Please welcome our latest addition to our developer forum family, nDreams_Joey, Digital Product Manager, for nDreams Ltd ! Joey wants to find out exactly what is going on in the minds of the players that access nDreams spaces and buy their products to find ways that nDreams can improve and develop to help provide a better experience for the community. So please give him a warm YPSH welcome and be sure to give him some good feedback!
Thanks for the welcome! As mentioned above I am here to get involved with the people that make Home what it is, you the community. So any feedback you have on nDreams products, any questions or even any gripes you have with anything we do please just let me know. We do have a newsletter going out today (6th June) so if you are not signed up please sign up here - nDreams Monthly Newsletter . I will be sending a link to a browser version at some point over the next 24 hours if you don't fancy signing up! We have some exciting projects lined up that I and the rest of the team are excited to start showing you so as soon as I can give you information on new projects I will. In the meantime, say hello and start giving me some of that all important feedback! Joey
Oh and don't think I'm here just to get feedback...I'm here to get to know everybody and also become part of this fantastic community that has built up
Now, before I head into bed for the night (damn GMT timezone!) I thought I would share the latest newsletter with you for those who aren't signed up. Take a read by following this link - nDreams monthly newsletter - Xi Special! Feel free to share it with anyone and everyone! Enjoy reminiscing about Xi! Joey
I got work in morning also I have to be up at 6am and i get home at 6pm and then do site updates Here is some of my old Xi pics.
Hello, Mr. NDreams. Hey I'm curious, is there a legal issue for you to bring your monthly competitions to Asia Home? I do play on the other regions, as most Homies do, but since I live in Asia I feel that that region is my true Home. I won one of the competitions, it was the Valentines thing, and love the rewards, but if I could show them off to my long time Homie friends in Asia, that'd be great!! I'm nearing level 90 in Aurora, nearly one year of constantly going there, all other regions besides Asia are at 65 since I didn't buy any of the upgrades there. I enjoy the Apt, and the winged Aurora shirt, very cool. Are you going to do any more steampunk styled clothing or things?
Hi Iggy, Thanks for the message! With regards to the competitions I'm not sure of a reason why it wouldn't extend to Asia. Sometimes if we have codes to give away we have to work with what we have and if we don't have any codes for Asia then we can't use them. What I'm looking to do going forward is whenever we release new content is to obtain codes from all regions for use in competitions, to try and give something back to everyone who supports us no matter what region they are in, so keep an eye out! Steampunk style, in the immediate pipeline I don't see us working on anything but that's not to say we won't be in the future, we have some fantastic projects and items coming up that I'm sure everyone will love, as soon as I can talk about them and show you guys some images I will. In the meantime Iggy post some images of the kind of things you would like to see and I will keep them in mind when we are looking at developing new clothes and items. Joey
Quick question about the bonus 1000xp from e3. Will those of us that have already reached level 100, recieve that bonus once the level cap is raised?
Good question Sam. Not sure if there has been any discussions on increasing the level cap (correct me if i'm wrong!) but it's something I'll keep in mind when / if we discuss the level cap internally. How is Swindon today ;-)
Oh I see, when patrick said there will be plenty for those that are already at 100 to do, with the release of v1.6, I assumed he meant a level cap raise. My bad. Horrible weather in Swindon, already missing the sun.
Morning / Afternoon / Evening All! Wherever you may be! Here is a question for you all, hopefully you are all feeling pretty creative. If you could create one very simple item / mini game that would increase your enjoyment in home what would it be? Be as outlandish as you want, but I am thinking of very simple things. Let your creativity flow! Joey
I would love to see a portable rc helicopter that can have a first person view, would be fun and could also be used for people with pvr's to film better shots within home.
I think a dunking booth where we could take shots at dunking friends like Carla in a tank of water would be entertaining. riginal:
A storage box that I could place wardrobe items in that I didnt want and another person could take them out,