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New SCEE Home Community Lead

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by C.Birch, Nov 20, 2009.

  1. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Today Dan Hill (Drexl) as given us the news most SCEE Home users have been waiting for, just who as taken over from TedTheDog as the new Home Community Manager.

    From Dan Hill:
    "Hi all,

    As you know, I've been looking for a new Home Community Lead for some time now. In my last message to you about this, I said that I'd found some good candidates who were about to come in for a final round of interviews, and after that I'd be able to make my choice...

    Well, I'm delighted to say that I've found someone, and he's joined us this week!
    His name is Alex, a.k.a Thylaudax, and I'm really pleased that he's decided to join us. I'm absolutely sure I've found the right person for the job, and I know you will be too!
    So please, go easy on him to start with :)

    I'll now hand over to Thylaudax, who can introduce himself properly to you.

    Thanks for your patience while we've been trying to find the right person, and for all your comments and support.

    From Thylaudax:
    "Hi everyone, and thanks Drexl!

    I’m very excited to be here and looking forward to working with everyone: both the Home community and the SCEE Home team. I’ve been lurking all week while soaking up loads of information, marking my territory at my desk, and being introduced to the varied teams here that I’ll be working with. So, to help you get to know me a little better, here are ten short facts about me that Drexl hasn’t already mentioned (did he mention any?!). In no particular order:

    1. I prefer cats to dogs.
    2. I’ve previously worked in the community team for three online PC titles.
    3. I’m an Aussie by birth, and a Brit by ancestry.
    4. I unwind with board games … current favourites being Settlers of Catan (a classic!) and Dominion.
    5. When the Formula 1 season is on, I’ll always be found in front of a telly on race weekends.
    6. I prefer UK weather to Aussie weather.
    7. The only football team I actively support are the Socceroos.
    8. My first gaming system was an Amstrad 6128.
    9. I do not have a drivers licence. I did have an Aussie motorcycle licence before moving.
    10. Summer beach barbeques are full of win!

    I’ve only been here 5 days, however I’m already involved with some exciting projects and beginning to look at how I can improve the Home experience for everyone. I’m definitely looking forward to getting to know you all, dropping in on any Home activities you might be running, and running some of my own once I get myself properly settled in.

    This is getting a little long now, so I’ll leave it here for now. Any questions about me you feel like asking, I’ll answer … although some of the answers might be along the lines of ‘no comment!’"

    From: The Official Forums
  2. Kaza

    Kaza Administrator

    Nov 8, 2009
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    +0 /0
    another "lord" (laud) to the team. seems to be a theme emerging here ;D
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