This is a thread to those that need help on each game on Midway 3 (or from Midway 1 and 2, if you prefer). Please share any of your problems and solutions here.
Here's a video on how to beat level 10 on Pull My Finger, thanks to RayBladeX:
Despite the terrible freezing in that space, I'm experimenting on that too. I sent Ray a message through YouTube about it, but I'll message him on PS3 too.
[h=1]Playstation Home - Midway 3 - 100% Unlocked - Darla's Den[/h] [video=youtube;IppwMvbRZZI][/video]
Pretty cool, though why is Marla the one scrubbing the tables, and why didn't she slap the paddle against the table
I knew there had to be a filler for the bar area a long time ago, since the women are unlocked in your personal space after you completed the games. Guess being a bartender has it's toughness.
Something is still missing, I keep checking out the Den and there are areas that still seem as if they are expecting something more to be there. Mainly I'm wondering where 'Thang' which has its own trailer is, as well as all of the mythical beings that are on the posters. The boxes to the right of the bar have an access point and would be a perfect spot for one of those creatures. 0.o
RayBladeX has put out a You Tube video for Light Me UP, levels 1-9. Just search his name and you'll find it. I'm really stuck on level 10 of Penny Pincher, and it's my VERY LAST game to play before getting 100%, and hopefully get the golden penny afterwards. Any tips would be helpful.
Looks like Penny Pincher is the only hard game to play when you reach the higher levels. I suggest anyone starting from scratch in a different region should play that first before playing the others, so most of your regional currency would be used there. Hopefully, you won't need to spend much. Otherwise, you could wait for the game to be free for a minute.
i suck at the midway games i cant even beat the easy ones i want prizes from. i cant get past bigfoot at all or light me up level 6. i thought light me up was just button mashing but now i just keep getting points taken away. and i suck at timing things becasue of my connection for bigfoot.
Dead Ringer is possbily one of the easiest games there on Midway 3! Got to level 1 to 8 yesterday on it ;D.