I was thinking like spy gear like trench coats, night vision goggles, a camera, fancy gloves. and then as you said you wanted shirts, but something that would be memorable or at least different, so my first thought was a Tube top maybe black and it be like the words Conspiracy are being typed on the shirt in white or multicolored. This would be a cute advertisement for the company if you had the eye with the pyramid emblem on the top of the shirt or on the side like in the picture And Male, female Blazers would be cute. There are more, but these are the ideas I could think of at this moment.
Very cool designs for women! Those are very stylish clothiing. Never thought trenchcoats would be so nice and designy. Being male, my main desire for a trenchcoat is to not make my avatar look like some pervie flasher. Once you clear that bar, I'm happy!
View attachment 3283 Here is a sure winner. Laptops like the ones you use in the game. But you have a floating screen saver with conspiracy written on it. That will make everybody happy. So you understand. The laptop was only offered once in Home a long time ago. Strange how in this day and age. You can't get a laptop in any Home or a ps3 for your personal space in NA. Go figure lol. It was from EA's breast cancer awareness event last year or so...
Yeah, I was thinking that 2 instead of the typical flasher trench coat, something unique that could promote Conspiracy, cause it's basically like a futuristic spy.
I am pretty sure a trenchcoat with a "flash" emote would be the best selling Home item of all time! lol;D
You know what, yeah it would be extremely popular just because it's a new E-mote. Now add in that it's free and people would be going crazy over it.
[MENTION=905]Elmo-JO[/MENTION] - To add an emote I'd have to make it into a full body suit... but I've got another idea regarding flashing already submitted to Sony... pending approval I really like the fashions you posted above. I'd like to do some trenchcoats...
Yes thats a great idea i have wanted those jeans for along time (the ones from japan with the green stuff at the bottom) also the big glow stick that goes in your right hand is very kool i would love it if you could put these In the store but as rewards i would go nuts i know if u put em in the store you'll make loads of money from em its really funny watching hackers walk round home & noobs going WOAH were u get those & sends a friend request
So I was playing the last Whisperwyre level w/out any boosters/powerups and I have still not beat it! I have played it probably 10 or more times now and I always get stuck in the last hallway befopre the goods. I know one day I will get to the end, but it got me thinking. I need an award for winning this level. It is sooo hard. I dont care what it is. Even just a small trophy. If the rest of the l;evels are this hard then I am going to want a trophy for those too. So my only other suggestion would be to make little trophies with the Conspiracy symbols on them. That way we can collect them as we beat these hard levels. Ahh, ok Im done.
Perhaps a spy companion – real person as opposed to a robot – might be something that would interest Conspiracy users. I'd also be interested in buying some spy related female costumes that might be feminine and sexy. Definitely not T-shirts for me. View attachment 4735 View attachment 4736 View attachment 4741 View attachment 4742 And for the guys? View attachment 4737 View attachment 4738
View attachment 4739View attachment 4740 Something like that maybe, and yes some Catsuits would be great i don't think Home really as any.
Level 4 Reus reward has cause me to freeze and will not allow me back into the Conspiracy spacy. This was the first reward I won here since 1.5 update and/or outage...
I believe Home is down for maintenience right now... if the problem persists, can you post in the official conspiracy forum on the Sony-Boards?