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Urgent Fury Chats With Ypsh

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by kwoman32, Feb 23, 2011.

  1. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
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    Recently, I caught up with the crew from Urgent Fury, the people behind Urgent Frequency Television (UFREQTV), now playing in Home Theatre 10.

    YPSH : Tell our members who you are and what you do at Urgent Fury.

    UF : I'm Patrick "Commander Fury" Gross. Director Of Media for Urgent Fury & Host of our bi-weekly podcast...Urgent Frequency.

    YPSH : Urgent Fury started out as just a community of gamers who all loved SOCOM, correct?

    UF :Yes. And no.
    Dissatisfied with their experience while participating in a SOCOM tournament organized by someone else, the original creators of Urgent Fury took the basic concept of the board game "Risk", and applied it to the idea of a SOCOM tournament. They created a tactical map or TACMAP, then added a scenario or story for each tournament event, which turned out to be the basic idea for Urgent Fury.

    YPSH : So Urgent Fury is now SOCOM gamers playing in organzied tournements; a web site and a video blog?

    UF : While SOCOM has always been the primary game utilized for Urgent Fury tournament events, after much scrutiny, we have expanded to the Call Of Duty franchise as well. Our goal is to make Urgent Fury a central hub or "HQ" for Tactical Gamers everywhere. A legitimate tactical gaming media outlet, where people can congregate & compete in a mature, cheat free environment. We try to keep our members informed via our podcast Urgent Frequency. Our video webcast Urgent Frequency Television (UFreqTV) on PlayStation Home, and of course on our official blog...Urgent Fury:UNLEASHED. Gamers can network with us via Twitter, on Facebook, and on our YouTube Channel as well.

    YPSH : If someone who plays SOCOM wants to join, how do they do that?

    UF : Simple...just visit<Urgent Fury Tactical Command - Urgent Fury Gaming>. Register. Then get your game on. As long as you can win with honor, and lose with 'll never want to play anywhere else, and you'll always be welcome.

    YPSH : How did it turn into a busniess?

    UF : With a shared vision of growing Urgent Fury into something more than just another tournament site, the directors & staff also realized that we would have to go all the way, if we were to achieve what we set out to accomplish.

    YPSH : Do you envision Urgent Fury expanding its business beyond its current scope int he future?

    UF : Absolutely.
    We currently have a vision of expanding to a series of nationwide "live" tournament events over the next year. But naturally, that will depend on the amount of sponsorship support we can garner, and maybe more importantly, the amount of support we can garner from the people who actually play the games. Without them, Urgent Fury is just another good idea.

    Much like our partnership with PlayStation Home, we want to connect with the players as much as we can. As technology provides new ways for us to do that, we'll certainly try to take advantage of any opportunity that presents itself. And because Urgent Fury is owned and operated by gamers, for gamers...we feel like we can relate to the average gamer better than most corporate media outlets.

    YPSH : Are you considering expanding your community to other games besides SOCOM?

    UF : We already have. And we constantly monitor the market for new games that might fit into the Urgent Fury TACMAP mechanic.

    YPSH : How did you come about getting associated with Home?

    UF : After attending E3 in 2010, we established a friendship with Sony. It seemed as though they believed that we had the potential to be a legitimate media outlet, that offered something unique, to a unique group of gamers. After months of development, we were placed in the able hands of Home Community Programs Specialist Cade Peterson, who steered us to where we are now.

    YPSH : What are your future plans for Home?

    UF : We hope to continue growing our partnership with PlayStation Home. With ambitions of producing weekly installments of Urgent Frequency Television at some point. And we also hope to make UFreqTV more interactive for the community at-large moving forward.

    YPSH : Your future videos in Home's Theater will include features on other games as well?

    UF : Absolutely. Even though our focus will be on Tactical Shooters. We'll certainly take the time to cover any game that we feel like our community, and the PlayStation Home community as well, might care about.

    YPSH : Lastly, SOCOM 4 is due out in April. Are you planning anything special in conjunction with its release?

    UF : We have a huge summer TACMAP tournament event planned to coincide with the release of SOCOM 4, that will represent another chapter in our year long "End Of Days" tournament event.
    YPSH : Patrick, thanks for your time and we'll be watching for your future videos in Playstation Home.
  2. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
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    Dec 24, 2010
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    Nice Karen! :)
  3. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    Nice interview their K :)
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