the irem xmas or new year or what ever it is lol is still working i did get that last night along with the post card from the plaza. also just to let you know you get some free game downloads with the monster hunter and uncharted water online spaces. although i have no clue if there you play the games from home or if there psp games or what lol.
The last Liar's Game vote has been posted! 1224 (L) -1455 (Nao) -1071 (R) And Ellie's suit was awarded. Wish I had video capture going. Kelbim's face made a brief appearance on the main viewer. And there were some text. Wish I could have captured it but it happened to fast. I didn't expect to be up. Oh well. Congratulations to all that won.
Oh can i claim it still tonight in 5 hour time? I picked the right side, thats winner right? Is it the female suit?
Well crap. I had no idea it was ending so soon. I could never seem to get there at the right times. Not like I ever go to JP anyways. I'm a friend person and it's hard for me to go there without having someone there. And Lol Diamond At blowing stuff up .
If anyone wants the Irem cap but didn't get it, it's STILL available. (thanks BaronBrain) but it will be gone after tomorrow....
yes i would like to know how to get this cap also . i thought i had gotten everthing i could from there for now lol.
FF is referring to the black Irem cap from the Christmas events, from the Irem box that you acquired by hopping back and forth from Irem space to space and doing certain things in each and being rewarded a present box at the end. Apparently you still can get the cap, unlike the other Christmas items since the events are past. If you have the Irem present box and had claimed your reward in Home Square, you should be covered already.
oh ok i have the box i guess i just need to go to the square and claim it lol. darn i have alot of work to do there to get all the others also lol
Well you had better claim what you need to claim because who knows what will be left once the update is done this evening. Those items do require interaction to get and more than one visit to central. I think I made at least 5 if I recall correctly.
ooooo thanks joanna for the info . oh btw you go to the thing in the middle of the square to claim the prize or another spot?
There was an area just to the right of the entrance to the shopping mall if I remember correctly. They have an illuminated/animated tall icon of sorts – somewhat similar to the one outside the Lair space (door). There is a prompt you need to interact with. Give it a bit of time and you'll see the reward notifications.