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Reminder/warning about corrupted Home files

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by HOPPER_34, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Remember to back up your Home files if you have the means! With all of these games that require leveling up in Home now it would really suck to lose all progress, as some friends have. For some reason in Japan especially lately, corrupted script settings are occurring more and more. I have 3 friends now in the last week or so who have lost all progress in Granzella Downtown, GAW and Shoei Kingdom because of corrupted script settings. I don't know all of the technicalities of this, but it seems the problem may stem from GAW space crashes.

    I know some are aware of this already, but I thought it would be a good idea to at least remind people to back up all of their Home files, as I hate to see this happening to people who have put in all that time only to lose all of that progress. If you are in JP Home, I would: 1) stay away from GAW until they get that laggy, bugged mess figured out (who knows why it's still even on the navigator), and 2) make sure your files are backed up in case you do crash and find that your settings are corrupted. It can happen so unexpectedly to anyone at anytime so I would try to save those files NOW, no matter the time it takes.

    Sorry to all of the people that have lost all of their progress....if it happened to me, I know how I would feel and I won't use the words here.
  2. HeavensLightfire

    Sep 5, 2010
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    How do I back up files for US?
  3. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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    Oddly enough i was also at GAW when my script corrupting crash happened.
    Unfortunately i haven't been keeping update with my save and i had to learn this lesson the hard way.

    So please take Hops advice, as its an extremely unpleasant experience. :cry:
  4. HeavensLightfire

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Good thing I got my USB ready, so like how do I put on the backup files, and what files do I back up?
  5. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    I would back up all files in all regions actually, but especially script settings. Personally, I have a simple 1 GIG USB stick for each region--they are really inexpensive but serve the purpose for Home saves. Just pop it in USB port on PS3 and copy the files to it.
  6. HeavensLightfire

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Would I delete the files there when IM putting them back?
  7. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    No need to delete anything on your system that is not corrupted. Just copy all PS3 Home files onto the stick so you have them if you need them. If you already have a certain file saved to the stick then yes, overwrite it if you want to update the back up. I'm really not the best person to dish out any kind of technical computer advice to be honest, but I thought this was a simple enough reminder that might at least save another person from having the awful experience of losing progress unexpectedly.
  8. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    No need to delete anything on your system that is not corrupted. Just copy all PS3 Home files onto the stick so you have them if you need them. If you already have a certain file saved to the stick then yes, overwrite it if you want to update the back up. I'm really not the best person to dish out any kind of technical computer advice to be honest, but I thought this was a simple enough reminder that might at least save another person from having the awful experience of losing progress unexpectedly.[/QUOTE] too right thanks hopper nothing worse than losing your progress, got an aurora update this week as well, plus pirate update last week, bound to have some bugs, I havent gone back to gaw since it started having serious lag issues
  9. ixarix

    ixarix Prince of guides.

    Mar 16, 2012
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    Thanks for the advice.

    If you have PS+ I believe you can save your data on their system as well. I did this when I was forced to get a new machine, and it really save my bacon. I was able to transfer my data back on to my new PS3 without to much trouble. For Japan, I saved my data to a couple of flash sticks.
  10. DCS

    DCS Active Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    U will need an USB stick for each Home region account u have. And keep track what USB goes to what HOME...

    Save ur Settings... Save ur Characters.... Save the Script File... Those 3 are the most Imortant ones to Save. U can also save ur Apt settings if u don't want to loose those.

    If u ever make any changes to ur Avatars or to Settings u might want to back those up at that time also. Script files are used all the time so keeping them updated is a must...

    I know after Home gets a NEW Update each time i have had files become conrupted after Home was Updated on some accounts but not all. Very Odd as to why some would get conrupted after a HOME Update and not the others... But it Happens!

    Also remember the Script file is where most stuff is saved far as game progress on Home. Say if u backed it up a Month ago. And been on Home since then. Ur fScript file would be a Month Outdated... And if say u got a Conrupted Script file right now. U have to use the back-up and since it was last done a Month ago for example ur gonna loose what stuff u did during that month afterwards. So it will have ur data but be a month old and not current. Consider that also. Also a good Reason to keep the Script file updated the most... Just in case!

    Of course if ur also changing ur HDD always back that up so u can put the data on the New HDD!

  11. IggyMonster45

    IggyMonster45 Active Member

    Oct 7, 2011
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    Peakvox Labs Abduct Simulator leveling is also on Script Settings, so you'll lose those as well. I had this happen in Jp Home and Eu Home. I got my first notice after a crash in the Shinoe Kingdom, but that was a week after I got the notice in Eu, not sure where it crashed there, but since I mainly only play Aurora and Southern Island Hideaway, I'm thinking its a Granzella thing.
  12. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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    I heard a couple of people have been having issues with script files when they crash in JP atm.
    Don't forget to make regular back up's, trust me your regret it if you don't.
  13. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Thx Sam--had thought about bumping this thread also after hearing about 2 people crashing just today. I am backing up in JP after every session now. Sucks that this can actually happen to people--I feel real bad for anyone who this happens to who doesn't have their stuff backed up. I would recommend everyone remind your friends (especially in JP).

    Unfortunately, I'm afraid we are starting to see some of the effect on HDD's from all of the Home freezes. Just my opinion.
  14. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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    Me too hop, I've made quite a bit of progress in JP recently and would hate to see all that effort go to waste. (again :p)

    Wish JP didn't rely so heavily on script files.
  15. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    i WISH PS3 had a "lite" save where you could save all the save file data but NOT the game and videos. I don't have that big of a usb drive.

  16. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    I'm wondering if people are seeing that this has happened after hitting the circle button to bypass that screen that says the system has detected corrupt data and it will take 2-3 hours to restore or whatever? Does it not allow you to bypass that screen or is there some other message before (or after) you do bypass that and start Home again and get to the rebuilding HDD cache screen?
  17. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    didnt think you could bypass that, if its crashing when saving a script file all you need to do is make sure you back up script file on usb stick, ive also found if you freeze in home and instead of just restarting ps3 straight away, wait till the harddrive light stops flashing as well, ive not had to do that restart screen and sometimes it even just kicks me from on d5205 type code when 5 minutes ago I could do nothing
  18. Ocelot-BigBoss

    Ocelot-BigBoss La Li Lu Le Lo

    Feb 19, 2010
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    Gran Turismo 5 game makes a back up file additional to the regular save data file. Haven´t seen when, but i´m guessing it happends when you start playing a new game session. You can´t even save this "back up file" in an usb stick.

    In other words. While you´re playing, all progress in a session or in a day is saved in the "regular save data file". Then you quit the game, back to the XMB and do other things; after that, or other day, you go back to play and when the game is starting that "regular save data file" is saved now as "back up file".

    Seeing how unstable is psHome it would be great having this instead of backing up by ourselves.

    To those that think that maybe there´s something wrong with their PS3, exists some "safe mode" in which there is a -Rebuild database- option that can help to give an improvement to the actual condition of the ps3. This is like taking you car to the km/miles service, doesn´t give you more HP than the original ones but it helps to work smoothly. I don´t really know what exactly is done but actually my ps3 runs smothly than before specialy in psHome. It took me like 5 min with a 320GB HHD the rebuild process.

    Before doing this, been in psHome, I was pressing start button to navigate through my personal spaces and they just were not loading and as a result I was getting a freeze system. Game crashes, system hangs using the XMB web browser, etc. :)

    This is where I got the info from...

    1. How to access SAFE MODE

    2. REBUILD DATABASE option

    3. REBUILD DATABASE option from PS forum
  19. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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    Wow, it doesn't get any better the second time around. Only this time, restore or rebuild both didn't work and the only option was to reset, losing all my data. :cry:
  20. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    No Sam...please tell me no. Were you able to restore backup data or did you not have that? Ah man, I can't believe it-sorry this happened again to you. Wonder what in the world is causing this to happen? It really has me worried now--this has become an epidemic....and it always in JP Home it seems.
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