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possibility of expanding the wordrobe options??

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by crow6828, Jan 10, 2011.

  1. crow6828

    crow6828 i'm not crazy really

    Jan 5, 2011
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    since i can't post in the ps forums thought i would see what you guys think lol :). if any want to post this there be my guest.

    with all the new stuff we have been getting like weapons and jelly fish ect. i know there are a few things i would like to have my avi use but cause where it is placed i would have to take something away. before it was no big deal but now it would be nice if we could expand the options a little. like in the gloves section have where we can put any of the gloves or what ever. but then have and option to put somthing in our hands also. or like with the accessories have like mask option for things like the skull bandana or ac2 mask and then have things like the jellyfish or halo or what ever. i think it would give more options and people could be more creative with how they look. so let me know what you guys think :).
  2. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    I still think they should let you add your own folders and the save files need to be full body images, not just my face becasue its my outfit i swap and not my face, so dont know what save is what has all look the same basically.
  3. crow6828

    crow6828 i'm not crazy really

    Jan 5, 2011
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    lol i know what you mean most of my save file have the grimm head and skull bandana on my avi. so i have to load each one to find the look i want.

    another thing i was thinking after being in jp. the weapons we have i wonder if there would be a way where we could have them set up to were we could either have them on our back or in our hand option also. just letting us have a few more options to dress our avis with just thing of all the different looks we could have. cause right now even with all the clothing and outfits they have out i still see alot of people looking alike.
  4. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
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    Dec 24, 2010
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    Well one has to hope that the storage tab they introduced is just the first of many additions. My storage area has lots of things I would wear and I would love to have control over what I put where. I've put this in suggestions over at I've been putting this in suggestion every month. Hopefully they'll pay attention.

    I also wish we could make our out tabs and name them ourselves but that might be hoping for too much.

    I love the Storage Feature in Wardrobe. Can that be expanded so that we have additional tabs for other items where we can move items individually to those storage tabs?

    Tabs such as:
    Bathing Suits
    and more!

    And we need Additional Save Slots in Wardrobe. 9 save slots is just not enough.

    We also need Save Slots for Apartment Layouts please.
  5. crow6828

    crow6828 i'm not crazy really

    Jan 5, 2011
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    i think that would help joanna mostly with one piece outfits lol :). and we need more save slots for sure i could you about 15 or 20 myself lol.

    but what i am think is like being able to wear the grimm bandana and the neptune horns or ac2 mask and the cat eyes. it would give use ways to use more of the items we have and the ability to get more creative with our avis.
  6. maxbrat

    maxbrat Love Weasel
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    Jan 4, 2011
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    I agree, more options for dressing our avatars are needed. A back item for wings, weapons, etc. and I'd like to see waist items such as belts, swords, tails, etc.
    The save preview would be nice if it showed the whole outfit. At least 5 more save slots would be great.
    The one piece items can be a pain when you are trying things on. I wish those had their own category and didn't get mixed in with everything else. I've just been sticking them in storage for now so I only go to them when I want them.
  7. crow6828

    crow6828 i'm not crazy really

    Jan 5, 2011
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    lol i have been doing to same thing with the one piece outfit. but most of my save slots are the one outfits so i can get to them fast is i want
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