We got another long maintenance this week. PSN Maintenance scheduled to take place this Thurs... - PlayStation Forum EST: Thursday 2nd February 9AM - Friday 3rd February 3AM. PST: Thursday 2nd February 6AM - Friday 3rd February 12AM.
All this downtown of late is becoming silly, i could understand if things run better after each one but fact is things run just the same as before.
Feels like my local mechanic lots of coffee, teeth sucking and sucking in over the top amounts of air but no results as of yet
Wonder if this will be like the last few times. They said you couldnt sign into PSN in the blog but you actually still could.
Any idea what this maintenance is for? lol j/k Someone has to ask every time so I thought I would take my turn. :bangin: (I'm just going to assume that it's for more work on their back-ends). :whistling:
Teach them how to do short and better maintenance and make it run better, in fact do it for them ;D .. They been doing a lot of long maintenances and doesn't seem like it's getting anywhere with it, Maybe it's for vita.
Folks: While I don't belittle issues from our Home EU "brethren" (and in fact, this post shows they actually "have it better" than those of us in the US) -- I have to say I'm getting SICK of the lack of communication from SCEA re. issues that affect NA PSN and Home. SCEA has said FREQUENTLY over the past 3 years that we in NA should put no "reliance" on info posted on the EU Playstation Blogs and forums; that ONLY official posts on the US site pertain to US/Canadian users. YET -- the PSN/Home maintenance was only announced "officially" on the US site at 12PM. TEN HOURS after it started. And almost THREE DAYS after it was announced on the EU site. This "silence" from SCEA Home staff has slowly grown from "laughable" to "insulting". But in the end ... all it does is make the SCEA Home staff -- HCVs included -- look useless. EXCEPT as "carnival barkers" for Home item sales. These individuals are tasked with helping out Home users. Knowing when I CAN'T use Home, I THINK, qualifies as "helpful information."
Claws: I agree that patience is a virtue. However, when it comes to information that arrives AFTER the fact, patience can also become a lesson in futility.
A minor inconvenience. Maybe they are updating their firewalls and things against hackers and people who've been able to steal things, such as codes for clothing. I know they are usually under a constant attack from such people, and that an update would be required from time to time. In HK there still is no information about this maintenance on the official site, so at least you get something in the US even if its late. This is when you pull out an old game disc and go to town on a trophy you haven't unlocked yet.
Iggy: Obviously I feel for you folks in the HK/CN area. And FYI I DO understand the need for protracted -- even frequent -- maintenance. But folks, here's my point: This extremely late communication with US is not the FOCUS of my irritation with SCEA Home staff ... it's ANOTHER example of their SILENCE. One COULD excuse SCEA US for not responding when Home users asked about the return of EA Sports Complex last year. But an outage that was KNOWN and NOT announced is endemic of a culture and a mindset of keeping users "in the dark."
worse thing is NA region has staff to run it and HVC's, the EU region is run by the cleaner and a cashier from the canteen lol
The Eu home boards are terrible at the moment, all we get is the weekly up date and if were lucky a ' the dev team are looking into it' from a mod.