I think a great pet would be a box released for sale 1st week of december and on xmas day it opens and a cute little puppy or kitten comes out of it and maybe this pet could grow too into a adult dog or cat in a few months
A good companion = size, detail, animations, personal taste -size - Unlike Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer size, Rudolph could have been larger and still fly around. -detail - Don't give me some generic dog companion. Give me a pug, huskey, german shepard, etc. If it is meant to look realistic make it so. If it is meant to be cute, cute can still have detail. The more detail the better. -animations - Have animations specific to each companion. If it is a dog have it do dog things. -personal taste - Some people want cute. Some peolpe want realistic. Some people want exotic. etc. etc. etc. Pricing I think there are a lot of things overpriced on Playstation Home. Supply is limitless, this is virtual. However each developer is competeing for our money. If one developer charges much more than another we as users will more than likely go to the cheaper. Personal taste will decide what companions are bought more than anything else though.
I would like to have a realistic Pug dog not puppy in fawn, black, and red. A Huskey as well. The ability to change the names of our companions would be great. You asked about bundles. Yes I think bundles are nice. Most of the time you save some money. Sometimes there may be an item that you do not want but you will buy the bundle anyways because its basically free in the bundle. However I would like to see better choice bundles. Having similar pets in a bundle like the Pugs in the differnt colors or having very differnt companions in a bundle for a variety. Bundles with companions , clothing, and furniture are nice too. Thanks for reading. I believe with Playstation Home anything is possible.