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Jack Bruser Keynote Speaker at LA Games Conference.

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Joanna, Jan 18, 2011.

  1. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
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    Dec 24, 2010
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    Wonder what he'll have to say when it comes to Home! :p
    April 26th, 2011 at 9:00 AM

    Jack Bruser Keynote Speaker at LA Games Conference., Jan 18, 2011, 7:00 PM,, 1551

    Jack Buser
    is Director of PlayStation®Home for Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) and is responsible for driving business initiatives and activities for the 3D community-based social gaming platform. With ten years of marketing and business development experience, Buser oversees PlayStation®Home activities in the North American region, including revenue generation, management of community operations, and third-party participation in PlayStation®Home. Previously, Buser served as Director of Worldwide Technology Evangelism at Dolby Laboratories. At Dolby, he drove the adoption of new audio and video technology by developing new business segments for both Games and Internet entertainment. Buser also worked as Director of the Consumer Electronics business segment at Dolby Laboratories where he was responsible for Blu-ray disc technology licensing and driving revenue growth for the company. Buser received his Bachelor of Science degree with honors in electrical engineering from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
  2. narde15

    narde15 Member

    Jan 13, 2011
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    looking forward to it!
  3. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    Hopefully he will have nice good stuff to say to make us look forward to things.
  4. strider367

    strider367 Active Member

    Nov 13, 2010
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    So is this the guy responsible for all of NA screw ups. Is this the guy hell bent in destroying NA Home? Don't say I'm wrong on this. We all have seen it. Japan Home produces great and new content. While NA continues to push garage and worst of all it doesn't work. He done a great job driving revenue south. Or maybe you haven't noticed....
    Joanna is this a typo or is this real?
  5. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
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    Dec 24, 2010
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    I copy pasted it directly from the bio on the site linked. I will agree that Japan Home has been doing some amazing things these days and sadly it appears the North American team doesn't want people in the know to talk about it on the Official forums on the General page where everyone spends time.

    Burying it in Suggestions is really a sad commentary on what direction the forum is headed. I know I will not be happy until they let home users talk about home regardless of region. They should not be interested in hiding anything that is going on and should instead welcome the community to discuss everything so that we can all make suggestions as to what we would like to see to make North America a better place for all of us.

    Keeping one's head in the sand is not the way to go!

    I can't begin to tell you how disappointed I am in the current developments and the current management team when it comes to It's certainly a place I've spent an awful lot of time at and it just makes me very sad.
  6. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    It is a shame, having been in closed closed beta and was able to freely jump regions on 1 id, i hope the day returns when we can once again do that, sad thing is apart from limited time spaces i can not see them ever removing the regional walls of Home.
  7. strider367

    strider367 Active Member

    Nov 13, 2010
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    As long as this NA team is allowed to destroy Home. Then NA Home future is in question. They didn't even bother to make something for Christmas. Instead they bought winter wonderland from EU. It's time for people to directly confront this cat on whats right in Home.

    To me what's even more mind boggling. They don't fix anything. All these problems they know about and they do nothing. But they have plenty of time. To close up glitches in our personal space's. How is this doing something. Why don't you people fix Villain's lair or something. No that would make too much sense.

    Lastly the Paris wing chair and the Paris coffee table. First is too small the latter is too big. Do they fix it No. Instead they make a solitaire table out of them. In their screwed up size. Are these people for real?
  8. crow6828

    crow6828 i'm not crazy really

    Jan 5, 2011
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    i know how you feel but there have been alot of people ( including myself ) that have complained about all the problems with home. but the home team never really tells anyone if they are working on them or not. shoot there have been a few of us that have even asked them to stop adding stuff so they could take the time to fix everything and still got nothing from them.
  9. The Illusive Man

    Jan 14, 2011
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    NA HOME is simply a "Copy and Paste" kind of playground. They just take others idea and make it their own. I just wish NA HOME can be as creative as JPN and EU HOME when comes to event/creativity and design. I wonder how long they gonna keep this up. Last year's Thanksgiving is the same as this year and next year Christmas is same as this year and that is what I don't get. NA HOME need a creative team to come up with some new stuff to suit the user's taste and need.
  10. crow6828

    crow6828 i'm not crazy really

    Jan 5, 2011
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    well that is the thing illusive they have never really been creative. just look at most of the stuff in home lockwood, loot, ndreams, mass media and us that is where the ideas for home come from here. and if the don't come from one of those then they just get something from eu or jp and give that to use (although i do like that they do that lol). also i think that is one of the reasons that they don't want info posted about other regions cause that way they could pass it off as theirs. but us pesky multi regioners keep giving info about them so they can't take credit for it and still have to try and get it to us lol. other wise we would have nothing but t-shirts if it was left up to the home team lol :).
  11. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Imagine developing a product and releasing it to the public with the stipulation that there will be problems with it ("beta") and finding that you are still making millions and millions of dollars on it. You could just ignore the complaints about the problems with your product (knowing that you are covered legally because of the stipulation), avoid the extra cost in fixing anything and keep forging ahead, because when you check the bottom line figures each month you realize that your product is only increasing in sales! Just put the blinders on and ride the money train and not worry about those who are unhappy with it.

    Home is the perfect storm for Sony and...its a win-win for them no matter how upset people get or complain about its various problems. Does the fact that they dont even have the proper server capacity to handle Home or that they continually ignore the issues that plague it, piss me off?? Absolutely it does, but I am also resigned to the fact that they are not listening to any of it simply because have no incentive to. They are in this to make money PERIOD.....not to satisfy the masses or feel good about knowing that they have a quality product. Its that simple to me.

    This is NOT an ethical business approach by any means if you ask me, but "ethics" are looong gone in todays greed-driven corporate world anyways. They will ride this thing as long as it is profitable and if for some reason, it becomes unprofitable at some point (which there is no sign of), they can walk away knowing that they made millions upon millions of dollars while it lasted.
  12. teriyaki_soba

    teriyaki_soba Sandwich~

    Dec 25, 2010
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    So sad and yet so true Hopper.
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