Sadly, I think it's empty. Today's statue is Delirous Squid Male. Eggs are puke yellow. Community total is 169,061,500 and blueberry is hiding high in the air on top of the Lockwood logo's right lion in the front lobby.
Main Statue is back to Sodium 2. Male guy in the Legendary costume (I think) Eggs are blue. Blueberry is by the doorway leading inside. (right side) 170,514,280 total eggs
I'm sorry. I was just being sarcastic. There are no striped or polka dot eggs in this game. Okay, today it's no Statue Mercia day. Blueberry by the gift machine again. 172,293,698 total eggs.
No statue again. Lobby posters are of Sodium 2 Legendary Racer. Blueberry by right of opening to main room. Blue eggs.... 174,003,363 eggs.... Oddly, there's no statue to the left of that gate where you start the egg game....And no store access points... EDIT: Nevermind.... My instance was bugged. The statue is the Sodium 2 Legendary Racer. And the store access points and that Minotaur are back.... too bad....was easier to collect eggs without them.
Drey female statue today. Blueberry over by the left sales point in the front lobby. Eggs are a LOOOVELY shade of PURPLE! And 175,347,801 eggs
I'm pretty certain you went there before the changeover. It was blue yesterday and during the afternoon today.. At 5PM PDT it turned purple.
I see orange/red eggs now!! It's Mercia in the front Lobby. But I cant see a statue. And blueberry is by the gift machine. 179,827,140 eggs
PURPLE EGGS TODAY!!! WEDDING BRIDE STATUE TOO!!! Free wedding gift bag if you missed it! 181,789,660 eggs. blueberry hiding behind the chair to your right when you spawn.
It' was the light purple eggs HLT. Sorry to have been unclear about this. My mistake. I think this will be my last tally for awhile. Looks like the lounge is being consistant. Blueberry's position is tied to the statue type. Egg color is random each day. And we get about 3 million more eggs each day. nothing really changes. My last Report: Today's statue is delirious squid male. Egg color is a pale yellow/green. And in frustration, I shot the blueberry . 183,984,497 eggs. we've dropped to about 2.5 eggs million per day.