Hello everyone! Im creating this thread with the purpose to having people within YPSH who likes to play PS3 online games and cares with their related trophies joining with each other(s) and try getting these trophies that can only be gotten by playing these games online. And if you want to find online boosting partners for any game, just say which game(s) is it (are those) and i hope somebody can help (im not playing any online games now) I'm only creating this thread for this purpose and because i've expericnced dificulties while trying to find boosting partners for Dead Rising 2 on PS3 trophies related sites and because i know that many people that uses YPSH are really good people :no2:
I Always Hate When They Add Online Trophies To Games Especially Assassin's Creed And Need For Speed .. Lol .. Games Should Be Like Resident Evil 5 .. Main Game Stories And Then Have Online Trophies As DLC
Yeas, im with you on that Kimilicious, I love what Naughy Dog made with the Uncharted 2 and 3 games: They made only 2 trophies for the online modes, and those only required tasks were to compete in an competitive and in a cooperative play, without even the need to win the round.. those kind of online trophies are a breeze to get playing without the need to boost. But almost if not all fighting, FPS and racing games and some Rockstar Games (GTA IV, Red Dead Redemption) abuse the number of trophies that can only be gotten by playing online, and i have to tell you that im running from these games since i had to many dificulties trying to find people to help me with games such as Dead Rising 2 and Bioshock 2.
I could use assistance in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Really just 4 trophies. Win without blocking, 30 hours, fight all characters, and team aerial counter. 30 hours alone is a killer for me. I'll also add LittleBigPlanet 2 as well. Pretty much for all online trophies, I need assistance.
I need help on Red Dead Redemption. I can't get any of the outlaw posse trophies because every time I try to form one, I get stuck with posers who can't hit the broad side of a barn, which alone tells me how let down their girlfriends must be. But anyways, I need to form an outlaw posse and do all that fun stuff, so if you are down, let me know.
Also just got Saints Row the third and it has completely blown me away. The game kicks more shades of ass than and other game I have played in a while.
Does anyone here at YPSH still play GTA IV online? If so, im searching for people to play only the 5 team based games with me.
I can help with LBP1 & LBP2 trophies (2 controllers means at least 3x sections). Also, I have a lot of experience with Portal 2 co-op trophies now, if anyone needs help with that game. Send me a message in YPSH, if you need any help. To your question, James... I have GTA IV, but it is one of my many games that I have never gotten around to really playing.
was saying in another thread that we should all get together and game launch into gta v, I play gta still with at least one friend,
I appreciate your time answering this thread about my question, Caspearious and Gary, but i just have gotten my platinum trophy for GTA IV as of yesterday and i'll never play it again online. The only trophy i have yet to get in GTA IV is that for getting 100% on all missions on the Ballad of Gay Tony DLC.
If anyone has Soul Calibur V, I can help with the trophies there at the moment. Just send a pm if you need help with any of the trophies. I'm also helping with Castlevania: Harmony of Despair. Trophies and just getting stuff in the game.
Well, I'm happy to assist with any game. Lately, I've been playing Tomb Raider Trilogy and Tomb Raider Underworld. I could help with any Little Big Planet 2 trophies as well.