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item pack question

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by State Monkey, Nov 13, 2010.

  1. State Monkey

    State Monkey Junior Member

    Jul 15, 2010
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    Did any one else try buying the PS Home item packs?

    I bought the first pack from the PS store and was very happy with it - a nice selection of furniture, clothing, and a decent space to boot. All the items came through, no hitches.

    Then I bought the expert pack last week. I don't think I got all the items, specifically the clothing. I can't find a complete cardboard robot set and got a few odd pieces of clothing that don't seem to match anything else. There seems to be few (if any) female clothing, but that is hard to tell because of what I already own.

    Has anyone else had this problem? Should I write on the PS Home boards?

  2. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    With the update to 1.4 there has been confirmed reports of people having some items and rewards missing, so it could be linked to that. Personally i have never got any the PSN Store packs because they hold to many items i already own.
  3. strider367

    strider367 Active Member

    Nov 13, 2010
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    I posted this a couple of days ago. Where people were complaining about this pack. In playstation forum SCEA So here you go....

    I had the expert pack noticed it was missing outfit items listed throughout this thread. Contacted GlassWalls he told me to make a list and send it to him. So I carefully wrote the list out and sent it to him. He responded with this.

    Wow, that's an awesome reply. I'll submit this inquiry right now. Thanks so much!

    Weeks go by nothing[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif].[/FONT] [FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]F[/FONT]inally I'm reading a post of his. He's saying contact customer support for missing items. I message him again he tells me to do that. That they will send a voucher or something for the missing items. I did, then I get this;

    Thank you for writing us.
    We submitted a refund request which can take up to 48 hours to process.
    We are not sure why the items did not work in your account.

    The expert pack is gone I get a refund. I ask them why couldn't you just make this right. Explaining to them this makes no business sense. Pointing out for an example 100,000 people buy this pack.10,000 people complain about the missing items thats a $149,900 in lost revenue. No answer.

    So I said OK. I then started submitting complaints on a whole slew of mis-sized all around bad items. That NA Home has been ignoring me about for weeks. They refunded everything except the HD TV and the the TV stand lol. The one I got was doll house sized. I should have submitted the Bioshock furniture. Seven of the eleven Bioshock furniture items. Have been incorrectly listed as active furniture. See this thread of mine for more details of my journey trying to get a fix for this problem.

    So I hope you follow my example. They want to sell bad items. Then make them pay you back for it. They love saying no refunds its in the EULA etc. Not really true when they do something like this. Is like an employer who hires you as a hourly employee. Then makes you sign a contract saying you will never get paid overtime. There is a problem with that. Because State and Federal laws say. You must pay overtime. So that contract means nothing. Same with the EULA there are consumer laws on the books. You can not force people to keep defective items. You have to make it right. (Before people start claiming otherwise. Farm and salary employee's are not entitled to receive overtime)

    My biggest problem with Home is they refuse to fix anything. No matter how ridiculous the problem is. So you be the judge...

    Edit note; I received around $30 in refunds. I then put the money right back into Home. Buying items I seen before getting them.
    An educated consumer is our best customer. Who knows where that came from....
  4. strider367

    strider367 Active Member

    Nov 13, 2010
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  5. State Monkey

    State Monkey Junior Member

    Jul 15, 2010
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    Thanks for the info, I will look more into it on the forums.

    I think I will have to start passing up on any packs in the future. I have bought enough items on my own that once I buy a pack the odds of having a "repeat" item are very high now.

    But when I first started, the Beginners pack was worth it to me and got me hooked to the system. I still recommend it to any beginner. Just be sure you don't already have the stuff, or find the collection unappealing to you.
  6. Kassadee Marie

    Feb 9, 2011
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    Expert Pack

    I also bought this pack and had missing items. Sony said me a code BUT when I used it, I did not get all 10 items they said I was missing. Any ideas?
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