this hasn't been posted here yet so... there are 10 free items hidden in home. *spoiler* they are located in COSTUMES - MALE - A-Z - at the bottom there is a free tab that contains 10 free items that look like they are from threads. 3 male items, 2 shirts 1 pair of plain shoes. and women 7, with shoes some shirts and a hat that look like a dead octopus that had its tentacles chopped of. i forgot the names of the items but you can get them and see. *UPDATE* there are new free items under THREADS - FEMALE - AZ - at the bottom in the free tab
Thanks Iced- Tea i got them ... weird that they add free female cloths under male icons, i bet many female users wouldn't notice it unless they use both male and female cloths :dozingoff:
Firefly meant that we're on the fourth installment of the Home staff putting up a group of 10 random items for free and hiding them in somewhat inconspicuous places where nobody would think to look for them. Nobody (maybe not even the staff) knows how long they're going to be doing this for.
I dont see the furniture items there anymore,, i guess theres 10 new somewhere else right? Are they only in the stores in the mall or also all around pshome,,?
No, the ones in Furniture are still there, I'm looking at it now. Remember you have to go to the right place: Furniture > A - Z > Home Originals (first option) > Value Packs (the cube, first option) > FREE! Also, most likely they will only appear in stores managed by SCE (Threads, Costumes, Estates, Exclusives, etc.) and not the ones by Lockwood or Loot or anything.
It's Thursday again, and with the update the pack of 10 free items, as well as their location, has changed. This time you can find it: Threads > A - Z > Male > Home Originals > FREE! This week we have matching sets of Track Jackets and Pants in three shades (Black, Blue, and Red) for guys, and for the ladies they're letting us have the Vintage Reporter's Jacket and Skirt, as well as White Shades and White Short Heels (which all looks surprisingly good together).