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Home 1.60 patch

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by HOPPER_34, Dec 7, 2011.

  1. Pendrake

    Pendrake Active Member

    May 27, 2011
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    This concerned me too, as I'm currently decorating that one. I've fixed it though.

    Get a Sodium telepad and use the snap to spawn feature to cycle till you get the upstairs room beside the trapdoor. Place it. Put a chair beyond the first locked gate. Choose to sit on the chair and you are through. Open the two gates whose hidden switches you now have access to. Go, upstairs. You are now at a door locked from the far side. Place a chair beyond it and sit. Now activate the switch to unlock the door you just glitched through. Interact with the telepad. Thankfully (phew!) the second pad defaults to the downstairs room. This is essential as it can't snap to spawn. Place the second pad in the corner behind your front door. Sorted.

    That may sound elaborate, but consider the following: the second pad can't snap to spawn, the stairs are too narrow to get a pad up, the ceiling hatch is too narrow too. So, this was the only way I could open up the whole apartment again. If you don't have telepads you're screwed, but it was looking doubtful even with telepads. I was relieved when that second pad appeared downstairs! :)

    Hope it helps.
  2. jonaso94

    jonaso94 Active Member

    Apr 17, 2011
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    So I've noticed that the new Lockwood Showcase has had some problems with the new rewards and all. I'm assuming that the patch is at least partially responsible for this, because the patch was the reason for the issues with Aurora and the Sodium One Multiplayer. I now what to do; clear cache so that Home reboots, but I have the slowest internet on the planet, so it'll take some time.
  3. jonaso94

    jonaso94 Active Member

    Apr 17, 2011
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    Yeah, that didn't work, still missing two rewards, and since the rewards list isn't updated with these items, I guess I'm not the only one having issues with the space.
  4. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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    The balloon reward from the showcase won't be available until the runway doors open. And as the space is currently on a 5 day reward cycle, I don't think the mystery reward will be available until the 25th Dec.
  5. MsLiZaChan

    MsLiZaChan Active Member

    Jan 7, 2011
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    You can also place both telepads in an accessible spot (side-by-side if you like) and then move Pad A wherever you like using the L or R arrow keys. I used this method to place a pad on an apartment roof the other day.

    Prior to the update, I had always placed Pad A on the roof first, then remote-selected it to activate Pad B to place it inside. Obviously, you can't select it from inside the apartment anymore but you can glitch Pad A outside after placing Pad B in the apartment.

    I hope that's not too confusing. I'm not familiar with the specifics of that apartment but this method might be useful in general.
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