I made this and posted on twitter. Might as well post it here also. I only wrote it in Japanese, and is only for 2 items. Item 27 and 50. I haven't double checked, so there might be errors.
surprisingly i only need 2 more books to collect. #5 180k reached in escape virus: shooter #9 clear the helicopter boss in shooting earth(?) no matter what i do i cant get pass 125K in shooter and shooting earth is extremely difficult for me
I feel your pain. Neither my wife or I can reach the goal on escape virus shooter. Although I am really good at shooting earth.
I'd save the bombs for the helicopter, if you're having too much difficulty destroying it. As for Escape Virus: Shooter, refer to the tips I gave out earlier in this thread about the game in-space. So, if the 10th book unlocks a new capsule tube for you to work with, then how do you get the last 4th capsule tube? Does it have to do with the UFO sim?
Lol 125k is with your tips, that's how bad I am at that one. What number boss is the helicopter? I haven't made it that far yet.
A word to the wise: For those that are playing the L Project game, make sure you're not planning on playing the UFO Simulator game in-between. That is, never play during the L Project and UFO Sim at the same time. For example, if you're in que for UFO Sim and are playing the L Project game during that time, make sure you say "no" when a message for starting the UFO Sim pops up. Saying "yes" to that will likely interfere with your previous HDD's UFO Sim levels and would suddenly reset itself back to level 1 - something Speedy found out when I hit rock bottom on that game unexpectedly. So, if you got USB sticks, that's great, but remember to not take too long if the que's short or you have an impulse to play the L Project game to mix items for pokemon or ingredients. Just a thought. Oh, BTW, every Saturday in Peakvox, the UFO Sim itself raises another 20% bonus on Saturdays in Japan (making the combine gold UFO and the alien suit/head to 170%), so it's best to play on that day if you really want to level up more.
regarding making 'pokemon' with the L-project game does anyone know how to make a white claw? I'm trying to make the orange sprite thing (though I'd really like the blue one but I imagine that'd take forever using free tickets to get items to create all right stuff to make it XP) I managed to luck out and make a lvl 4 grey rock so I just need the lvl 11 white claw. EDIT: haha nevermind I lucked out again and found out that 2 lvl 8 Ruby things create a lvl 11 white claw :3 (takes 45 mins though for it to make it XD) EDIT2: (didn't want to double post) I'm trying to make the blue sprite thing(spirit of water is apparently it's name) according to the list that was posted earlier you need a giant/large seashell? and a curved claw thing? but I don't know what colors or lvls I should be making and what items even make those. does anyone have detailed info on how to make the blue sprite?
I'm not sure which one your asking for. Can you say the color and level of the item you want to make. (Edit) Opps, I was thinking about the item and not the pet.
in the L project game, go to the tab below the mixing chamber. first page shows the ingredients you have unlocked. R1 next page shows pokemon you have unlocked, and ingredients it takes to make them. Seems when you unlock one ingredient, it gives the other required for that one. Doesnt show pic of the pet until you make it. the ingredients combined in mixer show result, and small pic below it is what two of them together will make
I've been using that for reference too, unfortunately the 'pokemon' I'm after is #23 水の精霊 (Spirit of Water) but nothing shows up under that list for what to make it with, according to this: PlayStation Home LƒvƒƒWƒFƒNƒg I need 巨大な貝殻 (large seashell?) and 湾曲した角 (curved claw thing?) but I have no idea how to make them or what the appropriate colors or lvls of such items are.
You need to make the items at least once to have it appear in the list, so most probably you haven't made any of them yet. The 巨大な貝殻 is lvl 17 blue, and 湾曲した角 is lvl 21 orange. I'll post a list for lvl 21 orange for reference. I haven't done the list for lvl 17 blue so I won't be posting that one. Please note I haven't double checked it, so it might include errors. (Edit) Added the correct version.
I'm trying to make a level 22 blue bottle (water element with the whale symbol), but no success. Anyone know how?
cool thanks for the info faga I managed to find the lvl 17 white seashell earlier apparently made using a lvl 14 blue fish scale(it showed up underneath when I made one) and something else possibly another lvl 14 blue fish scale but I haven't tried it yet, takes a while to make stuff. EDIT: YES! 2x lvl 14 blue fish scale does indeed make the lvl 17 white seashell!(takes 2 hours to create) woo halfway to my spirit of the water companion! Recca, from the looks of it the lvl 17 white seashell is an ingredient for making that lvl 22 blue bottle you're after
Yes, but the following list Faga has, I'm confused on it. I do have the lvl 17 white seashell, but I'm not sure what else I need to put in it.
yeah, I wish the in-game item list was the same as the 'pokemon' list that once you get one item needed it'll show you a picture of the other item you need, after I got the lvl 17 white seashell it now shows a picture of a lvl 21 orange claw on the 'pokemon' list for the spirit of water I want though I still have no idea how to make that claw it might be worth trying to make another lvl 17 white seashell? seems like not all but quite a few of the items can be made with x2 of something.
I've been wanting to ask: What is the smaller window for? Does it tell you what ingredient is needed for that new small picture?
the small window underneath the result window when you go to put 2 items together? if that's the one you mean it's just indicating that the item you are making/about to make is one if not both of the ingredients for that item in the smaller window. that expaination was kinda crap here's an example: lvl 3 blue rock + lvl 17 white seashell makes a lvl 11 bottle with brown liquid underneath the window with the bottle in it shows a lvl 14 blue fish scale. it just means the lvl 11 bottle with brown liquid is needed to make the lvl 14 blue fish scale.