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Resident Evil 6 Announced

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Diamond_Dust, Jan 19, 2012.

  1. Diamond_Dust

    Diamond_Dust ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞ Innocent ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞

    Dec 23, 2010
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    Resident Evil 6 Announced, Jan 19, 2012, 11:13 PM,, 5977

    The internet buzz is true - Resident Evil 6 is indeed in development for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.That detail may not be too shocking considering the level of speculation churning over the past few days, but we can also confirm RE6 pairs Leon S Kennedy and Chris Redfield together, and is scheduled for release on November 20, 2012.


    Zombies. Outbreaks. BOW outbreaks across the world. The looming threat of global bioterrorism is finally a reality, with our roster of capable heroes forced to confront this horrific scenario head on. Based on the trailer, we can see Leon investigating a small town that's suffered a Raccoon City-like infestation, while Chris heads to China for an all-out assault on the front lines. These two play styles merge to form what executive producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi calls "dramatic horror," which fuses action, tension and scares in a brand new way.

    Resident Evil 6 Announced, Jan 19, 2012, 11:13 PM,, 5977

    Further details:
    "It has been ten years since the Raccoon City incident and the President of the United States has decided to reveal the truth behind what took place in the belief that it will curb the current resurgence in bioterrorist activity. Due to be by the President’s side is his personal friend and Raccoon City survivor, Leon S. Kennedy, but when the venue suffers a bioterrorist attack, Leon is forced to face a President transformed beyond recognition and make his hardest ever decision. At the same time, Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance member Chris Redfield arrives in China, itself under threat of a bioterrorist attack. With no country safe from these attacks and the ensuing outbreaks, the entire world’s population is united by a common fear that there is no hope left."More information is on the way, so be sure to follow @RE_Games on Twitter as well as the series' Facebook page. Pre-orders are already underway in the Capcom Store (360, PS3), with Amazon, GameStop and Best Buy details coming very soon. And if the RE6 reveal has got your Resident Evil motor running, head out to our San FranciscoFright Club and celebrate!

    UPDATE: Second trailer is now available online, check it out!


    More good news as seen in the video is
    the release date has been bumped up from November 20, 2012 to October 2, 2012

    Source: Whoops! Browser Settings Incompatible

  2. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
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    Dec 24, 2010
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    Resident Evil? Wut's dat? :p
  3. Shaundi

    Shaundi Third Street Saints
    Valued Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    I saw about this on twitter but hadn't got round to looking out for the trailer, luckily it just came on the TV, which was quite a surprise as game trailers don't tend to be shown on TV here just as the game has been announced :p
  4. SoulBladeNG

    SoulBladeNG playstation fanboy

    Dec 31, 2010
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    This is good new's can't wait for this game it looks like it will be awesome.
  5. J_Meyers78

    J_Meyers78 Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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    Awesome news. But come on it was going to happen eventually. It is one of the best franchises in gaming history. I hope it is as great as the last two have been. Also hope there are some Playstation Home stuff to come with it.

    Thanks for reading.

    I believe with Playstation Home anything is possible.
  6. Diamond_Dust

    Diamond_Dust ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞ Innocent ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞

    Dec 23, 2010
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    I've always been a loyal fan to the series and even though I don't agree with the action direction it's going, I still enjoy the games. I'm kind of excited Leon's back as well as Chris. I'm hoping there's some other old characters returning ;D
  7. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    Glad its the game thought it was the film for a moment
  8. Kimilicious

    Kimilicious Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2011
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    Hell Yes! Resident Evil! :crossi:

    Can't Wait For It .. RE:ORC And RE6 ;D
  9. shaunm2

    shaunm2 Member

    Jun 3, 2011
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    Its about time they had a follow up to RE5, which in my opinion was one of the greatest of all time. Hopefully they can improve the MP problems they had had in 5 and make it better. I as well can't wait for RE: ORC
  10. WhiteRabbit42

    WhiteRabbit42 Wonderland's inhabitant

    Jan 6, 2012
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    [FONT=arial, sans-serif]MAI GAWD.[/FONT]
    [FONT=arial, sans-serif]RESIDENT EVIL 6 IS FINALLY HERE! :heart:[/FONT]
    [FONT=arial, sans-serif]And I get to play as Leon ;D[/FONT]
    [FONT=arial, sans-serif]Will he and Ada finally get married? :p[/FONT]
    [FONT=arial, sans-serif]I really hope RE 6 will go back to its roots. Resident Evil 5 was a bit of a disappointment for me :C[/FONT][FONT=arial, sans-serif]

  11. pangleaa

    pangleaa Member

    Sep 7, 2011
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    That detail may not be too shocking considering the level of speculation churning over the past few days, but we can also confirm RE6 pairs Leon S Kennedy and Chris Redfield together, and is scheduled for release on November 20, 2012.
  12. Kimilicious

    Kimilicious Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2011
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    Resident Evil 6 Announced, Kimilicious, Feb 15, 2012, 4:39 PM,, jpg, RESIDENT_EVIL_6_NewScreens021512.jpg

    A recent post over on the Capcom Unity blog has delivered some new details regarding Resident Evil 6 that included insight into the game's control scheme, locations, characters, and enemies. In addition, a fresh batch of images from the game has been released, which you can check out right here.

    As for the details, the blog post confirms a few control-related innovations for the series. Namely, RE6 will allow players to "move and shoot at the same time" while also being granted the ability to evade attacks with rolls and take cover behind various objects. While the initial trailer showcased many of these moves in action, it's nice to know that Capcom has officially confirmed the inclusion of these movement mechanics, which will undoubtedly impact the overall feel of the experience the game provides.

    Other than that, today we find out that RE6 takes place in 2013, just a few years after the events of Resident Evil 5 and that gamers will at some point be visiting China – specifically the fictional coastal town called Lanshiang, which the post points out will join the ranks of Raccoon City and Twin Oaks as locations overrun by "creeping monsters". Oh, and speaking of monsters, the post confirms that the game's zombies are a bit smarter this time around, stating that "some have figured out weapons can expose precious brain matter quicker than teeth and nails, while others are content to leap at you with ravenous intent." Then there's the even more dangerous J'avo (apparently named after the Serbian word for "demon"), which are capable of understanding speech and coordinating attacks while having regenerative abilities that the post says will "change the way you approach enemies."

    Lastly, some character profiles are listed in the post including Leon S. Kennedy, Helena Harper, Chris Redfield, Ingrid Hunnigan, zombified US President Adam Benford, and the "Mysterious Man", who is confirmed to be a mercenary that at some point is told he could save the world, "though money seems to be on his mind…"

    So, there ya go. Some new info and media regarding the highly-anticipated Resident Evil 6 to get you over the mid-week hump. Check out the new screens, take a closer look the amazing debut trailer, and then hop down into the comments and let us know what you're thinking about the latest installment in the Resident Evil series.

  13. Kimilicious

    Kimilicious Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2011
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    Lead character Chris Redfield will travel to the fictional coastal town of Lanshiang, China, in 2013 to investigate a massive bioterrorist attack, according to new details released by Capcom on the horror title Resident Evil 6.

    The action title also features regular series character Leon S. Kennedy, who works as a U.S. government agent for the president.

    Along with the standard zombies that fans of Resident Evil have come to expect, the next game will introduce the J'avo, a creature that "takes damage (and) has the ability to regenerate itself," reads a statement from Capcom. "However, if it receives major damage, then it will mutate that affected body part into a number of varied forms."

    Perhaps the most important change coming to Resident Evil 6 is an updated control scheme, allowing players to roll, slide, take cover and shoot while on the move. It includes an enhanced mêlée attack, as well.

    And I Just Love This Image ;D

    Resident Evil 6 Announced, Kimilicious, Mar 8, 2012, 2:54 PM,, jpg, image0008.jpg
  14. Ria LUCK

    Ria LUCK Part Time Crazy/ Wise ;)

    Oct 6, 2011
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    RE6 ^_^
    awesomenessssss ~~~~~~
    i played RE all, and i've found RE5 a great game too. i played it over 10+ and i cant stop playing it xD
    i hope RE6 would be better or at least on the same level of RE5
    i hope there is a Co op too
  15. Diamond_Dust

    Diamond_Dust ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞ Innocent ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞

    Dec 23, 2010
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    Updated original post with the second trailer.
  16. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
    Valued Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    That new trailer isss sssweeeeetness!! :)
  17. Diamond_Dust

    Diamond_Dust ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞ Innocent ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞

    Dec 23, 2010
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    It's totally awesome to see (highlight for spoilers) Ada and Sherry in this installment ;D
  18. Kimilicious

    Kimilicious Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2011
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    Resident Evil 6's Leathery $1,300 Premium Edition

    Resident Evil 6 Announced, Kimilicious, Apr 12, 2012, 5:29 AM,, jpg, Leons-Leather-Jacket-RE6.jpg

    For your $1,300, you'll get:

    A copy of Resident Evil 6 (consoles only), a set of four tablet case covers (one for Chris, Leon, Jake; the last one is a secret)… Leon S. Kennedy’s leather jacket.

    Here's a sizing chart to whet your appetite.

    Now some bad news for those of us here in the West: This crazy-luxe Premium edition is currently only available in Japan.

    That said, if price nor locality is an issue, you can pre-order the package here.

    We can't recall a more expensive 'premium edition' of a game, though there have certainly been more expensive games to acquire due to their rarity.

    Attached Files:

  19. Kimilicious

    Kimilicious Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2011
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    Resident Evil 6 Story Trailer - 5 Things You Probably Missed

    On the heels of the new Resident Evil 6 trailer, we weed through every frame and jump cut to find out what Capcom is really hiding. To the naked eye, it may look like any other trailer packed with action, drama, and a horde of zombies. Look closer and you'll find some of the secrets behind Capcom's next big blockbuster. Here is our "Top 5 Things You May Have Missed" in the Resident Evil 6 new story trailer.

    If you need a refresher, check on the story trailer before moving on to the good stuff.

    Resident Evil 6 Announced, Kimilicious, Apr 12, 2012, 6:06 AM,, jpg, resident-evil-6.jpg

    Number 5: In this particular scene, we are introduced to a new infected enemy type who sprays out a poisonous blue gas onto its victim. The victim later becomes infected turning him into a more aggressive zombie type, which is probably not the C-Virus in effect, since the main goal of the C-Virus is to create a new life form from a chrysalid state. The victim didn't go into a chrysalid state, but instead, he quickly turned into a zombie.

    Resident Evil 6 Announced, Kimilicious, Apr 12, 2012, 6:06 AM,, jpg, resident-evil-6.jpg

    Number 4: There's one mysterious person we keep seeing over and over again. She's the lady in the red scarf or as I like to call her Ada Wong. Here's my reasoning. Leon S. Kennedy is in the game. Where there's Leon, you know that his love interest, Ada, cannot be too far behind. Leon S Kennedy also says that our mysterious lady is a valuable witness meaning she has a lot of information about the C-Virus that could bring the company down. Ada Wong, again, fits the bill by being a spy who has worked closely with Umbrella and Albert Wesker. Finally, she even look fairly similar to Ada Wong if you compare her looks and the way she moves. Capcom even confirmed that Ada presence in Resident Evil 6. Hopefully, I'm not WONG! (Sorry for the bad joke.)

    Resident Evil 6 Announced, Kimilicious, Apr 12, 2012, 6:06 AM,, jpg, resident-evil-6.jpg

    Number 3: You might have missed that Lean S Kenndy was inserting a VHS into a VCR player to watch the C-Virus experiment test video. Why is that important? If you think about it, VHS tapes were use to capture footage back in the 1970s up until maybe the late 1990s. Has the C-Virus been developed since the 1990s during the T-Virus and G-Virus? Now it could just be an error on Capcom's side or Umbrella is the cutting edge in medicine and not video recording.

    Resident Evil 6 Announced, Kimilicious, Apr 12, 2012, 6:06 AM,, jpg, resident-evil-6.jpg

    Number 2: Alex Wesker might be in Resident Evil 6 hunting down either Jack Muller or Chris Redfield. In this screenshot, you can see a man with dark hair and a gray trench coat standing with FBI agents looking like a boss. One of Wesker's alternate costume in Marvel vs Capcom 3 is him in a gray trench coat, but with still blonde hair. Project W, an Umbrella program, was created to make superior race of humans, which Albert and Alex Wesker were still alive. We don't know the whereabouts of Alex Wesker, but it looks to me he's in China trying to get Jack Muller because maybe Jack Muller's blood is the key to finishing Alex Wesker's immortality project, which he stole from Oswell E. Spencer.

    Resident Evil 6 Announced, Kimilicious, Apr 12, 2012, 6:06 AM,, jpg, resident-evil-6.jpg

    Number 1: In this scene where the lady in the red scarf is talking to Jake Muller, aka Wesker Jr, there's a moment where the trailer flashes a couple of scenes before your eyes that you may have missed. If you look at the pic above, you can see a particular man who seems very important to Jack Muller. He could, in fact, be the creator of Jack Muller. The scientist in that screenshot could also be Dr. Alexander Ashford, Dr.Ozwell E.Spencer, or even Alex Wesker. Capcom didn't just picture of some random scientist to put in the trailer. He's an important man to the backstory.
  20. Kimilicious

    Kimilicious Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2011
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    Reset: Is Something Wrong With Resident Evil?

    Resident Evil 6 Announced, Kimilicious, Apr 12, 2012, 6:17 AM,, jpg, resident_evil_6.jpg

    A few weeks ago, Masachika Kawata, the producer of Resident Evil: Revelations, shared his thoughts on the future of the Resident Evil franchise. His controversial remark about the franchise needing to abandon its survival-horror roots and continue to evolve into a more action-oriented experience made headlines, but it’s important to know Kawata is not, to the best of my knowledge, actually in charge of the direction of the series over at Capcom. The statement re-opens the debate about whether or not the evolution of the Resident Evil series is coming at the expense of its own identity.

    While I had attempted to play some of the Resident Evil games in the past, the first one I actually sat down and completed was Resident Evil 4 on the GameCube. Perhaps it is because this was my first real experience with the series that I hold such a low opinion of the games that came out before it. My skepticism was fully realized when I sat down and played Code Veronica X HD last year–it was simply unfathomable to imagine how anyone in this day and age could enjoy playing a game like this. The tank controls were archaic, the fixed camera angles were distracting, and the game was structured in a way that you could end up in potential no-win scenarios that could have forced you to restart the entire game.

    To put it bluntly, after completing Code Veronica X I was convinced that anyone who cherished these games over something more contemporary like Resident Evil 4 needed to lose the nostalgia glasses. There was simply no way any sane person could think the series needed to return to its roots. Resident Evil 4 is widely praised, but there were those who expressed concern over the direction of the series after the release of Resident Evil 5. I never really have shared those concerns. As I played through Code Veronica X, I couldn’t help but think that Resident Evil 5 was a much better game and the only thing I would like for Capcom to change would be if they could only return back to the settings like the ones found in Resident Evil 4.

    Resident Evil 6 Announced, Kimilicious, Apr 12, 2012, 6:17 AM,, jpg, resident_evil_code_veronica.jpg

    Flash forward to this past week, where I finally sat down and played through the entirety of the Resident Evil remake for GameCube. Maybe it was because I had gotten used to the controls and slower pace after playing Code Veronica X, but after a few hours of playing through Remake, I was actually digging it. Sure, I was frustrated by running around in circles while backtracking and annoyed at the limited nature of your inventory, but I was starting to see the older games in a different light. For all of their flaws, there was something deeper that began to resonate. Only a few months ago I was unquestionably supporting any decision regarding the Resident Evil franchise that took it further away from the style of the earlier games. Now, I was second guessing my feelings towards those games.

    Now, to be fair, I still haven’t actually played through Resident Evil 2 or 3, so the only good experience I’ve had with the older games is with the remake of the original. I also still think Code Veronica X is a bad game along with Resident Evil 0 — a rare game that I simply refuse to finish after putting nearly 5 hours into because I was having such a bad time with it. Basically, unless Resident Evil 2 and 3 are up to par or exceed the quality of the original Resident Evil, then I think maybe it’s the exception rather than the rule regarding the quality of the series before Resident Evil 4 came along. However, I won’t’ discount the fact that there are definitely attributes in REmake that Capcom should put more value into, and not simply dismiss because they feel audiences want a more action-oriented experience.

    Resident Evil 6 Announced, Kimilicious, Apr 12, 2012, 6:17 AM,, jpg, resident_evil_5.jpg

    While I still do not think any of these games are particularly scary or that Resident Evil 5 is any less suspenseful — try playing it on the hardest difficulty without cheats or special weapons and tell me you don’t feel your heart racing at times — I do believe there’s a certain element that’s been gutted in Resident Evil 5, and could be in danger of being further eliminated in future entries. The original Resident Evil delivered a great sense of exploration courtesy of a wonderfully crafted environment, and that’s the element that’s in jeopardy now. Resident Evil 5 tilted the scale too much in favor of action, and while I don’t think Capcom can go to the other extreme like we saw in the original Resident Evil, I do think there’s a balance that can be struck that’s more in line with what we saw in Resident Evil 4.

    Capcom should also pay closer attention to how they handled narrative in the earlier games. While each had their fair share of cutscenes and cheesy dialogue, they also contained carefully placed nuggets in the form of notes and other well-hidden clues. Reading through all of this material was usually essential to figuring out what to do next like a hint to solving a puzzle, but they also painted a better picture of what exactly was going on. I thought it was great how we learned the backstory of the Spencer Estate through notes and item descriptions, and also the gruesome fate of its designer George Trevor and his family. It’s not that one form of storytelling in video games is better than another, but rather that burying nuggets of plot the way REmake did is something this medium specializes in over others.

    Resident Evil 6 Announced, Kimilicious, Apr 12, 2012, 6:17 AM,, jpg, resident_evil.jpg

    Looking forward to the upcoming Resident Evil 6, I hope Capcom realizes that simply abandoning the core elements that made Resident Evil so popular in the first place isn’t necessarily the best course of action. Obviously, it’s a bit premature to jump to the conclusion that Capcom is going in that direction based on the words of a single staff member. In fact, if you haven’t already caught up on all the news and impressions of Resident Evil 6 from Captivate, then you should know that while the developers don’t want to lose the sense of action that’s been featured in Resident Evil 4 and 5, they also want to incorporate the survival-horror elements of the older games. This is no more evident than in the accounts given of the three campaigns available, one of which is Leon’s campaign which has a gothic style based on the classic survival-horror games.

    Honestly, I don’t know if I would ever want Capcom to do a complete 180, but at least now I can understand and sympathize with the arguments and complaints put forth by longtime veterans of the franchise. Capcom should never completely abandon the survival-horror elements in future Resident Evil games, but rather try to think of new ways to integrate them that doesn’t feel dated. Simply turning Resident Evil into another third-person shooter isn’t the right choice in my opinion–we all saw how Operation Raccoon City turned out. The developers need to get more creative, and hopefully Resident Evil 6 is a step in the right direction.
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