Private Space intruders / hackers / glitchers | PlayStation® Community Forums I really can't remember, but hasn't something similar to this happened before? Only it involved just the default personal space?
Two strangers encounter each other in their own spaces. This sounds like a Sony Home staff blunder to me.
I can only assume this is a bug that's appeared with 1.65, I haven't had it happen to myself though of course if it is a bug that happens by accident it's entirely possible someone else has seen me floating in their space and I just haven't seen them, also sound like there's 2 versions of this "bug" 1)users on both end can speak to each other and 2) only users on one end can see users on the other but not vice versa. Only thing I can recommend people do for now is when you go to a personal space, check the user list in the chat log, if there are users listed who shouldn't be then exit to another space then return and hopefully you should be in your apartment now by yourself. Basically it sounds like the spaces are becoming merged somehow whether randomly or intentionally.
Heard about this ages ago with the Tron apartment, thought flynn had survived at first but user name was something like k1ll3r-_-1, have heard it was a glitch thought it had been sorted and also thought it was someone on your friends list only, so sounds like a home issue, as Sony flick one switch to resolve an issue it seems to set off another issue, starting to feel its a thankless task for Sony.
Yeah, I've experienced this. Basically two rooms are thrown together by accident. they don't have to be the same lounge. One time my friend was in the bowling alley and I was in one of the Sully's bar siderooms. Home's server threw our rooms together. I couldn't actually see his room or the items in it. And he couldn't see my room or the items in my room. But we could see and talk to each other. And we could see the avatars in the other room. It was funny to see people bowling in Sully's bar.
Glad this isn't happening in a lot of personal spaces, just certain ones. I think the only one I own that was listed as spotting glitchers in, is Waterfall Terrace. From looking at one of my last decor ideas for that space, I don't have anything up on the walls, that I don't want a stranger to see. (Thankfully) Wouldn't mind redecorating my Waterfall Terrace, as the place still only has the 50 items I put in it the last time I was there. I think I will do that , today, and keep checking the list of people in the space. In a way, I wouldn't mind witnessing the merge, because I could see it for myself. Then on the other hand, I don't know if I want to witness it, because I'm afraid I might end up with a weird in a bad way kind of random guest in my space. Oh, just thought of something else. Hope none of the glitches are animal rights activists, because I do have a deer head and moose head up on the walls. Lol.
I'm fairly certain you are safe. I think that you can't see their room, and they can't see yours. You only see avatars.
I was told by a friend that these hackers can get your ip address and credit card info if you speak to them while they are in your personal space. Is this true?
Now that you mention it, last week when I went to my aurora apartment to play defender and I saw ppl running in the sky but once the message loaded they dissapeared *shrugs* idk if its the same bug.
ip address is a yes but its like knowing what your name is, not a lot of use, credit card info is not visable like an ip address so i would say no
If they really wanted to, they could bombard your isp with packets. That will knock you off the net for awhile. But it takes too much computer resources on their end to keep it up for long. Though it might be possible to google your ip address. Sometimes that will lead to more about you. And then they can follow that like a trail to more info. Won't always work. But I'm sure it will some of the times. That could get uncomfortable.