I got a flying donut in Asia, don't have the chair. Didn't receive the reward till a day later. Would be cool to get a Gold Ninja outfit, I'm excited for that.
I just read up on all the posts, and I also got all the rewards for Sky Fishing without ever buying an upgrade either. On the flip side, my Blue Balls game in Midway doesn't work, so it may be fair in a way.
Not sure if I'm just lucky, but in eu I'm 3 rewards with 3 trap. (oddly enough I got the doomnut in EU, HK and NA(again) today.) But I hear others who have bought the chair too haven't got anything yet. NDreams really need to clarify the effect of the chair.
My Aurora Defense is not working. I can play it, but when the game is over I get no options to play again or to continue. Bummer.
Eight people, one with the chair, four people have got green smoke machines, two of those have got it twice, one other has got doomnut, three have had nothing at all, everyone has had one day of getting nothing, currently the chair has done nothing and because its rehashed n-dreams product that if we wanted it we would of bought the original versions by now, because its free it means if we are passing aurora we will check trap but we are already not bothered about picking up traps daily. If they were new aurora based rewards it might of drived us a bit more, great idea though
Haven't seen any other rewards yet, so I wonder if its just those 5. Not too fond of gold, but im looking forward to getting the ninja outfit.
5 attempts. 4 nothings. 1 green smoke machine. 1 overpriced useless chair. 1 disappointed consumer. Also, I don't get an XP multiplier from the contraption + hoodie. I've seen little to no talk about this - anyone else? How much money did I waste and give to nDreams, exactly?
hopper was lucky he retracted his house bet lol, problem is there is no way to know if chair works it could take a chair owner 50 goes to get everything and a non chair owner 51 goes to get everything, that means the chair works but isnt really the great advantage every user expects it to be, bit like the sky fishing game no real great advantage with the upgrades apart from N Dreams getting money
I have had some real issues lately. The OMG thing doesn't work at all for me, and my aurora scores are not recording.
xp has been issue recently keep getting 50 xp per day instead of any increase that you should get for visiting 2 days in a row