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[us] This Weeks Update 5/23/12

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by kwoman32, May 22, 2012.

  1. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
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    Nov 29, 2009
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    This Wednesday, May 23rd is brimming with excitement. Codeglue introduces the U Love Green collection of womens fashion, designed by none other than our very own Dani! See our interview and all the details in our story HERE . New developer Bigyama debuts also this week, Novus Prime releases some new game-enhancing weapons, the x7 Nightclub updates, Lockwood brings new Delirious Squid items, and Konami releases a new collection of auras.


    Novus Prime gets four new game-enhancing virtual items this week with the Alpha Squadron Arsenal. Deck out your pilot’s jacket with the Twin Pulse Cannons for an added XP bonus and with the stylish new Disruption Shot Pistols, complete with animated barrels and permanent in-game Nebulon boost!

    Look forward to a new game in the Lockwood Publishing Showcase next week as part of Lockwood’s epic Fantasy Update. Brinsop the Evil Dragon descended – Brave warriors will be rewarded.

    [us] This Weeks Update 5/23/12, kwoman32, May 22, 2012, 6:43 AM,, jpg, 7243250042_cd0a341fba_z.jpg

    Rachis the fire breathing Cockatrice and Gribbler the Dragon are available from the Lockwood Gift Machine one week early!

    In the future world of Forthstar, humanity has traveled to the stars. But, in the last few decades, the situation has begun to unravel: Central government exists in name only and feudal states are at constant war. The rim of explored space is where only the hardiest can survive as Gunslingers and Dropship pilots. Gunslingers are outlaws and warriors who sell their skills to the highest bidder, while Dropship pilots help get goods and people into and out of the danger zones as war spreads.

    The x7 nightclub gets another members-only bundle this week as well as a collection of Fire Opal clothing for men and an Amethyst collection for the ladies.

    Delirious Squid adds a range of bright tees and quirky accessories. See details HERE .

    Konami brings you their newest line of Auras. Check out the plasma shields, rainbow glow and glow dust. Check out Konami’s take on some classics such as hellfire, lightning storm and snowstorm.

    [us] This Weeks Update 5/23/12, kwoman32, May 22, 2012, 6:43 AM,, jpg, Konami_.jpg

    This week in the Community Theater, HomeCast,

    Codeglue brings a touch of the East here to the West with some elegant new furniture. Let the minimalist styling of hand carved, dark woods put your mind at ease while you enjoy the rest of nature around you.

    [us] This Weeks Update 5/23/12, kwoman32, May 22, 2012, 6:43 AM,, jpg, Codeglue-oriental.jpg

    Another premier this week, Wrangler brand clothing launches their first ever virtual items with a collection of 10 pieces in PlayStation Home, including dark denim jeans for men and women. These will be available in both the VEEMEE and Threads stores in the Mall. With 10 new items available at launch and more to follow, Wrangler will continue to bring their latest designs to the Home community in the months ahead.

    [us] This Weeks Update 5/23/12, kwoman32, May 22, 2012, 6:43 AM,, jpg, Wrangler2.jpg
    [us] This Weeks Update 5/23/12, kwoman32, May 22, 2012, 6:43 AM,, jpg, Wrangler1.jpg
  2. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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    Next weeks fantasy update from Lockwood looks great.
  3. Kimilicious

    Kimilicious Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2011
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    Looks Like An Awesome Update! I Can't Wait To See What Lockwood Does With The Showcase Space When It Becomes All Fantasy Like :p The Wrangler Line Looks Interesting! I Wonder If The Forthstar Outfits Are Separates .. It Gives Me An Idea For A Photoshoot ;) .. Its Always Nice To See More Furniture As Well Dani's Clothing Line Added Along With Codeglue .. Can't Wait :) And Of Course I'd Like To See What x7 Has In Store .. I Definitely Loved The Leather Jacket; I Wish It Came In More Colors :eek:

    Hopefully This Isn't Another F13 Weekend .. That Would Just Be Sad :/
  4. Gamingchick85

    Nov 24, 2011
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    I know I hope this update turns out to be great!! :D Def. Getting tired of the F13 stuff. I like being able to visit my home when I want!!
  5. Kimilicious

    Kimilicious Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2011
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    Joystick Warrior Said It Was Patched Today On The Other Forums .. Hopefully Its True Then Again There Is A 16 Hours Maintenance Thursday That Will Go Into Friday :/

    Hopefully Nothing Breaks After Thats Done
  6. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
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    Dec 24, 2010
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    No home for us today. I've gotten a little insight into the behind the scenes of why we are seeing so many. Hopefully after all is said and done we'll be a lot better off.

    Meantime... I suppose RE ORC this evening.
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