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Noon Downtown Coming From Granzella – Awesome!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Joanna, Dec 14, 2011.

  1. DanMW

    DanMW Active Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    You are most welcome Trillian, that's what the forum is for as well.

    I was doing some timings today and when I arrived at the space my happiness bar was almost empty but was already filling up, it took around 35 minutes to fill up fully, once full it remained like that for 20 minutes or so. The process of depleting took another 35 minutes and after it was completely empty it stayed like that for about 15 minutes until it started filling up again.

    I didn't buy any clothes related to the space so I have no idea if they have any effect on the happynes bar.

    Does anyone understand the process of levelling up? Today I got a 2nd wall hanging reward at the club from serving I think it has a number 3 in it, I noticed I get to serve 40 times instead of 35 now, but I didn't play after getting it and my current level was 9 at the time. I get the impression that we have to earn many points to level up and we have to do each space separately.

    As for ordering, you want to be served by a high level player for example if you order a 600 points drink with 150 base happy points, you will get 300 happy points from a level 9 player, but if you are served by a level 12 player you get 450 which is quite a significant difference.
  2. DanMW

    DanMW Active Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Recca how many wall hanging rewards do you have from each serving space? I think maybe that's what makes the difference perhaps?

    From what I can tell the only thing that seems to affect the happiness bar is the passing of time. Unless you buy from the vending machine that is.
  3. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    I've got 2 rewards from each of the 3 eat/drink places so 6 in total, making it up to "level 3" and making the hosting game count to 40 on all 3 places. Here's one of the previous rewards I've gotten. Notice the number 3 next to the kanji.

    Noon Downtown Coming From Granzella – Awesome!, ReccaWolf, Dec 27, 2011, 11:31 PM,, jpg, Golden_Frame.jpg

    I've also unlocked my gold suit and shoes today and I'm wearing them. Looks like they're stats on them as well, but can't tell which it is. There's one star on the first one, and 3 stars on the second. Anyways, if you can tell me what they are, I'd appreciate it.

    Check out my pimp strut. lol

    Noon Downtown Coming From Granzella – Awesome!, ReccaWolf, Dec 27, 2011, 11:31 PM,, jpg, Gold_Pimp1.jpg Noon Downtown Coming From Granzella – Awesome!, ReccaWolf, Dec 27, 2011, 11:31 PM,, jpg, Gold_Pimp2.jpg

    Attached Files:

  4. DanMW

    DanMW Active Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Yes I wish I knew what those stats say, hopefully someone that knows can help us out. Today I bought the police officer uniform, but as far as I can tell it doesn't do anything in particular at the new Granzella space. I tried the serving game after getting my 2nd reward at the club but I still can't seem to go higher than level 10.
  5. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    I've seen people (with or without the outfits for the town), have made it to level 12 at the bar, but for me, I keep getting up to level 10. I'm guessing that I might need more leveling ups for it to work, but it's too unclear for me. Not only that, I've seen newer food and drinks open up at different levels - one of them is called an U-me(Rock), which is a small shot glass with an olive inside it, and it cost 1000 of your money, but the happy points is 250! Level 12 that x 3 is 750 happy points you'll be awarded!

    I really do need to know how to unlock foods and drinks at Level 12, no matter what clothes I wear, but I don't seem to unlock anything like these before.
  6. DanMW

    DanMW Active Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    I'll put a couple of photos and see if that helps better to anyone that is still confused about the serving game, as I said the main thing is to play attention for the picture that comes up as illustrated here name in yellow next to the picture (I circled it in red):

    Noon Downtown Coming From Granzella – Awesome!, DanMW, Dec 29, 2011, 6:59 PM,, jpg, taking order.jpg
    After you press x on that particular order, you get a new column with a few options, you have to make sure you pick the right one from before:
    Noon Downtown Coming From Granzella – Awesome!, DanMW, Dec 29, 2011, 6:59 PM,, jpg, order delivery.jpg

    In this case marked with a *, and just keep delivering orders until your turn is over. I hope that is more helpful this time.

    Sometimes between orders there is no picture and there are some options to choose from I think it doesn't matter which one you pick then, it's just a greeting or saying thanks, perhaps someone is the know can clarify that part. I just can't stress how important is to pay attention for the picture.

    And also if anyone has any idea about how levels work I'd very much appreciated the help, I have no idea how that works, sometimes I get level 9 with a full bar sometimes 10 and I've once had it up to level 11 but I have no idea how.
  7. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Recca be pimpin lol
  8. DanMW

    DanMW Active Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    I figured something today, wearing the serving clothes will raise the level you receive from customers by 2 no matter where your bar is (up to a max of 12), but you have to be wearing them otherwise they don't take any effect. For example no serving clothes on and empty bar, my rating was level 5, with the clothes on and an empty bar I can get level 7. I tried this at the food stand, I don't know if it works for the restaurant and the bar but I don't see why not, I'll have to try it there another time. I will also check if the police uniform affects the level you get.

    Of course it will also depend on how many frame rewards you got already.

    Edit: I just remembered the wearable rewards that you can get at the space have ratings too, so perhaps those help in some way as well?
  9. stevev363

    stevev363 Milkshake Maven XD

    May 2, 2011
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    I can't play pachinko, the game never loads and I just stand there with a game icon over my head. Is there something I don't know? I also just got into the swing of the serving game tonight and it's easy when you know what to do with the menu's. has anyone gotten in the VIP at the bar?
  10. AL2009man

    AL2009man Active Member

    Oct 10, 2010
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  11. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    The VIP thing is just for show, unless Granzella decides to surprise us with a VIP section in the Town.

    The pachinko game does load, but it only takes a minute or two. All you need to do is launch the balls into the holes and get more balls. The highest ball count you'll get is 1200, making the happy points 3600. You can play the same game again if you got more tickets. Any ball landing in 3 or 5 of the specific holes (they're marked by color) will result in a multiplier countdown bonus round - either 2x or 5x. My best launching spot would be halfway down on the power bar and releasing it.
  12. stevev363

    stevev363 Milkshake Maven XD

    May 2, 2011
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    Cleared the cache and VOILA! I'm shooting balls finally. Did pretty well on the serving game wearing the clothing. people are able to vote for what level they think the cook should get or is there more to it like the level you select effects the happy points you receive?
  13. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    The people here always buy the most expensive food/drink with the highest happy point rating, and then rate the highest on whatever level the server is on. Level 12 is the highest whenever their mood bar is full, but the foods and drinks will sometimes be on different levels of happy points from the difference of the promotional wall hanging rewards you receive - meaning if you had a full life bar, have a level 3 reward from a place you're serving now, and serve a food/drink that's most likely high, the highest that will go depends on your reward you got from that place, so it would've been ranked from either Level 9-11. Most other high brands, or food/drinks you've unlocked will be considered Level 12.

    But, remember, your mood also determines the level judgement they'll give you too.
  14. stevev363

    stevev363 Milkshake Maven XD

    May 2, 2011
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    The Happy points have something to do with prolonged mood then, I swapped for 6000 happy points and was at the top of the mood chart for a really long time and was able to pick up points to level 11. Why is there no cue for the serving areas besides the street vendor carts? I haven't been able to serve anywhere but the carts as of yet because there's no way to cue elsewhere. I had a good time yesterday playing but there's a lack of patrons as everyone wants to serve so the que was ridiculous and the wait was really long. I got one certificate after a short amount of game play, do you need to serve and get points at a certain level to receive a certificate at that level or is it random how you receive them?
  15. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    I hate to be a party pooper for those who are enjoying this game, but I personally am having trouble seeing how all the time involved to get a gold suit (which is the only male item that I would want from those currently available), is really worth it. I did have fun playing with Dan and Recca a couple of times but 140,000 Happy pts (or whatever the total would be for all parts of the suit)?? I just don't see it for me. Maybe they will add some more male items as time goes that will make it more enticing.

    Part of it for me also I guess is that I'm not going for rewards anymore just because they are available. If it's a game I enjoy and the time spent is worthwhile then I'm all for it. Just my thoughts.
  16. DanMW

    DanMW Active Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    You really have to spend ages in there if you want to level up to a high level, but I find it too addictive, I don't care about points or rewards at this stage, I just want to level up and you need to serve A LOT to reach higher levels.

    Also quite a lot of the time you see people trying to serve and no one bothering to order anything, so I think they need to introduce some incentive for customers to get more involved.

    Also the queue system seems broken to me so I hope they fix it soon or modify it so you can queue up and order while you wait your turn to serve.
  17. xMINDBlIlURx

    xMINDBlIlURx Active Member

    Sep 28, 2011
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    They'll more than likely add more items to the Kiosk, after they see how successful the space really is.
    I personally love it, a lot more than I do EDO at this point..even the fossil game is a little meh to me right now.

    However, there is a problem though. Once you've got everything you wanted from the Kiosk. There's really no need to get anything else in there, unless they/or/ if they add new items to it in the future. I'm hoping tomorrow with the update coming, the kiosk will be updated with more male items.

    Also as Dan said, the queue system is either broken or not completely functional at all. Also, the less users in the server..the space seems to run a lot more smoothly. As me, Dan, and a few others have been noticing for the past few days.

    I'm also usually on Japan, here lately anyways..and been helping any who needs help gaining Happy Points or in game money since I have quite a bit to spend on food and drinks.
  18. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    Its greedzella bound to be more stuff to buy thats probably why people are struggling with higher levels
  19. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    I'm pretty sure they'll add in more male stuff, perhaps next time if Granzella feels like it, but for now, just enjoy yourself serving, eating, and drinking and earn those rewards. I know it does feel a bit out of place since most of the rewards are dresses and bunny suits.

    Last time, I saved up all my happy points for the suit and bought it, but then realized it was too long for me to do. When I went for the next reward - the gold bunny suit - I just went for the highest part of the costume, and redeemed it, and then counting down to the next part and redeemed it again, and so on.

    As for the wall hanging rewards, you really just need to serve lots of times before you hit a certain number of correct serves until it gives you the reward. Giving you the wall hanging gives you better food/drink and better happy points for people to spend on.

    I have found out the maximum for each places is 10 wall hangings, which is a total of 30 wall hanging rewards. The best drink in the whole game is the "u-me(rokku)", which you pay 1000 but gives you 250 happy points. Leveling up to 12 on that drink gives you 750 happy points and the pay is worth a lot over 2000, which is a must for all servers.
  20. stevev363

    stevev363 Milkshake Maven XD

    May 2, 2011
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    points help get you better pay but do they have an effect on your mood? My mood needs help, it needs to be more stable.
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