finally made it to 100,000 pts. and i didn't get my sword reward. I noticed that the statues are also missing near the enterance. So i'm wondering if they have taken away the rewards? Also ps vita space seems to have been deleted from the servers.
Its I think the blade for pyrmid head from silent hill. I should've got it, but as it seems all the statues are missing and the posters and videos and I guess the rewards.
Flutter, if everything's missing then your space is bugged. Try leaving and re entering. When the statues/posters aren't there then it won't detect your point count either so no reward :/
I've spent countless hours there. I'm getting points, 109,000 to be exact. I've had everyone else check it out. And no one can see the statues at the enterance. so I know I'm not crazy. Konami did something to there space and I lost out on getting my hard earned reward. :sniper:
I see the statues actually, sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. FIX YOUR SPACE KONAMI! Its my favorite. :crybaby:
so turns out the problem with konami started with Home 1.6. It's being looked at, but if it's too much of a problem I can see them deleting it... hope they find a way to fix it.
i think you will be lucky Konami are still releasing content on home, the space has foot flow, so i think they will repair it. The spaces that were deleted had little or no foot flow, were broken, and or the original developer left home for other things
---------------------------------------- Finally, Tester 3 is over. :tease: ----------------------------------------
Like an idiot I sat and watched the whole darned thing, then realized I forgot to turn on the Quest. So went turned on the quest, sat for ten minutes of the video, and Maintenance Time. In the immortal words of Eor, "Oh dear, I guess I just didn't do it right."