I am guessing they are so many to choose, so here are mine (don't judge lol) 5, Toro Let's Party 4, Aquanaut's Holiday 3, Unchartered Drakes fortune 2, Resident Evil 1 1, Both Little Big Planets So many came close ,Heavy Rain ,Goldeneye (N64) Sonic ETC... and where it all began umm pong or was it or space invaders idk
1-tomb raider the last revelation 2-Dragon Quest the journey of the cursed king 3-evos space adventure 4-Little big planet 1 5-Gta San Andres
Final Fantasy VIII Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Gran Turismo 5 Assassin's Creed II Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots ---
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Ratchet and Clank Future: Crack in Time. Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. Ridge Racer 7
By hours played or number of times played through these would be my top games... SSX Tricky Final Fantasy VII Burnout Paradise Final Fantasy VI Loco Roco Lumines
Oh my.... Only 5. Hmmm... 1. Little Big Planet 2 2. Super Mario Bros 3 3. Frogger 4. Spore 5. Spyro (That dragon is so cute.)
The following is my Top 5 1. BioShock :yes: 2. GTA4 :rifle: 3. Call Of Duty: Black Ops. (with friends) :fish: 4. DC Universe Online 5. Sam & Max: Freelance Police :roflmao:
Wow, this is actually quite tricky to do. I suppose my list may look something like this: 1. Uncharted (both) 2. Infamous 3. LBP (both) 4. Kingdom Hearts (both) 5. Red Dead Redemption
Hmm there are so many games to choose from so am going to limit to ps3. 5. Uncharted 2 4. Borderlands 3. GTA4 2. Resistance 2 1. Little Big Planet 2
Only 5 >8( .. LoL Lets See ... 1. Metal Gear Solid 2. Resident Evil 3 3. Devil May Cry 4. Need For Speed Underground 2 5. Uncharted 2 Among Thieves (in no specific order)
tough choices.. but 5. Resident Evil 1 Directors Cut. 4. Maniac Manson (NES) 3. Crono Trigger (SNES) 2. Uncharted 2 1. Galaga
In no particular order: :thumbup1: 1. Valkyria Chronicles 2. Persona 3 (PS2) 3. Okami (PS2) 4. Metal Gear Solid 3 (PS2) 5. Monster Hunter (PS2) Breaking the rules with two more lol 6. Dragon Quest 8 (PS2) 7. Uncharted 2
Adding sum more : Metal Gear Solid 2: sons of Liberty Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped Gran Turismo 3 a-Spec Grand Theft Auto III SSX3
1. Uncharted 1 & 2 2. Little Big Planet 1 & 2 3. Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 4. Fallout 1 & 2 5. God of War collection Yea, I broke the rules by adding sequels into one... so sue me! So many others to list so it was hard coming up with something.
There are lot of games i have been played till today but some of mine favorite which i mostly played i.e Final Fantasy VII GTA IV Super Mario Sometime, I also play flash games because flash games are the best way to entertained himself...So, I always played games in my free time..
Tomb Raider The Last Revelation Tomb Raider 1 Tomb Raider Chronicles Tomb Raider 3 Tomb Raider 2 Other than Lara Tekken 3 Crash Bandicoot 2 Rayman Alfred Chicken Ape Escape 1 Ps1 oops they are all PS1 :-\ my fave ps3 Little Big Planet Siren Blood Curse (shame the ending and repeating was crap) Silent Hill Homecoming Uncharted 1 Naughty Bear
Wow this is a hard one: Resident Evil 1 DC (I think it's probably the longest RE ever, in terms of game play) SMT: Nocturne FF VIII Legend Of Dragoon God Of War II
I like many games to play but my favorite 5 games are: FF7 BF3 MW3 Portal 2 Call Of Duty _____________________________________ Play on your demand fighting games for pc for free Let the play fighting games with high quality