VIDEO: Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations Trailer Take your pick of favorite characters from the entire series Namco Bandai recently showed off a trailer for the next game in the cinematic, highly-stylized Naruto: Ultimate Ninjaseries of fighting games.*Mixing characters from before and after the time skip, Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generationsbrings Haku and Zabuza from the very beginning of the series, along with current faces via the crotchety Tsuchikage, the fierce Raikage, and fishnet-wearing Mizukage.* You can tell that I was paying attention to one particular aspect of that character.* Other new faces include young, cocky Kakashi, Uchiha Obito, and the Yellow Flash himself, Minato. [video=youtube;BGE0AjwR_Dw][/video] :demonangel: HIT THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: VIDEO: Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations Trailer
End of Watching Anime Online ? Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom (R) appears with other employees in Auckland's North Shore District Court after their arrest January 20, 2012. New Zealand police broke through electronic locks and cut their way into a mansion safe room to arrest the alleged kingpin of an international Internet copyright theft case and seize millions of dollars worth of cars, artwork and other goods. CLICK THE LINK 4 MORE If feds can bust Megaupload, why bother with anti-piracy bills? -
As some of the internet's biggest power players, including Google and Wikipedia, protested two fast-tracked anti-piracy bills going through Congress, the US Justice Department launched an attack on one of the web's biggest alleged scofflaws, Megaupload, and, in a counterattack, the hacker group Anonymous temporarily blacked out DOJ's website. Techno-pundits and mainstream observers quickly connected the dots between anti-piracy protests and the Megaupload arrests, notching the dustup as potentially the biggest salvo yet in the multi-billion dollar internet copyright wars pitting, in essence, Hollywood and its Washington lobbyists against internet free speech and its hacker protectors.
An Anime thread~~ D Hrmm.. What are the latest news? Well, Black★Rock Shooter the anime will be out soon ^^ Also, the epic manga Acid Town will have more chapters released soon as well ^o^ However, there are sad news ;__; The second season of Sekai-ichi Hatsukoi just ended and it looks like there won't be a third season. As for me, I'm currently watching the anime Ergo Proxy. It's amazing~! That is all for now XD But before I leave, here's a picture of one of the greatest Shiki (Togainu no Chi) cosplay I came across:
Don't know if any of you have Verizon Fios but it's anime related so I shall post. So apparently due to low viewership the Funimation Channel on Fios will be discontinued. Makes me sad and mad because it was literally the only channel that I watch regularly. My anime spending will shorten a bit more now. =(