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Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by EvilFluffyBunny, Dec 12, 2011.

  1. EvilFluffyBunny

    Jan 21, 2011
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    I don't know why I decided to choose this topic, but I am going to go with the flow of things.

    We all know Home has rules, that all users must follow, because if we don’t, we could face the wicked punishment of the infamous ban hammer smacking us back into submission. But... How many of us have broken a rule in Home, maybe accidentally or maybe purposely? And then... How many of us would actually own up to it and share it publicly?

    People aren't perfect, we all have our moments. Like a moment of letting a swear slip out, then remembering it gets censored in Home, but hoping a Mod didn't notice and won't be using the ban hammer. Or maybe you had a moment of taking a walk on the wild side, by letting a swear out, but altering it so it won't be censored, but not caring if your dirty deed was noticed or not, because it felt good to live on the dark side. (Feel free to giggle, if you must. I know I did.) That’s just one example, though, and there are more rules than the language rule.


    Have you ever broken a rule in Home?
    If so, what rule did you break?
    Did you break the rule purposely or accidentally?
    Did you feel paranoid about a Mod seeing what happened and giving you a punishment?

    Feel free to tell all. :)
  2. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
    Valued Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    :lollipop3: :lollipop3: :lollipop3:
  3. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    There was a French speaking avatar, I was on dolphy race disc preparing to race a dolphy, as you may know once your up you cant leave disc otherwise you lose result, he decided to bug me, sitting on me at first , following me about, trying to insult me in french, of which I speak a little, just generally being a noob bothering me and my friends, the little French I know does extend to insults, it was one of those moments the red mist hit ( bad day ) so I told him to eat sh** in French but because I didnt put accents, it wasnt censored, then the race starts, as you may know you can see the whole disc when the race starts of course with my bubble saying eat sh** in French uncensored clearly across screen, get an email giving me a slapped wrist but no ban, probably because I was fighting back. I know I would never do anything to deserve a complete ban so bans dont bother me, if I commit a crime I got to do the time, even if your provoked its still a crime
  4. 155

    155 Member

    Dec 12, 2011
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  5. stevev363

    stevev363 Milkshake Maven XD

    May 2, 2011
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    I AM PERFECTION!!! :wink: But besides that I've never broken a rule except for having accounts in other countries but I've spent enough money in each of them that Sony will give me a lifetime pass on that. I don't curse or even elude to it in Public places and very rarely in personal spaces. And I'm always nice to everyone I come across showing respect and courtesy to those around me no matter where I am even if I don't receive it back. This weekend in JP Home I was hanging out with Mermaid KT in the new GAW fishing space when we were surrounded by Japanese users who were no doubt enthralled by the english speaking users in their midst but they were very courteous and genuinely nice the whole time, we both made friends and had a good time but most importantly everyone was nice and courteous to each other. The Japanese even carry decorum in the game world which is an example everyone should observe, now I know why so many American users seem to abandon the US Home for JP! In any case it's simple enough to show respect and courtesy to others and follow the rules, if not then hurry up and get banned so we don't have to deal with you anymore!:naughty:
  6. shizzoshizzo

    shizzoshizzo Baguette Master

    Aug 19, 2011
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    Ok, Ok, but before, let me call my lawyer and get that light out of my face! :D As far as I can, I try to not respond to provocation. Most of us use Home to have fun. Unfortunately, some use it to insult others or even to send reports against you (of course the last ones will remain hidden in public spaces).

    I had a friend who was extremely kind to everybody, inviting people to his personal spaces to make them earn rewards, giving lots of tips, etc. One day, I received a friend request. It was him via another account, telling me he got banned after someone sent a report. He wasn’t even angry, just sad because he had lost his 40 or so platinum trophies. Then he started again some of his games but a few weeks later he just gave up...

    This happened quite early in my Home journey. So I won’t say that I feel paranoid about moderators but when I get involved in a fight (which happened only very few times!) I do my best to keep my language “clean”. Sometimes it’s everything but an easy challenge. However, my friend’s bad experience taught me that you might not be given the chance to defend yourself with regards to what you said. Words fly away, writings remain ;) Until now I had no problem and I’ll do everything to keep it that way!

    Alright, my lawyer says I can confess the following: one day I was talking to a friend and for fun we repeated the “Hello” bubble text like 50 or 60 times. To defend myself, I didn’t know about this rule, and I was young... Well, maybe 3-4 months younger than today ^^
  7. Kimilicious

    Kimilicious Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2011
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    If Glitching Is A Rule In Home .. Then I Definitely Broke That Rule :p .. I Remember Glitching Onto The Pond During The Halloween Time, Standing In The Bulls Eye In The Plaza When Midway Was In The Plaza, Good Ol Plaza Benches And I Won't Say Anymore .. Heh ;D

    LoL I Did It On Purpose But I Did It When No One Was Playing The Games Or When They Were Broken :) .. The Benches Was Total Accident .. Bwahahaha :eek:

    I Haven't Been Punished Yet But I Have Been Around A Mod When They Do Punish Others .. You Notice The White Flashing In The Chat Log .. Someones Definitely In Trouble!

    Overall .. I Haven't Done Anything Bad .. Aside From Running My Strip Club .. Nope Nothing Bad At All :)

    I Am Totally 110% Innocent.
  8. phxcreati0n

    Dec 10, 2011
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    someone said they censored me earlier but i wasn't trying to be rude/crude.. but it was a reminder that it is an open chat with no age limit so.. now i know. and knowing well.. now i know
  9. Coopertroopa

    Coopertroopa Master of the Universe

    Jan 28, 2011
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    LMFBO!!! :right:
  10. Dante

    Dante Active Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    I'm innocent :innocent: never did anything bad :redface:
  11. Baron_Brain

    Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
    Valued Member

    Jan 22, 2011
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    Let's take a look here…

    Terms Of Service and User Agreement


    14. .You must not provide us or any third party company with false or
    inaccurate information, including reporting false complaints to our customer services or providing false or inaccurate information during account registration.


    Yeah right… :whistling: I am
    soooooooo sure most YPSH members have never purposely broken this one specific Home rule. Especially whenever they're visiting a different Home region. Uh-huh, sure… this would never happen…
  12. shaunm2

    shaunm2 Member

    Jun 3, 2011
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    Seeing as how I never actually read the rules, I just clicked on everything to hurry it up, I can't exactly break the rules if I don't know what they are lol.
  13. theWook

    theWook Member

    Feb 2, 2011
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    Sounds like maybe I should expand my law practice to include "Home Criminal Defense Representation". Kinda has a nice ring to it. :thumbup1:
  14. martinsonj

    martinsonj Active Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    Heh heh, looks like I'm the only one in two regions that who didn't break this rule.

    Also to the user above, I don't think anyone is going to leave NA for JP. Sure a user can use both. And while my wife and I are on JP a lot more... it still has long way to go before it could rival NA.

    One last thing, while a lot of Japanese are nice and polite, not all of them are. People are people. Some are good, some are bad, etc. etc. I'm just trying to tell you that sure it's possible that you had fun with a group of Japanese in that space. While on the flip side, it's also possible that they were having fun at your expense. You didn't say how much (or how little) Japanese you know, so I can't say anything more about this.

    On topic, I never broke any rules. I normally keep to myself on both NA and JP. Same goes for my wife.

    Although... I think I came close one time. My wife was on NA while I was sitting next to her on the sofa. After the third loser trying to hit on her, she got a little pissed. (This was before you could block randoms.) I told her to hand me the controller and I typed in a swear word... but then I thought about it for a second, backspaced, and wrote something much more tame.
    Then I handed her back the controller and she when on about her merry way.

    Although I doubt any of the users here are that stupid, I'll say it anyways. Don't try to hit on female avaters in home. First, it's just lame. And second, even if you can view the user's real personal info, there is no way of knowing who is holding the controller. And third, when you have the grammer of a retarded ten year old, don't be shocked when people ignore you. Geez
  15. EvilFluffyBunny

    Jan 21, 2011
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    I have enjoyed reading all of these replies. Especially the amusing ones. However, I am going to have to plead the 5TH, on this one. Lol. Jk.

    Well... I admit, I have my moments of being naughty on Home.

    1. During regular conversation with friends, I'm sure I've let a swear or two slip out or have said it purposely. I try to stick to hell and damn, but I'm sure I haven't always done that.

    2. As for my behavior towards others... I'm nice as long as the person is being nice to me and nice to others. When someone starts getting nasty, I tend to like it when they focus their insults on me, which I counter with smart remarks, that lead them to being confused and eventually leaving, because they give up. If I do toss an insult at them, I don't swear at them, nor do I try to directly call them a name, like moron.

    3. I am guilty of not putting in my correct information on my accounts, that are for the EU and JP regions. It's kind of hard to, being that I don't live in, either. However, I think Sony understands that I mean no harm and just like to escape NA from time to time.

    PS: Dante is guilty, all of the time.
  16. EvilFluffyBunny

    Jan 21, 2011
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    I'll be your first client. :)
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