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Noon Downtown Coming From Granzella – Awesome!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Joanna, Dec 14, 2011.

  1. Yoshikawa

    Yoshikawa Active Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Why does NA want everything Japan be lucky if they get What you do in a week in 3 months for mall updates Grazella is Japan company it should make things for japan first ><
  2. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    I'm really enjoying the new space. Been around playing the novice mode of the bars and taverns, serving CPU customers food and drinks while earning money and finding someone who's playing chef/bartender do give me happy points using the money I've made from it.

    Looks very easy, and not at all too confusing. Just pick your phrases, choose the correct food/drink order, and the customer rates your progress.

    I have a few questions:

    1.) What is the bar on the lower left supposed to indicate and what effect does it have?

    2.) What are the rewards for the lottery game? I gotten 3 of them, two of them took me to different Granzella places - the beach and Edo. I was wondering what they are or if there's more.

    3.) What's the best method to convert money to happy points easily and without fuss?
  3. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    Why does NA want everything Japan be lucky if they get What you do in a week in 3 months for mall updates Grazella is Japan company it should make things for japan first ><[/QUOTE] to be honest I think the granzella spaces are more suited to Japan than other regions
  4. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Okay, so I played again last night and I've gotten quite a hefty amount of money playing the restaurant games on the green/yellow novice sign, and sure enough my levels started increasing from 3 to 5 to 7, and onward.

    Then, I was lucky enough to play the Oden shack game as the chef, and played around and knowing what to do. I had a lot of customers and as I played on for 4-5 games, my levels increased to 11 and I was getting a TON of money from them - up to 50K! I've seen people getting level 12, but don't know if there's anything higher than that. I'm guessing the way it works is that the more you sell and get paid, the higher your levels increase at some point. Then, you just need to use that talent as chef/bartender to help out the community, but of course, there's always two positions filled, so it'll take awhile. Not only does the levels and money increases and you get newer food and drinks, but you get 5 extra turns while playing the chef/bartender when I was at level 11!

    I also got a new reward while selling food and drinks to customers for a long time. It looks like a small certificate for doing a great job, though I'm not sure what is says or if there's more rewards from playing that same game again. I will try and go for the restaurant and bar next. This is so much fun. Here's the two pictures. Do you know it says?

    Noon Downtown Coming From Granzella – Awesome!, ReccaWolf, Dec 18, 2011, 1:38 PM,, jpg, Cert1.jpg

    Noon Downtown Coming From Granzella – Awesome!, ReccaWolf, Dec 18, 2011, 1:38 PM,, jpg, Cert2.jpg
  5. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    I agree. Personally, I think Edo and the new space are unique to Japanese culture. Imo, we have enough spaces and content to choose from in NA...and a lot of it isn't available in Japan. For me, it's part of makes Home interesting in other regions. Leave Greedzella in Japan!

    Thats just my first thing, off-the-cuff, pre-coffee opinion....I know others will feel differently. :santa:
  6. K-rolyne72

    K-rolyne72 Active Member

    Sep 21, 2010
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    a good point to have all Granzella spaces outed from Japan Home would be the translation, if the Island and Edo are quite simple, the new one seems to be harder... guess i'll have to learn japanese soon ^^
  7. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Is anyone answering my questions I've posted? I mean, the previous post and the latest post? :p
  8. Heavyn

    Heavyn ~The big and the bad~
    Valued Member

    Jan 15, 2011
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    I saw this space in person on my japan acct. :drool: I love it, can't wait for NA to get it.(Plus I want a lot of the prizes you can get from there) :D
  9. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    I agree. Personally, I think Edo and the new space are unique to Japanese culture. Imo, we have enough spaces and content to choose from in NA...and a lot of them don't create content for Japan. For me, it's part of makes Home interesting in other regions. Leave Greedzella in Japan!

    Thats just my first thing, off-the-cuff, pre-coffee opinion....I know others will feel differently. :santa:[/QUOTE] certainly me and my friends list agree last time we did anything granzella was over a month ago, not because we have boycotted it, because the spaces have no appeal to any of us, we wouldnt miss granzella if they left if fact it would prove a point to other developers, greed is not going to win you fans
  10. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Most of the rewards given are from Irem's playboy bunny suits (though they're rendered with shining material and floppy ears), Irem's party hats (different colors), and a few female dresses made by Granzella, which is another rendition of the Irem dresses from before that came with the beehive hairdo.

    The only ones different are the sandwich signed shirts, the gold suit, pants, and shoes, and the rip-offed Disgaea newspaper hand item and ear-held pencil accessory.

    The playboy bunnies are fine, but some men would rather have different rewards for their own than just females, since the bunnies themselves were bought from Irem way before Irem went under.
  11. the_fps

    the_fps Active Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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    I agree. Personally, I think Edo and the new space are unique to Japanese culture. Imo, we have enough spaces and content to choose from in NA...and a lot of them don't create content for Japan. For me, it's part of makes Home interesting in other regions. Leave Greedzella in Japan!

    Thats just my first thing, off-the-cuff, pre-coffee opinion....I know others will feel differently. :santa:[/QUOTE]

    I would think that if you are region hopping to get to a space then there is a reason to bring it over. Not everyone who uses Home has multiple accounts. It seems like a step backward to try and keep regions segregated, when most users would benefit from content being more widely released.
  12. Yoshikawa

    Yoshikawa Active Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Yes North American get everything while Japn; Get nothing because of "copyright laws" Japan has three companies that puts thing in it mall now Grazella, Lockwood and Pevlox that is it for the past 8 month. This is totally fair Now North American's want the other things Japan Gets too. We be lucky to get what you do in a week in the mall in 3-4 months of waiting but that isn't enough for you Must have everything >< Example of this EU gets Billabong EU gets Veemee Exclusives. Oh we must have that too complain complain. LET SCEE and SCEJ have something you dont for once. You have things we dont for sure lots of things :(
  13. xMINDBlIlURx

    xMINDBlIlURx Active Member

    Sep 28, 2011
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    Well Granzella won't just end their business ventures with Southern Island, that would just be a bad move for it in EU and NA.
    Since lots of people really enjoyed the content, even though I know more users miss Seaside since it was a lot bigger.
    But NA's seaside never got updated like it did in Japan.

    Of course, there's always been regional differences. I mean look with Anniversary items, HK and EU got shirts but we got a little globe which isn't bad. But it's not something I wanted either, since t-shirts to me are like a rarity since a few months later down the road. EVERYONE wants them, and it's been seen on home for the longest.

    Also, why wouldn't NA users want Japan content to come to America?
    Because we know it would sell big here, I don't know about "anime style" items..but if they brought half of Japan items to NA..maybe I'd play NA more wouldn't I?

    Same goes for EU, they get all the Audi goodies which are always good freebies and the games aren't that bad.
    We get one car company to give us an event, and then they take away just like that..but EU gets to keep AUDI. >.>
  14. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    reading the posts and to quote someone else, Japan can keep greedzilla but I get where your coming from, with that other post, I cant wait till its in NA, the post is assuming that NA will certainly get the space. I honestly think thats theres stuff in all regions that the bulk of home users wouldnt buy into if they were from other regions. I can only go by my friends and they wouldnt spend serious time on granzella beach because the beach is too small, we dont hang on edo because its a much ado about nothing space, same reason why didnt hang out on irem square as a group, but we did go to irem square in singles or pairs if we needed quiet moments, cant do that on edo because of music is everywhere, good example is as a group of friends we would hang out in hot tubs but as soon as you put edo spin on it and say we are bathing together we dont wanna know,
  15. Tarazuma

    Tarazuma Member

    Jul 17, 2011
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    I was discussing this with friends the other day, and based on the way things are at the moment and Irem's history, I can almost guarantee Granzella is finished in NA and EU. NA and EU probably won't allow the wedding game due to same-sex marriages, and as a result the fossil game will never come here either. Edo is doubtful and the downtown area dosen't stand a chance, since they are much too lazy with translating it and importing it to NA in it's current JP state. It's very sad and unfortunate.

    I for one am very annoyed with ALL the region segregation. I cannot comprehend region exclusivity. I think all items should be released in all regions at the same time. That way people wouldn't have to have multiple accounts in other regions and buy overpriced cards for other regions.

    Some people are also unable to purchase card codes for other regions. It's not fair that they have to miss out on content just because the 4 regions have some sort of stupid "regional pride" and lazyness they would rather stick to instead of releasing everything everywhere at the same time, and quadrupling the amount of money they make.

    This is 2011, almost 2012. US and EU people avidly want the JP stuff, even though things like Edo and downtown area have to do with Japanese culture. Even if they don't understand it, they LOVE IT. Likewise, Japanese people absolutely love all the US stuff, even if it's things foreign to Japan. The bottom line is with Home, if the items are good, everyone will buy anything. So they really need to drop this stupid region exclusivity and start making more money.

    The only region I can see them not focusing on so much is Asia, only because it seems like it's barely populated at all.
  16. xMINDBlIlURx

    xMINDBlIlURx Active Member

    Sep 28, 2011
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    Well as much as I would like for you to be wrong, I bet you're positively right. :/
    If anyone knows how much of a difference IREM made for NA back when it was around...most people would probably be a little mad. But good thing is, not everyone knew how much of a lack of content there was missing in NA with IREM.
    Only those who read Alphazone. or ventured to the overseas server did.

    Hey, even EU felt the lack of content....even more than we did. They only got the Yukata's and that's it. :|

    See, the thing with same sex's like, Sony NA..wake up? this is allow Weird Wear to produce their tacky content line of tops that don't need a good sense of imagination to know what's going on...but won't allow boys to wear purses, and have loli's in their mouth, and even weddings for people on home? it's down right sad to me.

    Also, the bags for males in the DREY collection don't count. Lol...

    Sure, I bet a lot of people on the American server would make the whole wedding thing into a joke. But at least we could say for once, we're not getting left out. I actually know quite a lot of home friends that would love to see the wedding chapel, and dresses hit NA market. Will it ever? as you said.. I doubt it, too. We can only hope, right?

    As for EDO, I'll be first to say..I wouldn't want to see NA get it..not because I don't feel like NA should be left out. Just the whole EDO theme fits more into the whole Japan region, an putting in an American server where probably 80% of the users don't even know what EDO even is, or was.

    Maybe I'm being just a nag, but my opinion to why NA won't get the downtown area..that area allows a user to buy content using happy points earned from in game money that can be earned by working.
    NA is all about advertising, and schemes to get users to spend real money on pixels... as for Japan, they've did it in the past with certain lounges..get enough points to something and buy items without having to use "real money."
    NA is too greedy for them to allow that... all my opinion of course.

    Also, going through what else you're absolutely right. The Japan users love our server, and the content we get..though to us, it can be quite repetitive..but I guess to them, it's the same with the content they receive.

    I for one would love to see them stop the regional differences, and I know me and the many others are probably asking for the unimaginable...but if Sony NA or EU wants to make more money than they do now.

    They should give in, and bring over the items that users "do" want to see in NA and EU.. not what NA and EU devs want to see.
  17. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    @tarazuma I agree I think we should all have the choice to going to all spaces and not have regions, other social applications do it, they get around stuff as an example if my culture would find a certain way of dressing insulting or too risky for my age group then they look like they wearing default clothing to me, as set up on your first avatar, theres a note on each space saying what language is the main language there, licensing issues are already covered in home by just doing the crackle type of region blocking, servers shouldnt be an issue, think of all 4 regions and how many duplicate spaces there are that are dead space, mixed we might fill a dead space, separate with have 2 people hanging around in each duplicate space over 4 regions, I basically would have the choice of where to go and what to buy so if I went to a space that had a different main language thats my choice. If I bought something that had region locked licensed for one country applicable to it then thats my choice as long as its sold with a notice thats the case,
  18. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    I think this thread is going alittle bit off topic.

    It took Irem several months to bring the same stuff to other regions. Just wait, and most probably things will come. Also, the delay is most probably because of fixing stuff. Each week, the people in Japan have been giving words of what's wrong with the space in terms of bugs, freezes, lag, optimization, etc. (A little annoyed that we're kind of beta testing with paid features) The other regions has more people and probably will cause more problems and Granzella probably wants to avoid as much as possible with it.

    We know that there are at least a few threads complaining with the lag in the island space. If they release other spaces right now, I believe half of the threads will be complaining about the space.
  19. xMINDBlIlURx

    xMINDBlIlURx Active Member

    Sep 28, 2011
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    The downtown space is very laggy for me, and I have fast internet too.
    Maybe because there's so much going on, when I thought the island was bad...the downtown has it beat.
  20. the_fps

    the_fps Active Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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    I see it in the complete opposite way. The spaces should be released in the US because those 80% of American users you say that don't know Japanese culture. This is a great way to learn and gain interest in things that are different. You shouldn't exclude people because they have never seen something. This is the perfect way to teach and have fun.

    OT - Has anyone made any video of the space yet?
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