I have a code for the Nathan Drake Playstation Home outfit still. Let me clarify, even though i do everytime, that this code is for TRADE. It is not being given away. I traded the Killzone 3 Jetpack Code already so that's gone. If you are interested in TRADING for the Nathan Drake Outfit code, please message me on PSN. My psn id is a1_re4. Thanks! :batman:
I also have a Drake HOME avatar code that i'm selling for $20.00 but the difference is I want a $10.00 psn card & $10.00 lockwood gift, I am from U.S.A. (New York) so the code is a N.A. region code, you can send me a message here or on PSN, readytorelease is mine.
I guess that is when you know you can get them still, now they are limited and once they are done that is it you wont see them anymore so get it while you still can, make me a good offer I might come down if it sounds good.
Bump and first $20 PSN card offer takes the code. Message me on PSN if interested. My PSN is a1_re4. Thanks!
lol please stop bumping this thread to the top Edit -darn ive done it now Edit 2 - darn ive done it again Edit 3 - not again Edit 4 - lol