I'm still unable to access any Sodium stuff. Salt Shooter (public and private), Blaster's Paradise and Sodium 2 never fully load for me. At least there are others in the same boat and official replies on the EU forums. The double rewards would have been nice though.
Won all level 1 - 5 demo and then do clear cache and poof! All of my level 1 - 5 + entering the SodiumOne Public space rewards gone from my inventory and my PDA. How weird can that be? Has that ever happened to anyone?
I noticed the new Frogger reward from Konami had disappeared from the shelf where it had been placed and from my inventory yesterday. I returned to the Konami space and the "You have received a new item" message appeared again. It was indeed the frog statue. When I returned to my personal space to place the item back on the shelf, it was already there right where it had been. I'll have to check a different space for the Sodium rewards. Home's reward system has definitely been messed up lately.
lost sodium one rewards got the fabled coat from cinema instead instead, someone I know lost they go fish aquarium in EU, problem is most of us have got too much to notice everything that we might be missing, need to have delete item or gift item function so I could give away or delete all the stuff I dont use