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Aurora Level 99 Exploit: Report, Warning + a Request…

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Baron_Brain, Jun 30, 2011.

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  1. Baron_Brain

    Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
    Valued Member

    Jan 22, 2011
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    On June 28th in the nDreams: Aurora UK space, I discovered a small gathering of users who were all sporting Level 99 badges.

    As I'm sure everyone here can guess, their Level 99 status was not reached legitimately — the highest authentic badges are Level 73-ish.
    (And before you ask, yes… the highest level at this time is Level 99… nDreams can always change this via a future patch.)

    This Level 99 group bragged about how they used a DNS exploit — via a specific IP address — to alter their levels within Aurora. The user who discovered this exploit was also present, initially offering access to the exploit to other users while he was "feeling generous". He also posted information to a certain well-known hacker/exploit website
    (don't ask, I won't tell you; it's for your own good).

    This gathering lasted for at least 45 mins., then they quickly dispersed upon
    receiving a PSN Home Mod warning in the Chat Log:

    [MOD] HomeAdmin_53: Please note the discussion of exploits is prohibited.

    Seems that Mods do occasional pay attention. Unfortunately, no Mod was actually present within Aurora at any time (that I saw), and the illegal badge modifications apparently went undetected.


    Obviously this unauthorized activity needed to be reported immediately. Unfortunately, the obvious choice — using the
    "Submit a Report" function of PlayStation®Home for this incident — was absolutely not an option.

    As many European users are aware, this reporting system is seriously flawed in the UK (and presumably the rest of Europe). Any user filing a report automatically receives an emailed "PLAYSTATION®Network: Account Warning" from detailing how:

    "On __/__/2011, your behaviour whilst playing Home, was not
    acceptable for the following reason(s): __________________.

    and threatens that:

    "…any further breaches of the Terms & Conditions may result in a
    formal warning or even a temporary or permanent suspension of
    your account from the PLAYSTATION®Network."

    In short, the victim AND the wrongdoer are both judged equally guilty. Obviously this system is seriously flawed and can't possibly work as intended — the users won't risk filing a report for fear of a suspension; and the abusers know this, so they're running wild in Home, taking advantage of the situation, and answering to no one.

    In the end, nobody wins.


    Still, something needed to be done about this. Acting on a suggestion from another YPSH members, I decided to go straight to the top… directly to nDreams.

    I wrote up a full report on the incident, including all pertinent information I had taken down on the Level 99 users — details on the exploit, IP addresses used, PSN IDs, etc. — and sent it on over to a contact at nDreams for their inspection.

    I received their response earlier today; though I feel it to be improper to reprint their entire response, this one section says it all:

    "Please be assured that we’re working on preventing this happening
    and will be talking to the appropriate people to expedite the process.

    It's safe to say I'm extremely pleased at how quickly they are moving on this, and how seriously they are taking it. Certainly a nice change considering the slug-like response time certain Sony departments are well known for.


    First, here's what you shouldn't do: I know some of you out there find the idea of raising yourself to Level 99 immediately very appealing… I even know a couple whom I'm certain wouldn't hesitate for a second to use this exploit if you could find it.

    I'm telling you

    Don't do it. Don't even think about it. Because if you do, you will come to regret it.

    But you can help… if you should see anyone with a Level 99 badge. please send me a note asap so I can update nDreams. Here's what I'd need:

    TEXT REMOVED - See "Addendum" below
    (sorry, but no "strikethrough" function was available :glare: )

    Many thanks in advance for your help, both from nDreams and myself. It's very much appreciated.

    Addendum (07.01):

    I received a small update from nDreams about this issue yesterday. Although most of it was personal, there was a small bit of additional relevant info I can pass on here:

    "It's unfortunate that such people feel the need to spoil things for others,
    but please rest assured that the fix will be coming through shortly.

    Don't worry about letting us (or them!) know if you spot them, we know who they are..."

    To sum up, the initial listing of names & info I supplied nDreams was more than enough to zero in on all these delinquents, so there's no longer any need for us to keep track of them, nDreams has indeed been able to identify everyone who's used the exploit to achieve Level 99…or is stupid enough to use it in coming days.

    Now that was quick work, don't you think?! I can't wait to see what surprises nDreams has in store for these jerks when they employ their own "exploit" patch (hee hee hee).

    Many thanks to those who've kept watch on these idiots over the past day just the same…

  2. crow6828

    crow6828 i'm not crazy really

    Jan 5, 2011
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    darn baron now it is going to take me forever to get to 99 on all my accounts :( roflmao :p. thanks for the heads up and i will keep my eyes open and let you know if i see any :). but we all know that alot of the games in home people have been exploiting and get crazy stats and fast times. it is good to hear ndreams is going to look into it though rather than ignore it all together.
  3. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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    Good work baron. :)
    Usually these exploits don't bother me, but as I have worked hard to get my level up, I kind of feel cheated. Hopefully they can identify all of the culprits and bump them all the way back to 1.
  4. Baron_Brain

    Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
    Valued Member

    Jan 22, 2011
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    Morning all,

    Many thanks for the comments I've received on this so far, both here and elsewhere. Apprecate it…

    I received an email from nDreams earlier today with a minor (yet important) update to pass on to everyone. Plus I'd also like to quickly ("quickly" for me, that is ) address a couple things Crow & Sam commented on, as it all ties in together.

    I'm sure we've all experienced at least one mini-game moment within Home where we looked at a leaderboard and cursed someone's impossible score, knowing without a doubt they cheated the system in some manner. Such as with:

    inFAMOUS: Abandoned Docks of Empire City — "Reaper Shock"

    — or —

    UNCHARTED 2 Nepalese Village — "MASK MAYHEM" and "Torch Race" ​

    Considering how hard most of us work at getting our scores in up in these mini-games, it's certainly frustrating — and distressing — to see this occurring. Worse, it usually seemed as if Sony did little or nothing to fix or prevent it. If the scores were removed, they were back in a flash. These are the exploits I'd like to stop, since they are harming our overall gaming experience. I'm also not too fond of how these cheaters flaunt their "superiority" or insult other users.

    On the other hand, many users who'd never use an exploit for cheat have used a certain completely harmless Home exploit without hesitation. A UK exploit last year enabled users to obtain some free-of-charge Home Square Event reward items they had missed or lost, along with some free XMB themes. Also available were several retail sale items no longer listed in the normal Marketplace… but these did have to be purchased through PSN same as any other retail item; they were not hacked to be free. This type of exploit I tend to ignore, as it harms no one, it doesn't affect gameplay, and Sony still makes extra virtual sales.

    Getting back to Aurora, nDreams is definitely not just sitting on the sidelines twiddling their thumbs… once notified, they took an extremely pro-active stance, and are acting very quickly to eliminate the problem. As per the update I received this morning, "…please rest assured that the fix will be coming through shortly."

    Further, nDreams added "Don't worry about letting us (or them!) know if you spot them, we know who they are..." Now that was quick…wow, what a difference a day makes! Turned out the initial listing of names & info I supplied was more than enough to zero in on all these delinquents & all other partners in crime — nDreams has indeed now completely identified everyone who used the exploit to achieve Level 99, or will use it in coming days. Many thanks to those of you who've kept watch on these idiots over the past day just the same…

    But my warning from yesterday still holds true to anyone reading this — whatever you do, don't use this exploit if you are offered it. You'll regret the decision. I haven't been told exactly what they're planning, but I sincerely hope it'll be along the lines of my "terminate… with extreme prejudice" suggestion.

    II'll keep 'ya informed of any additional info that get's passed my way… I'm really curiouis to see how this one plays out…

    "Eat lead, suckers!" :2guns:​
  5. Ultra

    Ultra Member

    Apr 5, 2011
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    They should bump all the 99'ers back to level 1. Rewards should be taken away as well, but not sure if that's possible. Same thing happened with hacked Midway jackets but don't think MM did much; I wish more companies were proactive like this. How about a "regret-o-rama cone" where they have to complete 12 tasks to start earning XP again? :smile1:

    UPDATE: Found this comment on the PS Home forums:

    nDreams Ltd

    Please be aware than anyone currently displaying level 99 in Aurora is just pretending to be level 99 using a cheat/exploit that we have become aware of. We'll be updating Aurora in the near future to stop this from happening. We're disappointed that people feel the need to do this, but rest assured that they will return to their actual level in the near future. Of course, we can't comment on rumours that we're considering building a jail under one of the islands for them...
  6. drake21734

    drake21734 Administrator
    Staff Member Administrator

    Feb 5, 2011
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    That's gonna be hilarious when they log on and all the things they cheated to get are gone. Well done nDreams. You guys rock!
  7. hyperkane

    hyperkane mm (©_©) mm

    Jan 14, 2011
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    LOL @ a jail. ;D Honestly, I never quite understood why someone would cheat/hack like this? To me it's like buying a $60 game and using a cheat code that shows you completed it at 100% when you never even played it. :p I always thought the point was "playing the game". :puke: Just glad that the vast majority on this site agree with Kane. :eek: (moi)
  8. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    sadly, the hk and jp Disgaea space has a checker to see if your hell points are consistent to what they expect it to be at. if it looks like you are cheating, your points are reduced to ZERO.

    I say Sadly,because it can make a mistake if you own two ps3s and use the wrong machine.
  9. Baron_Brain

    Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
    Valued Member

    Jan 22, 2011
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    Nice find Ultra… thanks for posting it up over here!

    I've already said far more than enough on this matter, and the only thing else I could possibly say for now is…


    *sniff* … waaaa… M O M M Y !!!! .:crybaby: . . . . .:raygun: :clap:Heh heh heh, die cheating scum…!
    [Level 99 Exploiters] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [nDreams + me]
  10. crow6828

    crow6828 i'm not crazy really

    Jan 5, 2011
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    yea the reaper shock i have given up on even trying to get the trash man item shoot i wouldn't have the pants if they wouldn't started resetting the daily board lol.
  11. l------VX------l

    Feb 26, 2012
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    Hi Baron_Brain, sorry to bump such an old post, but I just today found this. As you can probably guess I was in fact one of these people, or as you call us 'idiot's, who were there that day. Before you get too excited, nothing happened to any of us.. not even an e-mail warning. Now the exploit was patched very soon after this so you can give yourself a few strokes knowing you are probably responsible in part for that. Just FYI, that exploit to lvl99 was only temporary. It lasted long enough to get all rewards, but that your level was 99 was never stored in the servers. Basically it was just a way to cheat all rewards early.

    I'm not sure I fully understand why some people get so miffed over a very small minority of users who choose to engage in these types of activities. We aren't harming anyone, and I guess it could be argued that we are hurting ourselves only. At this point I would like to put forth some food for thought. I'm sure to people who would never use such an exploit, you likely see it as very unfair or an injustice that I can get these rewards without seemingly having to put in any effort. That's where you would be wrong. Finding these exploits and then devising a way to make them work takes a lot of time and effort. Maybe just as much as the person who runs around get their orbs legit everyday. The point I'm trying to make here is that both sides put in a large amount of effort. It's two very different routes, but in the end it's all to the same destination.. getting those rewards.

    So in the end, I see no reason for the name-calling and insults. You have to remember this a game, and still in Beta at that. People like me love the rewards just like everyone else, but we've chosen a different challenge for ourselves as to how to obtain them. Both ways are still just as satisfactory in the end.
  12. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    Unfortunately glitching a freemium game for its rewards will cause more maintenance down time so you can see why people get upset over it, I understand also if someone at developers dont get it right, people will exploit it as well, but id choose less down time over getting rewards by cheating, I also think risking a ban to get virtual rewards is a bit much, lose the ability to use your account and all you gain is virtual rewards, then when people see you with these rewards all they think especially if its impossible to be at that level is you cheated so theres no kudos to it, so I cant see no plus points to cheating rewards from a freemium game
  13. IggyMonster45

    IggyMonster45 Active Member

    Oct 7, 2011
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    Also you have to understand many people get annoyed at the slow level up and buy the upgrades, therefore the Developers make money and can offer more games and fun things.
  14. Aiken_Drum

    Aiken_Drum Fish Act Explosion

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Given that you cheated to get the rewards, I would say you aren't qualified to compare the two investments.

    Recently, when I was level 86, I think, I calculated how many more days it would take me to hit max level. The number was between 80 and 90 days, something like that. That's with the aid of the purple goggles, xp-doubling jacket, apartment with island defense, and all island defense upgrades, all of which cost money.

    The way I see it, you've helped yourself to the equivalent of an entire chest worth of medals for the price of finding out how to break into the company that mints them for the military. How long did the recon and planning for that take, anyway? Me, I've metaphorically gone to battle for months on end to qualify for these medals. Months, with each day representing maybe 30 minutes of my precious free time. That's real time, not pretend time. I've also invested quite a few dollars in the venture.

    In the end, what you accomplish is to make the medals not only more commonplace and thus less of a real accomplishment for the rest of us, but you also bring into question whether or not the rest of us actually put in the monumental time and effort required to earn them legitimately. For all anyone else knows, we cheated too. Gee, thanks for that.

    So, no, your self-righteous defense of your actions holds no water. You are a cheater, a thief, and a vandal of others' reputations. No more. No lame rationalizations, equivocations, recriminations, or misplaced pride can or will ever change that.
  15. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Don't forget it only takes 1 person to find it, then 1 min for all the rest of you to read a post and copy it, so hardly a big use of your time.

    End of the day cheating is cheating, it's a core value of life that some stand by and others don't.
  16. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    im the first one to get annoyed with developers money grabbing, many times ive given an opinion on that topic, slow level up I dont have a problem with as too many spaces go dead all too quickly once everything is won, home is fast becoming an over complicated facebook game anyway where rewards and the need for random friends to help complete stuff is taking over. People are actually thinking its kudos to have a top end reward, I rate people by they friends not by how many rewards or accounts they have
  17. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Glitchers, hackers, cheaters, whatever you call yourselves will never win, because it exploits all activity and sooner or later it'll break the security system within Sony.

    How do you supposed Home was shut off completely back in May 2011 without warning to anyone? Because Anonymous, just like your group, still depends on using hacking as a way to get even with Sony, and they somehow found a way to turn the tables against their security systems and breached all of our accounts. And, you'll be doing the exact same thing you'll be doing when you didn't realize you didn't. We don't want Sony to be pulling the plug off of their systems and shut down productivity because of this. They already made a huge apology once, so why do it again and make people more upset?

    I honestly think you and your group should consider your actions and stop using whatever you're doing before it's too late.
  18. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Are you serious? So that hack took months of effort?

    I'm not perfect by any stretch, but cheating is cheating whether it's in Home, in competition or in your personal life. I just feel sorry for anyone who feels it's necessary to anonymously try to rationalize their personal character defects on open forums.
  19. Yoshikawa

    Yoshikawa Active Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Some of us dont have the time to play the game every day of the week to get levels please for love of god get off high horse. Anyone who ever when to privative sever or had got to a space earlier like with the tgi space is "cheating" Anyone who using other region is technically breaking the ToS you cant only read parts you like. Complaining about other people having rewards it doesn't matter how they got them. We all collecting rewards If you had a chance to get 100,000 points per drink in neon downtown dont tell me wouldn't do it or 30,000 points for Japan Monster Fishing
  20. Diamond_Dust

    Diamond_Dust ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞ Innocent ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞

    Dec 23, 2010
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    As just explained above Yoshi, glitching/cheating/hacking, or whatever you want to call it just causes more problems than getting them the legit way. I'd rather be able to play a functioning game and show off what I've earned over going through hacks and exploits which causes issues with the game itself and other system functions due to them.

    As Aiken has stated, you're giving everyone a bad name by hacking items people have gotten through legit means (not to mention spent money for). Now it's become a stigma with certain items that have a negative connotation because of people like you. I don't care if you try to justify your actions by giving me some sob story of effort and time and whatever else, it is not the same to those who not only do it for the items, but they do it for the challenge and for the right to show them off (merit) without just hacking it and obtaining said items.

    I personally think it's a lazy and cowardly way of getting things. You can't put forth the time and effort yourself to do it legitly so you resort to hacking and cheating to do it for you. Maybe it's a fear of failure? Who knows. Here's an idea, use that time and those resources to actually earn things yourself instead of ruining it for everyone else who does make the effort.
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