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[ Suspension, To Harsh? ] What Do You Think?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by TJMVoyager, Nov 22, 2011.

  1. TJMVoyager

    TJMVoyager Member

    May 31, 2011
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    Well sence the lovely folks at PS forums decided to lock my thread and add their own rules while not posting the I decided I am no longer going to post on their anymore. It seems to me that Sony MODs are nothing but power tripping. Seems I touched a nerve and they didn't like it.

    So posting on these lovely forums because I just want to hear what others think about this.

    On Oct 2nd I receive an e-mail stating warning of possible of being suspended for Verbal Abuse/Texting. As I continue using my PS3 and going about my business on Fri Oct 18th I all of a sudden out of no where get knocked off the entire network. Try logging back on and says your account was suspended / banned off playstation network.

    This apparently happened on home, spamming the word Goodbye 11 times. While this was wrong I feel that I was violated and mistreated by both parties of Sony and the people that created them on home. My main concern is not getting banned but the fact of the matter is, Sony PS Home needs to implement a Spam filter and/or flood protection.
    Everyday we have to deal with young under age minors, not just 1 or 2 but a group of them sexually harassing us, cursing, and receiving private pm's. This get very annoying and frustrating to deal with everyday, and exhausting. The report system don't work and needs to be a better way of handling it.

    I spend all my time reporting them, and not enough time with my friends. So okay, I get upset, and I spam goodbye 11 times? What's worse? Sexual Harassing someone? Or Spamming?

    This could all be prevented, if Sony handled it better. To sit there and put a blame on someone for spamming, and you'd think that Sony would worry about the real issues rather then suspending someone for spamming.

    I have bought a lot of games, a lot of stuff on PS Home, and I feel backstabbed by Sony for something that's so minor when better things could have been done to prevent this.

    PS Home support hasn't fixed my issues I am having with Home, my account almost got hacked because of the outage which Sony promised us we were protected, thus my personal data. But yet we stand here suspending people for spamming.

    The only way to combat this and to stop it, is to add filters/spam protection, and flood prevention.
    As a long time supporter of PS and PS Home, I feel as if I am being picked on and/or singled out. It's like twisting a knife in my back and twisting it slowly. To top it all off, I had/have no defense.

    Apparently Sony would rather lose consumers due to poor moves such as this then to have our support.
  2. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    The text abuse one is over the top in my personal view, have been banned myself for it in EU Home and when i got someone to look into it, it turns out i had not even done anything wrong.

    I think one the main problems is, there is people in Home that go around trying to find problems and act as mini mod's and report people, problem is some times it will be mates joking about and that person reports them, in text on a pc back in the Mods room it looks like abuse so they act on it.

    Flood limits would not only cut down problems with spam but also free up time for mods to deal with bigger problems within Home.
  3. julie_love

    julie_love Active Member

    May 1, 2011
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    For the record most of the people that post here also post to the ps forum. You really should call Sony and have them look into it, it might have been a mistake as Carla pointed out.
  4. TJMVoyager

    TJMVoyager Member

    May 31, 2011
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    I agree with this, you know what I mean, :) This is why I posted an older thread about I think Sony needs 24/7 MODs on their, but they fail to listen to the facts and ignore whats good. They want to do stuff their way, and not to mention stuff still to date is broken and I got a sence of feeling it wont be fixed.

    This is why I have giving up posting on their forums and even bothering tech support, because it's pointless to even deal with them.
  5. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Thing is Sony already do far more than they legally have to do in terms of mod power for Home. Home basically is 24/7, why it might not be a mod on 24/7 all reported do get looked at.

    The mod's do a good job for the most part and it can be hard work and sometimes how you read things in text can look far more bad than if it was talked words because text has no feelings be hide it so you can not tell in what type of matter its being typed in.
  6. roblovesjune

    Nov 8, 2011
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    2 words ....I AGREE!!!!!
  7. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    "...if Sony handled it better"

    I think that pretty much describes many of our dealings with Home's staff. Sony's staff make plenty of mistakes. Part of it is due too a lack of personnel, they are very understaffed. But then they can be defensive about mistakes, handle mistakes badly many times, and like to be secretive and not communicate. it's often VERY frustrating.

    That being said, you did admit you did something annoying. And The mildest punishment they have is a ban hammer. And that's what happened.

    I dont think you have much to worry about. Its frustrating. But You will be reinstated soon. A punishment for this won't last long. And a few days without PSN on one account will pass before you know it.
  8. TJMVoyager

    TJMVoyager Member

    May 31, 2011
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    What bothers me, is not being banned, but where is my defense, it's as if I am not able to defend myself, and as I pointed out, far worse things going on home.
  9. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    For Christmas two years ago, they miss-processed many of the credit card transactions on Christmas eve. So even if you had used the same card all year, if there was a typo, or other small error, their server processed you and labeled you as credit card fraud, black listed you and yor machine, and your whole machine was permanently blocked forever!

    That was my Christmas gift from Sony two years ago. Course they werent very quick to my many phone calls to fix that. Took a week plus.

    Frustration with Sony is something we just have to live with....
  10. the_fps

    the_fps Active Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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    Another solution to keep most people from spamming would be to get rid of the quick chat buttons. The amount of time I use them is minimal. They could even change most of them to status updates instead. Things like "I dont have a keyboard" are better off as status over your avatar anyway.

    As for getting banned, that seems really harsh...had your account been suspended for this before? It seems crazy to ban an account, especially if one has spent a lot of money buying avatar/personal space customizations, for just spamming "goodbye".
  11. Scotish-Heritage

    Dec 14, 2010
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    hmm, im going through the same bs with Sony. no chance at defense, no chance at giving an explanation. doubt the 'mods' read through the log to see wtf is really going on. on Thurs Oct 27 i was telling a pervert to scram with 'goodbye' and some jerk piped up and said "Spamming will get you banned", theres an 'ignore' button for a reason, he shouldve used it instead of reporting me for something lame. i got 30 days for it too :thumbdown:
  12. crow6828

    crow6828 i'm not crazy really

    Jan 5, 2011
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    wow to me it is crazy to see people getting banned for spamming when i see others in home all the time spamming. that is like the other night i was playing porker and one person at the table was spamming the whole time he/she was at that table lol. with all the other offencive things people have said you would think spamming would be the least of there worries.
  13. Kitty_Pyra

    Kitty_Pyra Active Member

    Dec 31, 2010
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    Read the OP post again...

    They say 'apparently' twice in the post. The OP post admits to not trying to confirm why the ban actually happened they are only taking a guess at why it happened.

    Keep in mind spamming is just as bad an offense because in public spaces spamming the same dialog multiple times can interput multiple chats depending on the location of the spammer in question.

    If the OP post was seriously upset regarding the ban they would confirm the reason for the 'final' decision for the temp ban and not go with the initial 'you maybe' communication.

    As it is there appears to be alot being left out of the original post...
  14. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    Just need the second life type of ignore function which turns the offender into a silent grey shadow, which then blocks any attempt for them to contact you, then all the mods have to stop is people ruining games by glitching
  15. TJMVoyager

    TJMVoyager Member

    May 31, 2011
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    That's just it, I spend alot of money on home and buy stuff from the PS store, and to be banned for spamming does seem harsh considering there are far worse things going on in home. I am not mad at the fact I got suspended for spamming but more upset at the fact the Sony handles it. For the reason being, filters that protect text flooding, and better ways to deal with it.

    Thus is why a few days ago I wanted to point out what I thought was a good idea, to have some type of 24/7 MOD(s) on home to monitor whats going on and give out warnings to those abusing it. If paying or volunteering people to do as such.

    I think we can all agree that the report system isn't perfect, but it's all we got, but with that said, I think I should as a user have the right to defend myself as well. 2 days don't bother me it's nothing, but for this, and for it to stay on my record, thats wrong I feel.
  16. Kindle

    Kindle Senior Horde

    Jan 17, 2011
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    ^^ This! ^^

    heck yeah this method would actually work. The harasser would be reduced back to the ghost state for the remainder of his time in that space, and because everyone is ignoring his nonexistent abuse he's soon give up and leave. muahuaha :kicking:
  17. crow6828

    crow6828 i'm not crazy really

    Jan 5, 2011
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    rofl kindle yea that would work and would like to see it myself :). the only problems i could see with it is during games like poker and if it is tied in with the block user function what you would do once you reach the limit.
  18. TJMVoyager

    TJMVoyager Member

    May 31, 2011
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    I like the idea of the quick chat being completely taken out of the menu system.
  19. don99913

    don99913 Member
    Valued Member

    May 2, 2011
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    I find it incredibly annoying when people fill the sky with speech bubbles of the same word. Just because others do worse things I dont think is any reason to expect sympathy at least from me. Two wrongs dont make a right. So man-up put the dunce cap on and go sit in the corner of your room and repeat after me 1000 times "I have learned my lesson and will no longer type "goodbye" 11 times because it is very annoying to others".
  20. Shaundi

    Shaundi Third Street Saints
    Valued Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    oh the irony ;D
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