Hi, It seems loads of you love the new MiniBots Battlebox active item, so why not share your Battle Zones or Bot Bases with the community, this be real helpful for design tips as well as showing ways that your design can help your fight in the battle zone. Below is a image of a Bot base is have just made within the basic club house.
Soon we will have a massive war. The PS Home Avatars and the Battlebots, who would win this tragic battle? Will this be the end of YPSH as we know it?
You made a great battlebase Carla, plenty of hidden areas which is ideal for quick retreats to recover.
built one where you can climb up inside so top floor you can shoot from but very little access for droids to get in to, as a hint dont delete the active item game start as it resets yr level, ill try n get pic
YourPSHome2 Club I opened a new club for YPSH users on our US acct. My intent was to use it for a bot course and a fun place stuffed with arcade games. First I created the "Desert" club and built a quick bot course to experiment with and added a dance floor. Then I used the "Hidden Oak Retreat" club to stuff with arcade games, checkers and dance floor. Then Carla took the bot course idea and made the Basic Clubhouse into a bot course (shown elsewhere in this thread). Since then, I spent more time on the original bot course and thought I'd share some ideas with everyone here. I created two areas to run between in the "inside room" at the club. The first section (shown here) is a tunnel. In this pic you see one entrance, blocked by a shield to prevent direct entry by the enemy. I used the walls that came with the Battlebox bundle for the back of it, but I used Translucent Credenza's for the front side. This allows you to see what the enemy is doing outside of the tunnel. >> In this view, you can see the ramp that allows you to climb up top to get a better shot at flying enemies. Note the shield to help protect you. << This shows the other end of the tunnel. Again, shield placement to help you run out, grab a shot, and duck back in. >> This shows a small gap I created in the center of the tunnel with an obstacle (barrel) in the direct path. This allows you to run out and get a shot and also a quick way to get from the top back into the tunnel for protection. << This shows a small area on the top of the tunnel with shields to use as a shooting position. These shots show the other section. This one built with Translucent Credenza's and the Racing Box Dining Table. The Credenza's are the right height to block getting under the table. This makes another tunnel to use for cover. Front of tunnel is blocked by Credenza. This leaves two small openings on the left and right to run in and out of. The Dining Table has a dual top. The extra height gives you a place to build a little fort for nailing the flying bots. Also good for tossing grenades at the floor bots. These views show the top portion. Gives you a small tunnel to run into for cover and look around. Note shield used to block flying enemies from getting direct shots at you in the tunnel. I'd love to see Juggernaut release some more items for building course. The problem with the supplied walls is they are too short if you want to build a long tunnel. This eats up furniture allocation. Maybe have 3 sizes (regular, medium and long). Also be nice to have "glass" platforms and walls (again in 3 sizes) to build tunnels that allow clear views of what's going on outside. Only other suggestion I have is trying to improve the view when in a tight space. When you rotate your view, your bot can block your view and/or the item it is near. Not sure what can be done there.
Beautiful base and great ideas Karen! Glass walls (lol) / floor in different sizes noted - we're going to see if we can hide your minibot in tight spaces to stop them from blocking the camera also.