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JP Japan Home Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by kwoman32, Jan 8, 2011.

  1. Shaundi

    Shaundi Third Street Saints
    Valued Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    The Valentines earring rewards from southern island and Edo Mononoke game are supposed to be available from 14th until , I think,the 26th. I think the Southern Island reward will be from the rock face thing where the xmas rewards were given as it has a pop up to select there again but does nothing yet, not sure about how you'll get the Edo item.

    I'm not sure if the new wedding chapel reward is already available, that may be from v-day

    Edit: I'd just woke up when I typed this, valentines rewards will be from Edo and Peakvox labs, disregard everything I said about the Southern island :p
  2. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    The rock face is for redistributing the xmas stuff because some people had problems getting it. I haven't really read in details about the earring stuff, but I think you collect each side of the earring from peakvox and mononoke game, and then gather at the wedding chapel to collect the reward.
  3. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Do you really have everything? They added rewards last Dec. or so for all 3 modes. Should have 12 (counting male/female as 1). 9/12 = 0.75
  4. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    There is a new message I saw when I went to the rock face again.

    I'm not sure what to do with the fish though... :p

    @Yoshikawa: Sorry, I was mostly with the guys and gals at Home Square playing for the Valentine's rewards with the knitting machine and new female dress.
  5. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Steve, let me know about that skeleton guy. I'm going to try my luck after work over there and see if I can get them. What about the Granzella's Beach?

    I also did get the new portal from Peakvox Labs already. ;)
  6. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    I don't really want to repeat myself...
    The message is
    クリスマスキャンペーン再設置中! Placing Christmas Campaign Again.
    「光るトナカイのツノ・ハナ」を再配布しています。 Re-distributing Reindeer Antlers and Nose.
  7. Shaundi

    Shaundi Third Street Saints
    Valued Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Sorry, I'd just woken up when I posted that, confused myself :p
  8. IggyMonster45

    IggyMonster45 Active Member

    Oct 7, 2011
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    Hey I showed up in JP HOme tonight and there was the Valentines lounge, some peaceful scenery showed up along with a cake and a heart shape, what are you supposed to do from there?
  9. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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    +90 /0
  10. stevev363

    stevev363 Milkshake Maven XD

    May 2, 2011
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    After playing through the Edo game I got everything but the heads and the swords, I love the new rewards! the billing models are awesome and so well detailed unlike the earlier rewards that seem to have a coat of silicone on them with all that glare they have. This Centipede is amazingly easy to kill as well as the other monsters so it makes me wonder what they are going to add later to make it more challenging like the first game. only mistake I made was going for the glowing prize box before I was done killing the monsters and I froze! The game is working very well though and I can see finishing off the other rewards quickly. I'm not getting what we are supposed to do for the photo game in South Sea Island either, I've snapped pics and watched the 50 count for the upgrade slowly drop but I'm not getting what's supposed to happen as far as a message that you got a pic or not. could this game not be working correctly yet? :ermm:

    By the way, I can help anyone with the rewards for the valentine event this weekend. I can hang out on sunday in the Square and give rewards from both costumes, sad thing is there is really only one or two rewards for the ladies compared to the 6 or so for men. ladies need a costume for the rewards so unless you have one there are only 2 cookies available. :p
  11. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    ahh thx--that explains it then (the board must have said 75%). I knew they added more for Hammer Virus from a discussion in the chatbox awhile back but I was never clear about the other games. I'll have to check into what the requirements are for those. I know I have played the bomb one several times just trying to beat my high score, but haven't gotten any more rewards from it. Thx as always for the info.

    EDIT: ok I checked your peakvox thread and do see the others listed at the bottom of your OP. I didn't realize you had added that info there. Really appreciate all of your help here. :thumbsup:
  12. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Wow nice going! I got all of the items except for one from the first time around, but it took me a looong time and a lot of hours to do it. I know this has probably been covered somewhere, but I was late getting to this game and missed some info early on. Since you obviously have it figured out, can you briefly explain what the determining factors are in how many spending points you get at the end of each successful game? I played through the new one only once yesterday and got 190 pts to spend--seems like there must be a way to maximize that total. At that rate I would have to play through the game at least 20-25 times just to get the new sword item.
  13. Yoshikawa

    Yoshikawa Active Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    I have all the old rewards and 6 of new ones I can get about 370 point per game ^_^ So far got 4 of 8 fossils from the fire ant :)
  14. stevev363

    stevev363 Milkshake Maven XD

    May 2, 2011
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    I'm using the new costume and weapon and by clearing the space and getting the box I get about 245 points per game, I also have the upgrades for the health power up, luck and whatever else they sold so I'm sure the has bearing over my totals. Plus the fact that the costume pieces can be mixed for varying effects you can really control the power and protection your Avi gets. I honestly just buy new costumes when they appeal to me and so far I love most of them. 8/ right now I know that I can count on the points that I'm getting and plan to grind out the last 11,000 or so pretty quickly. 8)
  15. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Playing the Mononoke game now. Just killed the centipede on my 5th try but died before escaping. :( Also unlocked a new fossil, but got froze and now have to restart. :p

    Any idea about the new swimming underwater game at Granzella Beach? How to do it and how many rewards are there?
  16. stevev363

    stevev363 Milkshake Maven XD

    May 2, 2011
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    Here's what I do in Edo to clear the space quickly! start off by killing the spider skulls in the tenement and by the time your done the centipede will come over the roof to the area by the practice dummy and the toilet. Hack at it crazily as it comes down over you and it will run to the far end and attach the tail end to kill the back sections, I knock out half of its life at this point. Then go to the streets and start killing the rest of the spider skulls till they are gone. The next place to go is the far end of the street where the centipede will have the front portion hanging over the street to perform the tornado attack and then fire attack, it shoots it's attack straight down the street so as long as your on the far side your ok. As soon as the fire attack is over get right under it and start hacking quickly, the next attack is the red miasma so when it starts making noise get a few feet away till the noise stops and start hacking again. If you don't have it killed by this time go to the far end of the street again and wait for the tornado/fire attack again and kill it. Get the glowing box ans kill the last 2 spider skulls and hit the gate to finish. This monster has a very predictable attack patter like the ogre's so just be ahead of its positions in the street and you should be able to kill everything in 10 minutes. 8)
  17. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    370 points per game? Are time to complete, number of times you swing to kill or number of times you get hit factors in the final score? Fossils from fire ant? Seems like answers lead to more questions. :wacko:

    I don't know if its just me or what, but JP servers are so much worse than ever before. I have frozen in 3 of my last 4 games in Edo. I NEVER used to have the problems that I have had lately there. It takes long enough to get through one game in Edo for me and now this keeps happening. The last 2 I was almost done with the centipede and the one before that, I was at the end sequence. The loading times for spaces and on navigator are worse than ever before too. Ok, just had to vent........I'm off to wait on HHD cache repair again. Grrrrrrrrrrr

    Keeps going to a blank, black screen after I finish a game in Edo and hit circle.
  18. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
    Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 29, 2009
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    Granzella Closing All Spaces?

    Kazuma Kujo from Granzella was Tweeting earlier. Since it is in Japaneese, I have to rely on Google Translate, which isn't the best. First, let me post what Google Translate produced....

    Sorry to be followed by trouble. In the "retreat of the South Island" lounge, a graphic bug with rocks of the island is hidden behind balcony near the wedding hall and that is has occurred. Regarding support of the future will be reported tomorrow.

    I continue to mean more anti-social activities such as the inconvenience and do not go do it. Come out with things that do not get decent playing is not a game company can do. I'm sorry really. Going to dispense with is not only apologize. We will report tomorrow on the future.

    I gave a lot of tweets. Thank you. I want to tell there is no misunderstanding, but not demoralized received from slander. Normally it should be if you have this job. Rather, I will you and your company are doing is not permitting.

    More than just an organization, if the pace is aligned as a team, aimed at speed can produce, the quality can not be. On the merits of us now, was acutely aware that as well as games can not make Home. Pre-production items will sell, for the lounge is closed once more than the neon city. I am so sorry to say selfishness.

    (The difficulties that must be made clear for the cause, circumstances, to resume, resume timing, etc., approximate) information about the closure notice] # PSHome Lounge for the future, you will be notified by our Web site next week. Thank you Sorry for the inconvenience.

    I discussed this with friends from Japan and the best I can figure from all of this is that Kazuma is not happy with the spaces his company has produced due to "too many glitches". They say an official announcement will come next week on Granzellas web site. We already lost Neon Downtown and now it appears we lose the rest. No word as to how long the spaces will be down or what the future holds. It does appear that the items in the store will remain on sale.

    Also no word on how this will affect other regions other than Japan. Stay tuned.....
  19. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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    I too was having a ton of the same problems on the JP servers yesterday hop.

    Kinda sad to see more GranZella spaces being removed but if it's to fix some issues the space(s) is having, it's probably for the best.
    If only they did this to the recently removed spaces in NA and UFC.
  20. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    It probably be temporary the spaces will be removed and put back again. Downtown will still be back later in March, so they're not gonna closed them permanently. Just get as many rewards as you can. Seems like Kazuma will have to rethink his staff programmers when they made these spaces and have them not glitched again.

    I bought the new sword from the old lady, and it's EXTREMELY powerful! It has a 4 full star, one empty star rating (I assume it could be 5 stars), but the downside is that it consumes a bit of your health very slowly and your armor is reduced - I was was using the war-torn samurai armor that was at 53, but it gradually reduced to like 15. However, the damage you take does not hurt too much at all. I'm certain this sword one of those "possessed" swords against the users like in those folklore tales. ;)
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