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Welcome To_carla_b

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Kimilicious, Dec 24, 2011.

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  1. Kimilicious

    Kimilicious Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2011
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    Welcome To_carla_b, Glad you have joined!

    Why not take a min to introduce yourself to the rest of the Your Playstation Home community, after all thats the first step of becoming part of any community :)

    Dont forget if you need any help please feel free to contact us via forum PM.
  2. To_carla_b

    To_carla_b Banned

    Dec 24, 2011
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    Wuts ure beef with me I havent dun anything wrng I get on here to meet people n I also bring nu people here n u keep banning me and anyone who says good things bout me...

    Wuts yaproblem I did nuttin to u...

    Diss is imsoflumad...

    Y u bann me from here I did nuttin to u...

    U just keep actin lik u dnt like me...

    N all I did wass try n b a good friend neva disrespected u...

    Or was rude to u but u feel u can bann me for wut...

    U banned me permanetley....
    N u say cus I use other account... When I got banned from this app...

    Carla its a app for ps home...

    Y u mad at me?

    N u was alwayskool n I,still think u r ...

    But y u bann me f our and keep banning me
    I didnt do u wrong...

    Just invite u to parties I threw and fa sh ion shows...
    .cause I know no no one likes to just work work nwork with out haven,any fun ...

    I neva bugged u and if I eva did I,didnt mean to n apologized for it

    U try make me seem like a bad person on here and all I am is kind and and respectful...

    Yu gotta look at me different ?

    Cause I,tlk bout fams on home so wut I,dnt do nuttin wrng I,keep peace...i help peeople when there being disrespected by sum one if I,know them or not...

    So if u gunna bann me den do it all it proves is that ...u discriminaten on me cuz of wut I do on home... And its nuttin bad...

    I was bringin people here n,tellin dem bout this app and site and, u banned me ...for wut eva,reason and,of,course u gotta come up with,an,excuse to make it seem like a logical reason,u,banned me ...

    And probly reason why,u,dnt like me either...

    Ifi came across u,da wrong way or said suttin,to,affend u,or upset u,im sorry...I really dew apologize but I b in looked as a bad person but im not...i dnt,think thats fair...

    I did nuttin to u if I bugged by sending stuff bout my fam...its not called spamming its called promoting...thats what im doin....because wut I do on home is bigger than home...

    I just for christmas u would stop banning me and stop disliken me for wut eva reason ...srry my apologeze to all ...

    Hard workers of yourplaystationhome...

    Plz forgive me,dats all I want for christmas...

    P.s. Can we put this b hind us plz...

    Merry christmas and happy new year to all reading...!
  3. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Like i have said time and time before, you got banned for mass spamming peoples profiles, pm's and threads with 'invites' to your Fam, You had countless warning about this and each time you returned to spamming the invites to your fam when you got no takers.

    A ban is linked to you and not your id, using other id's to get around a ban will see them id's banned and runs the risk of having your main ban made longer, like i first told you, sit out the ban and return when it's up and to learn to not spam invites, no one wants to see 20+ threads bumped within 30 min all with a big fam invite message in them, the same goes to sending people online pm's with same message and profile messages.

    Promoting, is posting 'A' thread in the club and events forum and starting up a club on the club system, spamming is when a user posts the same message in a number of threads not linked to the subject at hand, this is what you kept on doing even after being asked not to. Your ban will be lifted when the ban time is up, if you keep trying to get around it it will only be made longer.

    So for the last time, just sit the ban out and learn not to spam.
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