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What Japanese Devs Really Think

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Aeternitas33, Jan 12, 2011.

  1. Aeternitas33

    Aeternitas33 Riskbreaker

    Dec 24, 2010
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    I came across this article today, and the following section grabbed my attention:

    "- Many Japanese devs are skeptical of the notion, often stated by Hideo Kojima and ex-Capcom game director Keiji Inafune, that Japan's game designers must adapt themselves for the world market or face irrelevance in the game business. "The whole idea that we must make games that can sell outside of Japan is a mistake," one anonymous commenter said. Another responder, who works in the PR department of a Japanese publisher, went even further: "Games work based off the culture experienced by people in their native countries. The idea that you can make something that everyone in the entire world will like is fantasy."

    For those of us who are tired of seeing our favorite Japanese series attempt to "go Western", perhaps there's hope yet. Now if only Yoichi Wada, the president of Square-Enix, were to have a change of heart.

  2. crow6828

    crow6828 i'm not crazy really

    Jan 5, 2011
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    nice find Aet thanks :). i have to say alot of the games i have are from japanese companys and i bet there is a few games that have not made it over here i would like too lol.
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