YPSH : Once again, we are with Brian McClary, Ford Motor Co. Social & Emerging Media Specialist and a member of YPSH. Thanks for taking the time to chat Brian, I know you had a busy week just getting home from e3! Sounds like Ford was a hit. Congratulations! Before we get into your big announcement, tell us what Ford did at e3 how it went and your impressions of e3. BMcC : This was the first time Ford had a presence at e3. We had 2 booths in the West hall. One booth focused on our partnership with EA and The Sims3. The Focus is now available for download in The Simms and we were at e3 talking about this program. Attendees could visit the booth and get their picture taken in the photobooth that we had on site and also watch as a unique mural was painted on site. This mural was amazing and was shipped to EA HQ where it will be featured on the floor where The Sims is produced. We also had a booth called the Fiesta Social Club. The Fiesta Social Club offered attendees a place to relax at the show where they could recharge their device, grab a drink of water and get a cool limited edition screen printed poster. We had 2 Fiestas in the booth with one that was branded with G4 messaging and another that let attendees get in the vehicle and experience SYNC. To make the booth even cooler than it already was, we added a Mustang GT 500 for users to check out. <object classId="clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="480" height="418" id="VideoPlayerLg53678"><param name="movie" value="http://www.g4tv.com/lv3/53678" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><embed src="http://www.g4tv.com/lv3/53678" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" name="VideoPlayer" width="480" height="382" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" /></object><div style="margin:0;text-align:center;width:480px;font-family:Arial,sans-serif;font-size:12px;color:#FF9B00;"><a href="http://www.g4tv.com/" style="color:#FF9B00;" target="_blank">Video Games</a> - <a href="http://www.g4tv.com/e32011" style="color:#FF9B00;" target="_blank">E3 2011</a></div> E3 was great this year. The show continues to evolve in to a bigger event each year. This year, the focus was mainly on hardware. I had a chance to demo the Playstation Vita and Wii U and was impressed by both devices. I didn't get as much time as I would have liked on the floor though. When I am at e3, I spend most of the day in meetings talking with publishers and other gaming companies about possible opportunities for Ford. YPSH : Sounds like you had a ball. So let's get right to the big announcement. Are we going to finally see the much anticipated Ford Showroom in PS Home? View attachment 5276 BMcC : : I'm happy to announce that the Ford showroom will be live in Playstation Home on June 16. This has been a huge project and a lot of hard work has gone in to it. YPSH : Great news! Take us on a walkthrough. I got to the showroom and enter it. What's the first thing I see? BMcC : The first thing you will see is a beautiful environment to the extent of something that we have never done before in gaming. You will be greeted by a Ford showroom representative who welcomes you to the showroom. This character will give you information on the Ford showroom and let you know what to expect in the showroom.View attachment 5277 YPSH : I'm in the SYNCH Showroom now. I have to complete some tasks. How do I get started? BMcC : There are tasks that can be completed at the users option. Each task is started either in a vehicle or when talking to the showroom representative . I don't want to spoil the fun so I'll leave it to the users to explore and complete the tasks. YPSH : Tell us a little about the development of the Ford project for PS Home. BMcC : The Ford showroom is Ford's most recent program in Playstation Home. The Ford Showroom gives players a chance to check out Ford vehicles (the Edge and Fiesta) from the comfort of their couch via their Playstation 3. The showroom includes 3 mini-games that reward players with Ford branded reward items that users can outfit their avatar with or put in their own Playstation space. View attachment 5278 The showroom was a program spearheaded by Sony,View attachment 5279 Ford and our advertising agency, Team Detroit and couldn't have been done without the help of everyone involved. Talks with Sony began late last year and have continued throughout the development cycle. YPSH : This sounds like a lot of fun! The rewards sound nice too! Thanks so much for talking to us about the new Ford Showroom. We have all been anxiously awaiting its arrival. Also, we would like to announce a YPSH Meet-up at the Ford Showroom this Thursday night, June 16th at 9PM EDT. Come say hi to Brian and the YPSH Staff as we check out the cool Ford cars. That's 6PM Pacific, 2AM London, and 10AM Fri. for Tokyo. Hope to see you al there! View attachment 5280 Don' forget to give Brian your feedback in the Ford Thread here on YPSH!
Awesome job. Love the show room and the quests showed a lot of time and effort into making them fun. I hope Ford will continue to update the space over time to keep people coming back.
I thought the quests and rewards were great. I especially like the one in the Gamer's Lounge where you can get up on the stage and dance. I thought everyone was going crazy glitching up there until I played the Ford game; always thought it was a cool stage that should be accessible by normal means. I wish they'd bring back the dance outfit that I missed the first time, though riginal:
Digital photo frame best reward in a long time on home, clever marketing every one will have one on they wall saying ford.
It was nice having a fresh new space on home. The rewards were fun to do as well and the YPSH Ford meet-up was a blast as well.