Not too long ago we had a maintenance followed by a weekend of D5021 errors. This wasn't fixed immediately and we headed into ...what was it? 1 or 2 weeks of that error. Which made getting into Home very difficult. We just had a maintenance yesterday. Now I'm getting F13 alot. Is this happening to you too? Do you have any other repeating errors too? Since it's the end of the work week in Europe, I think we are going to be stuck with another bad weekend.
Lots of F13's this morning logging on and trying to move from space to space. I managed to get my xp done and collected my fossils. I decided playing RE ORC on Jill's account was a lot more rewarding than having to deal with the issues. Hopefully it'll be fixed by this evening. I suspect a core patch is needed and it seems to be taking forever for them to get it out.
Yes lots of F13 errors for me too...along with lots of F%$# errors coming out of my mouth! lol :crazy:
Ganbatte everyone! *ganbatte and ganbare are japanese for "hang in there", "give it your best shot" and is encouragement for success. Jo, I think the F13 might be from the patch they did yesterday. It seems to hit me when i enter a space. Is it possible that only going to friends, crowded places (instead of empty rooms) will help bypass this?
I hope it doesn't get too bad this weekend, all the errors and maintenance is really starting to take its toll.
Its getting bad some people cant get in, others getting stuck in hub, how can every other game on psn be so much more stable with less issues, home cant have any more users than a top notch online game, pathetic is what home is becoming and with games having more and more social aspects its in danger of making itself obsolete
same to me, loads of F13 errors, cant reach my Dôjo with my JP accnt neither my private gz island house on my US i cant reach my harbor studio (wich, strangly i can access in Japan...) i'm really bored of all that crap, every week we lose an evening because of emergency update but what we get are more and more bugs...
I pretty much have given up trying to go into private spaces and rarely used and hidden spaces. (accept MIB in NA) Trying to teleport into an empty room is too dangerous. Only exception seems to be clubhouses, which still seem to work ok.
Been getting F13 errors for the past couple of hours trying to go to apartments and now other public spaces. Haven't tried clubhouses yet. A bit ridiculous we're still having these issues after several weeks, enough is enough :/ Edit: Clubhouses are a no-go for me as well. What a joke
I think someone mentioned this last week, but does it seem to anyone else like maybe Home servers are "under attack" and Sony/Home "Mgt." just aren't willing to tell the public about it? Would it even be possible for hackers to do this without affecting the entire network? What is happening just doesn't make sense considering we never had these problems before and it was even ok after 1.65 (and the patch) for a short while. There has to be some reasonable explanation and I am thinking more and more that they just can't afford more public embarrassment after last year's network hack and years of operating in the red. All I know, is they better get to work on technical issues, whatever they are, even if it requires working around the clock. The fact that they just take the weekends off without so much as a simple message on the forums or MOTD doesn't say much about how much of a priority it is or their commitment to Home and its users if you ask me. I've been done making Home purchases for awhile now anyways, because I simply don't trust its future the way I once did...and I sure have plenty of other things to do, but I would still like to see someone realize what Home's real potential is and put some serious effort into it. I know I know, I'm beating a dead horse......or is that Heavy? lol :heavy2:
Seeing what happened in April 2011, anything is possible for hackers, Im starting to think there is a hacker who is actually trying to get people to stop going on HOME at all camps.
What a weekend. It's lonely here in JP. F13 is the error due jour at the moment. These weekly errorthons are definitly growing tiresome.
Rumors are everywhere currently, hackers, serious technical issues, even that Sony are just trying to patch it up and keep it taking money, without spending money until next gen consoles are released and then thats it, new console either no home or completely new home, cant believe hackers would just attack home as a whole, why go after the home users, there isnt really enough regular home users to be worth it, surely they would go after the big prize the network or a game with more users, if sony were just patching it up until next gen consoles came along, and had something new in mind, could be true but could back fire, they would have to decide whether its worth risking or not or is it just technical issues they solve one problem it creates another, they solve that one it creates another two, is home going to be prioity fix it at any costs, dont think so, its a free service that lets face it, theres a lot more psn users that dont use home than users that regularly do. Also home users will get loads of issues this week, next week a new outfit will be released or a gold string vest reward and people will get on and get it without thinking last week there were issues, Got a feeling its just technical issues and we are not as high up the get it fixed list as we think we should be. Bet if it was a DCUO which has subscription users and that had issues, it would be fixed rather quickly
Well it seems a lot worse this morning than it was the last 2 days, I've tried for a half hour now and not been able to get into Home once... So much for getting into Japan to level up at Shoei... Edit: Ok I got on by jumping to Peakvox first
I wondered if it was a hacking attack at first too . But a smart and knowledgeable friend told me that the latest version of Home uses a new technique to reduce server load and reduce lag. It hibernates certain instances that are empty. The problems happens when someone tries to go to an empty room. The server doesn't wake the room properly. At least that was what might be happening. Your apartment will always be empty when you go to it. So maybe that's why you get more F13 errors going to personal spaces. By keeping this in mind, I've managed to reduce the number of F13's I've had to deal with. I try to teleport to instances that I know will have people there already. that seems to work. I think the reason why our weekends have had weird errors is that the last few weeks on the thursday or friday Sony changed something in the programming. Either a patch to Home's core. Or to the rooms themselves. or to the server. Then they go home for the weekend. Leaving us to suffer without any help all weekend if their "fix" causes a new error. Then on Monday they check to see how badly they screwed us up.
I've been doing other things - gaming - mostly this weekend. I spend a lot of time in personal spaces. Not being able to get them without a lot of disconnects isn't worth it.