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JP Japan Home Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by kwoman32, Jan 8, 2011.

  1. Tarazuma

    Tarazuma Member

    Jul 17, 2011
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    Yes it is possible to save them, I still have some I haven't used yet for days and they are still there lol
  2. stevev363

    stevev363 Milkshake Maven XD

    May 2, 2011
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    Do you know if clothing makes a difference? did the wedding wear increase the stat's?
  3. stevev363

    stevev363 Milkshake Maven XD

    May 2, 2011
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    Evangelion avatars are in the store, 600 yen. very nice.:bigsmile:
  4. martinsonj

    martinsonj Active Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    This is very good info. I bought the 'devil pick' and the 'crystal shovel' (not real names) plus all of the charms and the personal space. I am able to get 2 rocks each game. (Use the pick two times in a row, then shovel once. It seems like you have up to 6 chances to use a tool, with the rope breaking on the 7th turn.)

    Now I have been playing for a while so I have a ton of different of fossils, however after buying the new tools and charms I was pissed at getting all repeats.. with most being normal looking rocks. Thinking back, it was the guy that I gave them to.

    I'm going to try waiting for the girl to show and see how that goes.

    p.s. I think that 3rd stat is rarity. I'm guess there are rewards you can only get by using tools with this stat, but I could be wrong. It could just boost your chances of getting something good.. if you give the rocks to the girl I guess.
  5. Tarazuma

    Tarazuma Member

    Jul 17, 2011
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    Oh ok, well I hope the effect accumulates then, because I have all 3 tags and all of the "evil" tools.

    Also the rope dosen't seem to break after 7 turns, it depends on the stats of the tool. For example, I used the new brush well over 7 times i beleive. I also tried different combinations. Using the pick, chisel, then shovel, I can get 3 rocks per game. I also tried using stuff like jackhammer then chisel, but I can only get 2 rocks that way, since you have to use the first 3 tools to even make the jackhammer and brush avilable :/
  6. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Okay, let me get this straight: Did you buy the 200 and the 300 yen mining tools, or just the 300 yen ones that'll give you 6 more fossil rocks?
  7. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    *FF starts singing*

    "zankoku na tenshi no you ni
    shounen yo shinwa ni nare!!!!!"
  8. martinsonj

    martinsonj Active Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    Very interesting.... but I am not sure I want to fork out another $300 for a new tool. I don't even want to think how much I spent on them already.

    Also, I don't like how the wedding and school unifroms have stats. The only reason I bought them is because I thought they would be used in an upcoming mini game. (And yes I tried killing oni in a wedding dress... lol)

    But back on topic, did anyone else notice there is a 3rd digging spot in that space? It's new, and currently roped off. But if it opens after this next update, that would be 3 different places to get rocks. Which would be nice.

    Arg... what if the digging spot effects what rewards you could get? That would be so evil..

    p.s. The old Neo Gen tv show and movies were okay. But the new movies are so much better. You should seek them out if you haven't already. Not only does it have better animation, but they changed the story in a way to remove most of the glaring plot holes the older version had.

    Although this Neo Gen campaign on Home (based on the images in the background) is based on the older tv show... which is kinda silly if you ask me.
  9. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    I'm not an Eva fan so I could be wrong, but I think the background is from the movie.
  10. Tarazuma

    Tarazuma Member

    Jul 17, 2011
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    Just the 300 yen tools, they have better stats then the 200 yen one, so no point in getting the 200 yen ones lol.
  11. martinsonj

    martinsonj Active Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    There are a few scenes shown that don't happen in the new Neo Gen movies, but are shown in the tv series and reappear in the older movies. Another fact is the lower quantity of the images. Here is a link to info on the new movies I'm talking about; Rebuild of Evangelion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  12. Tarazuma

    Tarazuma Member

    Jul 17, 2011
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    OKAAAY, I awoke this morning to find granzella has implemented an incredibly dirty, rotten, underhanded double cross. It now seems impossible to get fossils in the main area with the free tools, or one at most. This would be fine if their aim was to get people to buy the tools, however....

    IT'S ONLY POSSIBLE TO GET ONE FOSSIL FROM THE FREE AREA NOW EVEN WITH THE 1500 YEN TOOL SET! I just spent 1500 yen on tools to get 6 fossils per day, and now I can only get 4?!?!?! These people are sadistic thieves. I am hereby boycotting Granzella purchases until this is fixed. They need to make it so the pay tools allow you to get more fossils even from the free area, or make it so apt owners get more fossils.

    Spread the word about this. If anyone hasn't bought the tools, don't buy them, it's no longer worth it. They really screwed the paying customers over with this cheap and sleazy move. I'm going to get my JP friends and JP spenders to boycott Granzella as well.
  13. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    your having a bad day at home arent you, granzella have been like it since day one, every move they have made is how to get the next bit of cash out of you, no one I know really hangs out at any of the granzella spaces anymore so havent seen the last few updates
  14. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    You're talking about the background used when you access the store to buy the Eva theme from PS Home right? Which scene is it?
  15. Kindle

    Kindle Senior Horde

    Jan 17, 2011
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    I use a combination of Pick-Pick-Shovel or Pick-Chisel-Shovel and then anything like the Brush several times (and not the Jackhammer). I've been assuming that the longer you take to carefully extricate the sample, the higher the chances it will be a good one.

    The pink Granzella girl with hibiscus in her hair was there this morning, at 4:30am PST, before the current downtime. I finally got a 2.5 star Popular Leaf fossil from her after a week of trying. The chunk I gave her was large, roundish and tan. She didn't give me anything useful for my second sample but maybe that's because it was oblong and greyish (which I presume means junk rock).

    Wonder what happens if I hold back all the "junk rock" and give it to her 5 in a row instead?

    I'm a little worried Tara when you say that she's only giving ONE fossil at a time from the free dig site.

    Interesting to find out what they are saying on the Japanese sites about this...
  16. Kindle

    Kindle Senior Horde

    Jan 17, 2011
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    Okay here we go from page 752 of the JP Home wiki on Granzella Fossil Dig:

    Small rock samples generally give results worth "x" to 2- stars, Medium samples give results that are 1+ to 3-, and Large samples provide 3 star fossils. Oversize rocks are 4 star mammoth fossils. The skill you use with the tools probably has an impact on the size of rock extricated, too.

    The two appraisers are known as "Shady New Guy" and "Mysterious Beauty". Mysterious Beauty only shows up on days ending with the number 7 so that means on the 7th, the 17th (like today), and the 27th day of the month.

    The bad news is that I suspect their dialogue with you has an impact with the fossil result you will get. I'm not sure about this, but when the appraiser gives you a choice to having your sample extricated or not, he/she may be saying something along the lines of:

    "Unfortunately I don't expect much from this..." 残念ながら期待出来そうにない気がするわ。
    "This is a decent one," そこそこのもののような気がするわ。
    "This is a bit better," 少しは良いもののような気がするわ。
    "I have a good feeling about this." これはかなり良いもののような気がするわ。

    Please excuse any bad translation above.

    So what I'd like to know is: Do they actually give some sort of hint before working on your sample? And if she actually says the part about "unfortunately..."
    should I go away and try again later the same day, or will that sample always be a junk artifact???
  17. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Okay, thanks a lot. I'll try and get those once I get more yen next time.

    How much is the Gundam UC episodes if I wanted to rent Episode 4 for a chance at the mac daddy Gundam reward?
  18. martinsonj

    martinsonj Active Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    Yes, I am talking about that background that many up of many different small images. I've seen all the Neo Gen tv eps and all of the movies currently out. I can tell you that all the images are taken from the tv show.

    Rebuild of Evangelion isn't just a condensed version of the tv shows, thats what the older movies were. These new movies are
    superior to the older movies and tv series in everyway. Which is why I said using older screen caps in their Neo Gen promotion is kinda silly.

    It's like Sony trying promote portable gaming while showing photos of a PSP1000, when they should be showing a Vita. They should put their best foot forward.

    Really, get your hands on Rebuild of Evangelion. You're understand the differance once you've seen it.
  19. martinsonj

    martinsonj Active Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    Disturbing news about the Granzella Fossil Dig... but I think you're right. Resently I have only be able to get one rock from the free area when I had always gotten 2. So they did make a change there.

    One thing I would like to point out is that when you dig the Japanese text is giving you vague hints. Until resently I have just done of 'pick, pick, shovel' move twice for two easy rocks... but thinking about they were almost always two small rocks. I think it would be best to follow the hints the game gives you while playing.. even if it would reduce the total number of rocks you could get. But... my Japanese reading skills aren't so hot.. so.. lol

    Anyways, I'll be hard pressed to buy any more tools (and you know they are going to make more, of course). On the other hand I have already gotten about 20 different rewards from the game (counting junk items). I think I will keep playing it, but no longer spend any more money on it.

    But like I said before, the 3rd digging site could make things a little more fair. I just have no idea when they will open it to the public.
  20. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    I think the background pics are the same with the ones shown here. If my memory serves correct, I believe this was from the ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版: 序 (Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone).
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