are able to get rest of two cabinets for HKD 40 ・two of the “Arcade Cabinet”, you are able to get the last cabinet for HKD32 ・all the “Arcade Cabinet”, you are able to get all five items which come with the bundle for HKD24 As you know, “Arcade Cabinet” games are 2D, 8-Bit style, side-scrolling experience with fantastic rewards to win! To just play the game, you need to go to “Indie Park” where the “Arcade Cabinets” are placed, and you will also need to purchase an “Arcade VEEMEE Token” (purchasable in packs of 50 or 100 credits) which is available at commerce point stands in the “Indie Park” and the VEEMEE store. But if you simply purchase the cabinet and place it in your personal space, you can play unlimited times, anytime you want without using a Token and enjoy for as much as you want! Additionally, if you purchase the “VEEMEE Collector's Edition Arcade Game Bundle”, it comes with special head costumes and an ornament! Don’t miss out on this great chance for unlimited game-playing, fantastic rewards and huge discount! Electrokid - Head (Men&Women) Savage Cosmos - Helmet (Men&Women) Madhouse - Diamond of a Thousand Princesses Snowglobe Summer Campaign at Playstation®Home! Event Start Date: 2012-07-11 Event End Date: 2012-07-25 Three publishers offer discounts on their fantastic summer items for you!Summer Campaign includes selected items from: Granzella Inc. Lockwood Publishing Ltd.VEEMEEThis offer is only available from July 11th to July 25th. Discount on items listed below: < Granzella Inc.>Skirt-type Swimsuit Bottom (Women, 8 colors)Swimsuit Top with Ribbon (Women, 8 colors)Sexy Ring-type One-piece Swimsuit (Women, 8 colors)Swimsuit-covering Short Hot Pants (Women, 4 colors)< Lockwood Publishing Ltd.>Lifeguard Pack (Men&Women)Yachting Holiday Pack (Men&Women)Drey Designer Beach Resort Wear Ultimate Bundle (Men)Cutting Edge Clothing Pack (Women)So Now Clothing Pack (Women)The Dream YachtUltimate Animated Fireworks Pack<VEEMEE> English PoolDarts GameAmerican PoolDarts Game (with Skull Dartboard, with Chromium Dartboard)American Pool (Pink Table, Green Table, Yellow Table, Blue Table)Skull Pool TableJudge Dredd Pool TableGnome Curling Secret GardenThe London PubPlease visit Shopping Mall or browse the Navigator for more details. Summer is here! Get summer gears at great prices!! Granzella Inc. - Women Granzella Inc. - Women Granzella Inc. - Women Lockwood Publishing Ltd. - Men Lockwood Publishing Ltd. - Men Lockwood Publishing Ltd. - Women Lockwood Publishing Ltd. - Women VEEMEE - Darts Game VEEMEE - English Pool
OK so buy buy buy, but what about new lounges, what about events, what about half the content of other regions?!! You know it'd be cool if they offered an outfit like a Chinese street vendor or something, maybe even some traditional Tang or Song Dynasty outfits.
Isn't Home Asia run by Home Japan? If they are, I would bet they are concentrating on Japan. which doesn't help Asia.
Hong Kong is slowly looking at Japan's events and merch, but it isn't going strong as Japan is. It's pretty much a "dead" region which is solely about money consistency. At least having half-off sales are the key to surviving the hard times.
I guess EU is in the same boat as HK a while ago. Last winter events where from US team i think, No Man´s Land were tested in US when Veemee is from UK, right. For some reason EU team stop localizing some spaces propertly, I mean some times it seems that they just used some kind of web translator in the space text and it is just hilariuos to read (in this case) in spanish (like in Midway 3); and some times it is not even coherent (like in Dust 514 space instructions) and I have to read it in my english acc. E3 space wasn´t even translated... Back in 2010 things where different
You know what Asia needs to stimulate sales and to bring in more active players that again, would stimulate sales, is to have events regularly. Like the Money God thing, there was a ton of people that showed up for that, and when you have a large gathering people tend to look at one anthers outfits and get all excited, plus if you've bought a nice outfit and have no one to show it off to you'll be pretty pooped. Also if they had these regular events, and then added a little twist, such as the US did with having to have three friends join you in a certain space, then users would become connected with other users. This would create a community and if a user was to see their friends online in Home, it would be a great incentive to go there themselves. Also Asia Home is plagued with Network Errors for many Asian users, not sure why overseas people don't have this issue, and my Japanese friend rarely if ever has had this type of issue in her region. A prime example of poor thinking is the fact that they add Peakvox, but not the Abduct thing that takes tons of time to complete, there they'd be able to create daily users like Aurora has. I think they need to scrap their marketing team and get people more proactive to take over.
Actually it´s very funny watching a lot of people running behind some pink hair guy . That reminds me when in EU was the Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic Avatar Hunt.
What would help HK a lot , is if they got a unique lounge. Something the other regions don't have. Something with a minigame that's fun and takes a long time like Aurora or GAW. But that is probably way too far out of their budget.
Did anyone know if HK Home sent a date for the PS Vita items from that PS Vita event? I have not received mine yet after a long time.
Event :: PlayStation®Home - Hong Kong nDreams presents: Summer Campaign Vol.2! Event Start Date: 2012-07-18 Event End Date: 2012-08-31 Another special summer offer for you! By following summer campaign started from last week, nDreams offers you tons of items in five kinds of ultimate bundles at great prices! ・nDreams Ultimate Fantasy Fashion Bundle (Male) ・nDreams Ultimate Fantasy Fashion Bundle (Female) ・nDreams Ultimate Horror Bundle ・nDreams Ultimate Party Clothing Bundle (Male) ・nDreams Ultimate Party Clothing Bundle (Female) The bundles contain costumes, furniture and companions which will come in handy for a big big summer party! Please visit Shopping Mall or navigator to check out their fantastic lineups and find your favorite ones! Please note: - The bundles may contain the items you have already purchased and they will not appear in the wardrobe as new items; only the items which are not yet purchased will appear as new and will be added to your wardrobe. - This offer is only available for summer in 2012. Fashion - Minotaur Head (Men), Minotaur Legs and Hooves (Men), Barbarian Torso (Men) Fantasy Fashion - Amazonian Torso (Women), Amazonian Legs and Boots (Women) The Bling Reaper (Women) Li'l Reaper Dancing Queen (Women), Snap Trap (Women) 30's Mobster Outfit (Women), 30's Mobster Hat (Women) :wave:
Check out this weeks Asia Home update in full, New beach wear, Lockwood Dinos and more.
There's something HK does well, have pointless surveys and give away T-shirts. :unamused: There should be another soon after with hand fans as per usual.
Latest News :: PlayStation®Home - Hong Kong Build your own style apartment! – “nDreams Blueprint:Home” 2012-08-01 “Blueprint: Home” is a unique buliding experience that allows you to create your own homes and buildings as your personal space with up to 25 rooms! The “Blueprint:Home” acts just like a normal PlayStation®Home personal space so you can invite friends in and place furniture and active items. You can also edit the apartment at any time to make it better! See what you can do with “Blueprint:Home”: ・Add windows and doorways ・Choose styles for walls, floors and ceilings ・Add feature objects ・Alter the exterior texture of the building ・Choose the surrounding "environment" and the sky. “Blueprint: Home” comes with two different Style "Packs", two different "Environments", and two different "Skies" when you purchase “Blueprint: Home”. You will have "Packs" which have elements for building and decorating inside of the “Blueprint:Home” while "Environments" and "Skies" can be set up as 3D environment outside around your “Blueprint:Home”. "Packs" includes 1. Minimalist 2. Classic Paint "Environments" incldues 1. Idyllic Valley 2. Paradise Island "Skies" includes 1. Blue Sky 2. Dusky Purple Sky Besides, If you access the “Blueprint:Home” relocator in Home Square then you will get the reward, “Blueprint: Aurora” Environment! (You won’t be able to use it unless you purchase “Blueprint:Home”) Moreover, you can purchase other various additional options listed below to make your “Blueprint: Home” much more unique. Let’s visit the Shopping Mall or browse the Navigator to check out the choices you’ve got! Packs - Wallpaper Pack - Classroom/Office Style Pack - Sci-Fi Horror Style Pack - Asylum Style Pack - Apocalypse Style Pack - Bling Style Pack Environments - Space Dome Environment - Desert 1995 Environment - Cruise Ship Environment - City Penthouse Environment Skies - Golden Sunset Sky - Alien Sky - Clear Morning Sky Let's start a new lifestyle at PlayStation®Home! Please note: All the items won't be released at the same time so please visit the Shopping Mall or browse the Navigator to check them out regularly! nDreams Blueprint: Home Create your your homes with personal style! Access the “Blueprint:Home” relocator in Home Square to get the reward, “Blueprint: Aurora” Environment!