Article: [US] The French Chateau, Street Fighter X Tekken update, Lockwood Mechs & mo You can view the page at Your PS Home - [US] The French Chateau, Street Fighter X Tekken update, Lockwood Mechs & more
Thankfully no billabong dresses, and ehh this update seems kind of lame. ;D luckily I still have things from week before last to buy or I'd be a bit sad
Just the new challenges for SFxT for me this week. The Moon Forest space looks like it will be quite nice, but that Hillside just looks awful.
I Love The Look Of That Plum Pavilion I Agree With Fluffy On The Moon Forest, Dark Atmosphere Those Iron Fusion Look Pretty Cool ;D .. Not That I'm Getting One, Lol.
Yes the plum tree space does look nice but what version will you get when it comes out? personal space or clubhouse?
tweeted by Lockwood;The Samurai and Geisha bots will be $3.99 / €3.99 / £3.19 each - - available tomorrow! Hurrah! this will be surprise for many:balloon:
The Ice Palace looks like yet another one huge room space. What is up with this trend? I'll wait for some nice detailed spaces with a at least a few rooms.
Hillside looks like a concrete bunker on stilts surrounded by an abandoned real estate development complex. Frozen Peak Palace = big cold empty room French Chateau = big bright empty room Gothic Manor = big dark empty room What's next? The Hades Hall...a big fiery empty room? I wonder what Mansion perks will be tied to all these spaces. SCEA sure is cranking out the spaces lately.
I like the hill house design but why Isn't there a lake animals playing near by just a bad location if someone gets it I will Visit them
I'm Going With Personal Spaces If I Have To Get Any New Spaces .. I Still Love The Desert Haven As A Clubhouse Although It Is One Big Room With A Random Plant (what is with that ? lol) But With Decorations .. Its Quite Nice ;D Until I See A Double Story Space With Pool, Option For Day/Night, Beautiful View And Whatnot .. Then I Maybe Change For The Clubhouse. It Seems That MAYBE Upcoming Spaces Will Have The Option To Be As Personal Or Clubhouses Now .. All Of Them That Are Upcoming I Guess And Of Course In Someway Tied To The Mansion .. That Never Gets Old .. Lol ;D
I love the designs of the Plum Tree Pavilion and Moon Forest! They have pretty good styles and desgins unlike the other spaces that are plain bleak and empty!!! Im defintiely getting Plum Tree Pavillon!
Devs are thinking of themes. They're not actually grasping the concept of creativity. So all you're going to see for a little while is a box in a different wrapper. At least, til someone thinks outside the box. Then they'll be fired for not being a team player lol