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Mesmo Clothing Line Enters Ps Home

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by kwoman32, Aug 25, 2011.

  1. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
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    Nov 29, 2009
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    YPSH : Fans of may remember back in March I had the pleasure of sitting down with Peter de Jong, CEO & Founder of Codeglue. As you know, Codeglue is a Dutch based developer for PS Home. Today, I'm fortunate to not only be chatting with Peter once again but also his friend and business associate, Kjell van Ginkel, Graphic designer and owner of MESMO clothing. Gentlemen, welcome to YPSH!
    View attachment 8590
    PDJ : Thank you Karen!

    KvG : Thanks! :D

    YPSH : This is the first time I've had the pleasure of interviewing a dev for PS Home as well as a real clothing designer. Since we know all about Peter from our last visit, Kjell why don't you tell us about you. How did you get into graphic design?

    KvG : I’ve been designing even before I knew I wanted to be a designer. Already as a child I was always drawing and into details of objects and I had to change them if they weren’t exactly how I wanted. I studied advertisement and after that graphic design, ending up putting it on fashion. And now even on digital fashion :D

    YPSH : Tell us how you created MESMO. When did you start the company and did you start it off with just one design or an entire line?

    KvG : MESMO was founded in 2005 in Brazil where I was doing voluntary work at that time. There I found out about the (cheap) options of producing clothing and I immediately fell in love with the idea of creating a label. I started producing MESMO branded items like T-shirts and jackets. It was not just one design but they were still kind of experimental. The first items were sold in Brazil so you can say that MESMO is a Dutch label with Brazilian roots.

    YPSH : Where do you get your inspiration from for your designs?

    KvG : I just love minimalistic shapes. I try to take as much elements as possible away and still leave an interesting design. Inspiration can come from anything I see. That’s why I take a lot of pictures and at the end of the day I always have something in my pocket I found on the streets or in the trash.

    YPSH : Do you encourage fans of MESMO to submit ideas you could develop into new MESMO items?

    KvG : Yes of course! I appreciate any kind of feedback. It’s good if people have an opinion about things you make whether good or bad. Besides, MESMO’s graphics can appear anywhere...

    YPSH : About how many items are in the MESMO line now?

    KvG : It’s kinda difficult to say in numbers because we also have one collection called ‘RE:DUCE’ with about hundred one-of-a-kind re-used cleaning cloths :D But we’ve had 4 clothing collections so far and together with the new digital one for PlayStation Home it makes 5. Items so far are T-shirts for both men and women, hoodies, button sets, beanies, pocket mirrors and scarves.

    YPSH : Do you have plans to constantly release new items for MESMO?

    KvG : Yes, but it will not only be fashion. MESMO is a label, not just for fashion, so expect more kind of products to come!

    YPSH : Can you give us a glimpse into what we might be expecting next from MESMO?

    KvG : We’ve had a great exhibition of our graphics. That was so much fun that we will start to create more ‘art’. It might also end up on clothing but that’s not the focus right now.

    YPSH : Tell us a little about the creative process. From the time you come up with an idea, how long does it take before you actually see a finished product?

    : I’m always experimenting with shapes and structures. Not just for work, but because I like it. In the beginning it does not yet have a real purpose. But as soon as I see a theme or concept in some of them I start to focus on that and create more. The recent collection called ‘Dots & Static’ refers to subjects related to television. This way for example the red, green and blue became basic colors of that collection. The producing of the finished product does not take too long as we are a small independent label and can be more flexible this way.

    View attachment 8591 YPSH : Let's chat for a bit about your collaboration with Peter and Codeglue. How did you two meet?

    PDJ : I have known Kjell’s brother Collin for a long time. He is one of the founders of Two Tribes, another game developer from the Netherlands. He knew we were developing items for PlayStation Home so he introduced us to his brother, to see if we couldn’t work together in some way. I really liked Kjell’s designs so we decided to give it a go. Now we have MESMO’s latest collection available in PlayStation Home.

    KvG : Yes it is a nice story how things worked out.

    View attachment 8592 YPSH : So Peter liked your work Kjell and suggested developing virtual reproductions of your real clothes for PS Home?

    PDJ : Yup, I really like his designs, I have a bunch of his T-shirts in my wardrobe right now (non virtual)

    KvG : Yes, I immediately liked the idea and the vibe at Codeglue is also great. It was fun and business at the same time!

    YPSH : Kjell, had you been aware of PS Home before you met Peter?

    KvG : Well... I had heard from it but had no idea about what it exactly was...

    YPSH : What do you like most about PS Home Kjell?

    KvG : The online interaction between the avatars. Everybody creates a type of image online, even in places like Facebook. But that you can dress up, walk around and meet other people in the PlayStation Home environment is really next level!

    YPSH : Has the global reach of PS Home helped MESMO become more popular outside of the EU?

    PDJ : Hopefully! :) Quite a few people have purchased the virtual MESMO items outside the EU. But we think it’s important to tell the story behind MESMO more, by means of interviews like this. I mean, MESMO is not a big clothing brand, it’s a small independent label, so I hope other people will become a fan of it, like I did. :)

    KvG : Yes, we are already getting some nice feedback and like Peter said, it’s interesting to inform both ‘worlds’ more about our collaboration!

    YPSH : I would think customers of MESMO, whoView attachment 8594 also use PS Home, would like the idea of being able to purchase the same items virtually for their avatars. Also, any YPSH fan knows how popular good looking clothes are on PS Home! Codeglue's dresses come to mind! Do you both plan on adding to the virtual MESMO line as well as the Codeglue line?

    PDJ : Of course! Codeglue will keep releasing new clothing on a regular basis. We have some cool new ideas of our own, but also playing with the idea of creating an exclusive MESMO line for PlayStation Home.

    KvG : Yes, this project will not be the last one!

    YPSH : Kjell, as a graphic designer, has your exposure to PS Home given you any ideas on possible projects with PS Home other than clothing items?

    PDJ : Kjell, if you have any good ideas, we are happy to create them! :)

    KvG : Yes, as I know more now about PS Home, new ideas are popping up! Follow Codeglue and MESMO to stay up-to-date!

    View attachment 8593 YPSH : I like the concept of real clothes being available to us and in PS Home as well. I'd like to suggest something to you both, if I may. How about we turn the tables on that idea? What if we ran a contest involving MESMO's VIRTUAL clothes and gave the winner a REAL MESMO item? Maybe even twist Peter's arm to throw in a Codeglue item? What do you both think of that idea?

    PDJ : Haha, I think that’s a very cool idea (except for the arm twisting bit, not too fond of that). ;)

    KvG : That’s a cool idea that matches the collaboration!

    YPSH : OK ! I think I just made work for myself! <smile> I'll get to work on an idea for the contest and the three of us can hammer out the details and announce it here on YPSH soon. Maybe we will even throw in a PSN card to sweeten the deal. Peter and Kjell, you will be the judges. Deal?

    PDJ : Deal! I’d love to be a judge.

    KvG : Great! I feel important now! :D

    YPSH : Sounds like it will be fun. I'd like to thank you both for time today and your support of YPSH.

    PDJ : Always a pleasure Karen!

    KvG : Thank YOU for putting our project in the spotlights!

    Be sure to watch for the official contest announcement soon in the Codeglue developer thread here on YPSH!

  2. Mika40

    Mika40 Active Member

    Mar 14, 2011
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    Great Interview Karen as always I like the outfit at the end this company really does have picture art in mind I wish them well in home :thumbsup:
  3. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Real nice interview, with some nice inside views. well done to you all and looking forward to my items soon.
  4. julie_love

    julie_love Active Member

    May 1, 2011
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    Nice interview Karen, very cool to get some insight into the creative process!:clapping:
  5. kricky31

    kricky31 Rayman's #1 Fan

    Mar 23, 2010
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    The MESMO hats are my favorites! Great article Karen!
  6. Cage890

    Cage890 Trophy Hunter

    Aug 20, 2011
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    Interesting looking clothes indeed, I like the hats aswell. The shirts are cool with the unique designs, but might be better on more hoodies or sweaters. I'm sure they'll do good in Home either way though. Really like how they made the same clothing in reality too!! Great interview Karen, as always! :thumbup1:
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