I was wondering, is the MiB suit for females the first black 3 piece suit for women in Home? (Not including the Liar's game one in JP). I was thinking of getting one for my female avie. I like the Lockwood Drey Black suit much better than the Male MiB suit. It's basically the same except the jacket isn't buttoned But the quality is MUCH higher on the Drey suit. Plus the MiB is a dollar more than the Drey Bundle. The cheaper drey bundle don't come with shoes. But there are plenty of black shoes in Home for men. I have quite a few sets already. I see a female pinstripe in Codeglue and Home Originals costumes. I see Hitman has a red tie suit. But don't see anything that really first as an MiB female costume replacement. Anyone have anything else?
The MiB suit is the nicest Female black suit I've seen yet, Only suit I have is the Hitman one but the design of that one isn't great, I'd actually love to see Lockwood do some female suits of differing colors. Granzella have also released some pinstripe and office suits in Japan recently, which are nice for a bit of variety but nothing like the MiB suit.
I don't know about that Drey suit being the nicest for guys. The figment and coke-a-cola suit was much nicer and cheaper than Hitman or Drey. I am also very disappointed that I missed out on the black liar game suit for women. Next to that, the Granzella and MIB women's suit are my favorites so far.