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Guide PlayStation Home Pro Tips

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by C.Birch, Feb 27, 2012.

  1. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    PlayStation Home Pro Tips, C.Birch, Feb 27, 2012, 8:54 PM,, png, protips.png
    Hi and welcome to the PlayStation Home Pro Tips thread
    Do you use Home on a day to day base and have a 'Pro' tip to share with the community on how to make your day to day experience of using Home better?

    From tips on using the wardrobe system to tips of dealing with common problems feel free to share them with the community here and I'll update this first post with the ones i feel will be of a benefit to the community.

    Wardrobe Tips

    1) Got to many new items going into your storage system, making new items hard to find when they become lost within the storage?
    Did you know that by moving items from the other gender wardrobe folders to stoage that this infact free's up spaces in the main folders of your main gender, So if you only use a Female gender, try moving all your male items to storage and this will give you more room to better sort your Female items.

    2) Got a set of favourite items you use all the time and want faster access to them?
    In your wardrobe you can now mark items as a 'Favourite' item, when you do this via pressing Square on the items, it will mark it with a Heart icon. Once you have marked all your favourite items as 'Favorite' next time you enter that wardrobe folder just Press L1 and then pick Favorites to only show your favorite items.

    Home How To

    1) Clearing Home's Cache
    Clearing Home's cache every now and then will help keep Home booting up fast from the XMB, it can also fix problems you might have with a space or items.

    When posting a tip to be listed above, please make it clear and easy for users to follow and understand, use of images or video is also a good way to help people to understand.
  2. SCarverOrne

    SCarverOrne Miskatonic Alumnus

    Feb 15, 2012
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  3. HeavensLightfire

    Sep 5, 2010
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    You should start a voting campaign :crossi:
  4. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    Cache size high or low, depends on user if you visit a lot of different places regular or have a slower internet connection Id go higher cache size if you visit the same few spaces and a higher speed internet connection Id go lower cache size, reasons on a higher speed internet wired connection you can obviously download spaces a lot quicker and if you visit the same few spaces they will be in cache anyway so theres no need for a large cache, if you have a large cache it will take longer to clear cache or delete home if you have any issues, on the other side of that you dont want to be spending all your time downloading spaces, so if you have a slower internet connection perhaps wireless or visit a lot of different spaces then you will need a higher cache but beware if you have to clear cache or delete home it makes that process a lot longer, Id start on default and if you find your downloading too much set it higher or if you are not downloading a lot set it lower. Then once a week clear cache to freshen the cache up. If you set it low remember spaces like sodium 2 take a long time to download so if you visit there a lot but dont go for a couple of days you may need to download it again, if you want to keep it in cache just visit it perhaps just before you log off just to keep it in there
  5. IggyMonster45

    IggyMonster45 Active Member

    Oct 7, 2011
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    If your new to Home, one quick tip is to hurry up and find reward items for your clothing. I've found my friends and many other Home users refuse to talk to people who are walking around in the Blue Home shirt with the Home Logo in white on the front. So to not look like a "Noob", find free items in the mall, head over to Midway and play a couple free games, anything to change up your wardrobe from the standard "Starter Kit".
  6. HeavensLightfire

    Sep 5, 2010
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    I recommend for new users to check the mall (threads) for free items, right now you can get some at the wardrobe wars event which is in the mall. the kiosk is by the games store, also check many spaces to get rewards so you can have a change in clothes! (As Iggy said above) You can check to see the free items at the store under the home items, the one for US is now available, the EU is not complete yet sorry :(
  7. Iced-Tea-Bagger

    Iced-Tea-Bagger Active Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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    basically use this website as a guide to get some items from the start, or ask someone here to give you some help getting started. also for help getting rewards from games if you are new to home there are many guides on websites like this and also guides fro games such as the ones from the midway available on youtube. looking up some midway games on youtube really helped me earn a lot of rewards. also check some of your ps3 games that you own, some might have home related content. i had batman arkam asylum for 2 months before i found out about the batcave reward.
  8. IggyMonster45

    IggyMonster45 Active Member

    Oct 7, 2011
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    Don't ask people to join Private Chat Logs!! Don't friend tons of random people!! Don't hit on ladies just cos they look sexy!! Best bet is that most those sexy girls are actually boys in disguise.
  9. SCarverOrne

    SCarverOrne Miskatonic Alumnus

    Feb 15, 2012
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    A lot of these seem like common sense or new user tips, far from 'pro' tips. No offense.
  10. Iced-Tea-Bagger

    Iced-Tea-Bagger Active Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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    to be a pro in home basically use this website and don't act like a horny idiot.
  11. HeavensLightfire

    Sep 5, 2010
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    If you see something that is "limited edition", its best to go to it NOW, because most likely it will be gone when you go back on, right now there is the Star Wars Brisk Event and the Street Fight X Tekken, i suggest you visit those areas and collect as much rewards as possible, also if you want to meet people, be kind and polite, walk up to someone and say hello, if they respond, respect them, start a conversation and hopefully you will become great friends :)
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