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Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by kwoman32, Jan 8, 2011.

  1. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    ...ah that's easy enough then lol Nice going Recca.
  2. hyperkane

    hyperkane mm (©_©) mm

    Jan 14, 2011
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    I am. For about a week and a half. Also, I have the error message in the middle of the screen. I missed last weeks issue for the first time in two years. I deleted the "game" this morning and reloaded, did not help. I deleted both save files separately, no help. I give up on Toro Station Weekly. ::p: :crybaby:
  3. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Not sure how long you guys waited, but it is said that the initial loading after downloading the new update will take up about a minute.
  4. martinsonj

    martinsonj Active Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    Yes it's 'kappa'. I'm not allowed to make typos? lol

    If you run out of free bait, you will be kicked from the game. When you try again you should have 10 free bait again.
    I have a lot of kappa in my space as well as one or two dogs.

    It seems that you can keep some of the things you catch; but not all of them. I cought the alien at least 3 times but he's not in my apartment.

    The tickets allow you to preview the two fishing rods. However, if you already bought the rod, and then you get the ticket.. you just wasted 5 points. As the ticket(s) have no effect if you already own the rod(s).

    Like I said before I got all the rewards other then the female kappa. Although I really wonder if I can unlock more buy-able items now.. or well more items be made available in the next Home update.

    As for the Oh Edo game, it's really a matter of your personal skill level. The better you are at the game, the less money you'll need to spend on gear. If you are having problems, and don't own the personal space, then I'd buy it. I think it's 500 yen. And a good sword is about 300 yen I think. And then, spend as much (or as little) on armor as you like.

    The thing is, even with the newest version of the level, the game is still easy. The only enemy that is remotely hard is the red oni. But all other enemies can be killed (even the big guys) without taking damage. Wait until an enemy attacks and then run up to it and hit it a few times, back off, wait for it to attack again, etc etc. Now how long this takes depends on the power of your sword and if you are wearing armor that gives attack bonuses or not.

    As for the red oni, if you defence is good enough, let him charge you while you block. When he comes to a stop hit him a few times, then block. However because he is so powerful, you take damage even when blocking. If your armor rating his low, he could kill you while you are blocking. Anyways, this works.

    Another way to deal with the red oni is take fake him out. Let him do his charge attack and try to lead him into an area that doesn't (or no longer) has a big oni around. If you did it right, the red oni will stand there looking dumb while you go about killing his buddies.

    Hmm.. that was a bit off topic, but if it helps someone then I guess that's good.
  5. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Yeah, I've downloaded the update and I was patient, and it came up fine. I still view Toro Station normally, except now every time it loads, it tells me if the PS Vita is not on, and we all know the PS Vita here doesn't come until February 22nd (my birthday, btw) - yes, you can view Toro Station through the PS Vita by way of your JP account.
  6. hyperkane

    hyperkane mm (©_©) mm

    Jan 14, 2011
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    10 minutes (several times) while washing dishes. etc. Thanks, it OK. ::p:
  7. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    I have already asked a couple of friends about this, but thought I would ask here also to get a general consensus if I can. I don't have a lot of yen to spend but if I do buy a rod for the new fishing game, which one is best for accumulating points towards rewards over the long run? I don't care as much about filling my dojo, but would like to catch something more than 1 pointers most of the time.

    It sounded to me like the blue stun rod is better for big catches, the spiked black rod is better for small stuff and the upgraded lure is easier to see and attracts better catches? That sound right? Thx for help from friends I've already asked and for anything anyone can offer here.
  8. maxbrat

    maxbrat Love Weasel
    Valued Member

    Jan 4, 2011
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    I had something new happen to me during the fishing game tonight. After I caught an XL dog a window popped up with a list of different creatures I caught and it had a countdown in the corner of 60 seconds. I had to choose one of them then it asked me a question to which I had to answer "yes" or "no" to. Has anyone else seen this and do any of you know what it is? It didn't seem to change anything in my dojo but maybe I didn't choose the right thing to effect anything.
  9. martinsonj

    martinsonj Active Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    Well, like I said before the differance between the two rods is that the spike rod gives you 2 stuns and a large circular pattern, while the blue rod gives you 3 stuns and a very tight circular pattern (even tighter then the free rod I think). I think this pattern effects the odds of you trying to pull up a monster before it's HP is zero. The closer to the center you are, the better your odds.

    However, unless you are -just- about to run out of time, I wouldn't trying pulling up unless it's HP is at or very very close to zero. That way you're sure to get it.

    For me I got the spike rod and the lure right off the bat. The spike rod is much better then the free rod, however when I used the ticket for the blue rod, for a moment, I thought that one was better.. and that I made a mistake. (I thought about buying the blue rod after using it via the ticket.)

    However, since you can pull from anywhere as long as it's HP is zero, the circular pattern is a non issue. Then the only real differance is that the blue rod gives you 1 more stun then the spike rod. So.. if you don't have either, it would be smart to get the blue rod. But the truth of the matter is, if you follow my advice of waiting until the monster's HP is about 1/3 before using a stun, you can get any monster with two stuns. So the extra stun that the blue rod gives is a non issue as well.

    The rods don't effect which monsters you get, thats the bait's job. My wife mumbled something about the lure giving you more time on the clock. If thats true, you may need it for some of the more troublesome monsters, such as the alien. But you should just buy a rod for now and see how that goes. Hope that answers your questions.

    p.s. You should always hold the analog stick in the opposite direction the monster wants to go, even when a monster jumps out of the water. When you use a stun, move the mosnter to the center of the circle. (Since you don't know which direction the monster will want to move when it breaks free from the stun.)

    p.p.s That menu asks what monster you want to get rid of to make room for the one you just got. The monsters shown on the list should be the same one in your personal space.
  10. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    It actually tells you what yokai do you want to swap in your dojo. You can only hold up to 8 creatures that are either XL or XXL.
  11. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Thx you much martin--sorry, I thought you posted a lot of that same info before so I should have looked back in the thread more but I didn't, because.........well no excuses, I just didn't lol That's why we need to keep making separate threads just for these harder to understand JP games--could just have all this info condensed into one happy little new thread for quicker reference....and avoid a lot of repeat info. and questions from knotheads like me. Did someone already suggest that at some point? Just doooo it ::p:

    Thx again--that will help a lot.
  12. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    The difference between the 3 rods are:
    ハガネの竿(hagane, the spiked illustrated one): Bigger middle circular, stronger pulling, 2 stun
    はやぶさの竿(hayabusa, the one with 2 pointing):Medium middle circular, medium pulling, 3 stun, faster waiting time between hits
    竹竿(take, bamboo):Default circular and pulling, 1 stun

    So typically, if your going against the XL and XXL, the hagane seems to be recommended. For those that just want to catch in numbers for points, then the hayabusa.
  13. hyperkane

    hyperkane mm (©_©) mm

    Jan 14, 2011
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    I think their HP is reduced faster the closer you keep them to the center circle? :wacko:

    Haven't successfully bought any rods, lures, etc. But I just caught a record size and record weight
    Lion/Dog XXL with the free equipment. My trophy icon is now gray. :confused: (rare/lucky?)
  14. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Yes, it reduces faster if you are closer to the middle.

    Are you talking about the trophy icon? I think it upgrades to silver/gold depending on either points you get or how large you get.
  15. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Wow--nice kane. I've had one of lion things hooked with free stuff, but couldn't even come close to actually bringing it in before time ran out. So you have caught XL aliens and now XXL lion? Now I'm really baffled--I assumed it wasn't even possible to bring those in with the bamboo rod. Another friend told me earlier that her friend has 2000 pts. saved up by using just the free stuff! How in the world? That's pretty much 1 point at a time for me...with the occasional 8-12 pointer.
  16. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    New bait coming this week and it should be for the dragon.
  17. stevev363

    stevev363 Milkshake Maven XD

    May 2, 2011
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    I was looking at the GAW website today and they have a pic of a cherry blossom tree in the Dojo, I hope that's a prize! :wub:
  18. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    I found out that I've unearthed 3 different dinosaur fossils in the new fossil area - one I couldn't describe, the other two are the T-Rex and the Triceratops. If you look closely to the descriptions of each, it'll show you numbers of each of the dinosaur pieces you need to collect to make it full. So, let's say if you collected the mammoth's tusks and you read the description carefully, you will see numbers. The first number represents the total piece collection while the other list the piece number from that collection. So, if the mammoth has 5 pieces, and the tusks are the first part of it, it'll read 5 (japanese text) 1.

    This will help you a lot if you're collecting pieces for a certain dinosaur.

    So far, I've collected 5 rewards from the new area, and one of them being the the triceratops skull. Great find! Total fossils: 68/100(?)
  19. martinsonj

    martinsonj Active Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    Again, there is no reason to buy both rods. The bait determines which types of monsters that could appear. You can catch all sizes with either rod. The pattern and the pull strength are meaningless if you wait until the monster's HP is zero before pulling.
  20. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Although it's not needed to buy both, each rod has their advantages. One rod is easier to catch on bigger ones (for those that might not be good in this game), the other can catch more in less time (less wait = more catches = more points, and also for those that uses the free bait). Really goes with personal taste and preference, but I do hear from a few that only bought the hayabusa that they should have went with the hagane to catch the bigger ones.

    Also the free bait still can catch all monsters. Their appearance is just "very" rare compared to the paid baits. (Dragon is the exception though, since you can't catch it until after the update this week.)

    Anyway, for those that are wondering which to buy, try the trial ones that you can trade with points, buy some bait, and see which you like. (don't use the free bait, it's less likely you'll be able to catch and demonstrate it with the bigger ones. You can only trade the trial rods once, so it's only 5 tries for each. don't waste it)
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