False rumor. Someone jumped the gun about having that person left and posted about it and leaving it behind "closed doors", which everyone thought Mass Media was shutting down without being said from Sony. In any case, Carla was good enough to contact them and they are still in business with Sony and Home. Midway 3 complete? Well, here comes another run around on different regions again. lol At least, this time, I've completed both 1 and 2, so another 10 mini-games with 10 levels of difficulty hopefully won't be too costly.
yeah i figured, i was kinda saying that like, where are all you ppl saying mass media is closing down now? i kinda knew it was coming since you cant unlock the last ???? item on the reward board in darlas den
hopefully different prizes, I don't think my storage can handle more jackets and shirts that I'll never wear
From what I've heard from RayBladeX, they had some issues on Midway 3 and it was on hiatus or it wasn't coming at all. Glad to see it will finally come since I want to know what the last ???? box is. I bet it's another girl, and she'll be the bartender at the bar area in Darla's Den. Also, I bet they'll throw in another special prize like another colored jacket and another reward for completion. And let's not forget the secret "gold" reward. Midway 1 had the gold crown from purchasing the Golden Throne when you entered the Midway 1 space, and the gold bat for scoring 1000 points on Swingers at Midway 2. Let's see what golden reward will be giving out then...
Just to add more details about Mass Media. They did indeed close the doors at the beginning of November as they finished a long term project for Sony (Jak & Daxter Trilogy) and had no new work with which to continue. However the work on Midway3 continued unabated and i am pretty sure Mass Media will rise once more from the ashes (as it has done several times already). Midway 3 introduces another 9 new games alongside the ubiquitous Miz Fortune. I can also mention that there will be a RUBY Jacket for those special people (you know who ya are). I am sorry i am not able to give any more info out at the time, but once i get permission i will see what more i can post. Good luck and I hope you are all enjoying Home as it evolves. Da Voodoochief
This is great news. At $1 (or 100yen) for 50 tickets, I think the Midway has the best value as far as pay for play tickets go. And I really like most of the rewards.
I've never completed any of the Midways, there's only been some games I wanted prizes from. I imagine I'll be doing the same with Midway 3. I'm curious as to what the games will be called, this time around. The game titles are always worth a chuckle. Mass Media is naughty. :devil:
my my .... if only they can fix the problem with some games in midway 2 before they go to 3 .... now the third sister is coming ! the first was a dancer the second was in the hot tub ... i hope the third one is not inside that room doing (.........) this is going crazy -____- ...... at least why dont they change the age rate from 3+ to 18+ ......
another 100 rewards at good value, with aurora giving a companion and personal space for aurora champions makes buying aurolite hoodie, neon specs and aurora personnel space worth it for 20 odd rewards including champions space, sodium two giving away rewards recently on a game you can play for free as long as you dont wanna get on leader board, new fishing space in Japan giving out rewards for not a lot of money as well, Christmas quest aswell, Christmas on home is a time for giving unless you collect fossils lol
I've also never finished any of the Midways, nor do I want to… out of all those "rewards" there was but a small handful I was even interested in (and thankfully they were easy enough to obtain for free). I so glad I have the self-control & sense to not want every reward ever released in Home… That's because the Midway spaces continue to be one of the worst values on Home, and one of the biggest ripoffs foisted on users. Many of these games are based on carnival games scams dating back as far as 100 years ago, and they're programmed to accurately recreate those games 100%… especially the cheats. I'll refrain from discussing those methods here, as they've already been well documented in earlier postings. Yet people keep falling for these virtual carnival scams, just as they fall for the real-world variety — so it's no big surprise that a Midway 3 was commissioned. 'Nuff said.
if you part with money for anything on home, you realise you are parting with your money for nothing, surely thats the biggest rip off, take my money give me nothing but a bit of program thats only lent to me. Just because one bit of program is better than the next doesnt mean it amounts to anything more than program. Some of the sale techniques certain developers have been using recently are starting to get under handed, so not only are you buying thin air they are starting to use sale techniques that are some of the best cons about. because not only are they selling, the people buying it are smiling about buying it too. Could cause a backlash if they get any worse, but then the ps3 has about 5 years of its shelf life left, have to sit and see what happens then
I personally think that for what it's worth, you're enjoying yourself and you're getting rewards whenever you win. Sure, you could be missing the balloon shot, or timed the balls wrong, but the best thing in the world is enjoyment, and that's a prime factor. In fact, making the game for free after winning 10 rounds is also worth it.
Gary: Well said. This is exactly why I never pay for any minigames (or most anything else) in Home. The Midway spaces are in fact one of the slickest cons arounds, and most users have indeed been smiling about it. We've had our share of other developers utilizing similarly underhanded sales practices for quite some time, but it's certainly becoming ever more widespread & noticeable now. As Sony & other developers got a whiff of the power of microtransactions, prices continued to rise while the overall quality of Home dropped (with the exception of Japan, of course, which maintained both high quality and higher prices). But while Sony was taking our money, it seemed that none of it was going back into Home itself, and that streak of innovation seemed to be a thing of the past. Frankly, it was getting to be so bad that some of us predicted Home would likely cease operation by early 2012. While it's certainly great to see that Home is definitely still with us, the tricks developers are using to part users from their money grows ever more devious. Just take a look all the "Freemium" minigames now popping up all over Home. While it is theoretically possible to finish most of these games for free, the developers try to make it as difficult as possible. Just like a fish, they hook you with the reward potential, and then reel you in… offering up whole suites of paid-for items to make finishing the game an oh-so-simple task. Yet these forums are filled with posts from people complaining that many of the purchased "extras" were totally useless. Myself, I bought a couple Halloween items in NA this year, and they were the first items I've purchased in over a year in ANY region, and it will likely be a year before I purchase anything again (if ever). I also NEVER buy any games or DLC… I refuse to spend money on essentially nothing — I'll only purchase game content on disc/carts, since that's the only way I can be guaranteed I can still play my purchases 5, 10, or 20+ years later. (There have already been several companies that sold games via DL that have shut down; such as has the original Xbox Live service. If you erase or lose your content, it is gone forever.) If I buy a product, I want something tangible to show for it, and I want to control when and where I can play it. The day consoles go DL only is the day I stop buying new games. (Which isn't a big deal… just gives me more time to enjoy the 13-odd consoles I have connected to my main HDTV.) Getting back to Home, someday it will close down… it's inevitable, as no product or company will last forever. And I'll almost feel sorry for all those super-gamers who spent thousands of dollars across the Home regions, when they'll lose everything in one fell swoop and have nothing to show for it. Recca: It's one thing if you're playing in the real world, and an entirely different thing in the virtual world. In the real world, you're hanging out with your family or friends at a carnival, fair, Knott's Berry Farm, or similar… and you're having a load of fun goofing off with each other. In this situation. it's one thing to spend a dollar showing off your prowess as you try to win some silly stuffed animal to impress your significant other (in the hopes of getting laid, one would presume). You know you're getting ripped off royally, but you just don't care because it's all just part of the experience. (But if you really don't believe these carnival games are based around cons which have been finely-tuned over the past century, then you deserve to be taken for every last cent). However, you really can't duplicate that in the virtual world of Midway… that feeling of a grand day out with your buddies, running around, sucking down beers & cotton candy in the great outdoors. And you certainly can't see that smile when you've won that item for your sweetie… Frankly, I never hear people talking about how "enjoyable" the games are; it's nearly always people going on about grabbing loads of rewards and rationalizing how inexpensive those 100 items will end up being: "Even if I spend $20 on tickets, that's like only 20 cents each dude…" But hey, whatever excuse people wish to believe is okay by me… It all comes down to "What do you want to spend your money on." If you want to spend it all on minigames, or 50 personal spaces, or every virtual item ever sold, by all means go for it. That's what free will is all about… Myself, I can easily afford to play Midway, buy any of the freemium game items, or anything else in Home. I simply choose not to. I have a different set of priorities — I like having something tangible to show for money I've spent; I don't buy items I have zero interest in "just because they are there"; and I won't support any product/company utilizing deceptive practices to part people from their money. That's just how I am. And When it comes to Home, the very last thing I care about are the rewards. While I don't mind them, that's not where my focus is — I don't define myself by how many rewards, or which ones, I have. 'Nuff said once again (Wow, how long HAS it been since I've bothered writing one of my massive missives…? Heh heh heh…)
Baron - unfortunately as you can read across all home forums, rewards have become the target at any cost, if not rewards its what can home developers sell you this week, to obtain certain rewards now you needed to of uprated your premium items twice, bought tickets and by the looks of it buy two apartments, too many people with home tinted glasses or that are just naive to whats going on, plus there seems to be an increase of people on home with no friends that just play games or go reward hunting making the social side of home redundent for quite a few which is the reverse of what I thought home was about, I make friends we go do stuff across the whole ps3 network, it appears that I should be doing stuff on home and only being social when I need to know how to obtain reward, I do spend a fair bit on PSN its for my own enjoyment though and im not peer pressured into playing that game, doing that reward, get on that leader board or buy that line of clothing, I do stuff when I want and with friends usually, Your completely Baron right its your choice and some of us make our own choices and others have they choices made for them, I suppose though spending your money on home and not on getting drunk or high with it is a positive.
The Midway is a good value because for $1 or 100yen you get 50 tickets. Using those tickets you can play many different mini games. Some based on luck, others on skill. Next to each game there is a disply not only showing the rewards you could win for the game but also in the order you can win them. Because of this, a smart player can pick and choose the mini games he plays while at the same time planning which rewards to get. It's the ideal way to do things, more companies should mimic the way the Midway does it. The current fad is to sell tickets in packs of 10. I shouldn't have to tell you 50 is bigger then 10, but it's more then that. If you consider the total number of different games you could play with those tickets, your odds of winning a reward, the total number of possible rewards, and having little or no idea what your reward would be... Midway is still the best value.